The rest of the days, Jin Wang confined Ye Shu in his bedchamber to recuperate.

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…Goddamn recuperate.

He had just stood for a few hours. His muscles indeed ached and would obviously get better in a day or two, but Jin Wang acted as if he was seriously hurt. For several days in succession, he wouldn’t allow him to leave the bed, carrying him personally everywhere he went.

The intimacy made Ye Shu ill at ease.

“Where do you think you’re going again?” Before Ye Shu’s feet could touch the ground, Jin Wang immediately looked up from the memorial.

Ye Shu paused and subconsciously felt somewhat diffident, but soon came back to his senses. He boldly said, “I want to take a bath before I sleep.”

Jin Wang put down the memorial, got up and walked towards Ye Shu.

Ye Shu backed away as though confronted by a formidable enemy. “What are you going to do?”

“Carry you to the pool.”

“……” Ye Shu angrily said, “I’ve been able to walk again for a long time now!”

Jin Wang ignored him and directly picked him up. Ye Shu tried his best to struggle, but the latter gently pinched his lower back, and he suddenly felt as if an electric shock coursed through his entire body; even his spinal cord tingled and went numb.

His body was a million times more sensitive these days than it used to be. He was most afraid of Jin Wang using this approach on him.

Ye Shu stopped moving and obediently let Jin Wang carry him to the pool.

The hot spring water disembogued into the pool from the tap above. Jin Wang placed Ye Shu by the pool and reached out to untie his clothes.

Ye Shu clutched the front of his clothes. “I have always been able to do this by myself.”

Jin Wang’s hand paused and he took a half step back.

Ye Shu, not fearing being looked at by him, undid his robe and mumbled, “I’m not so delicate. When you do this, you always make me feel like I can’t walk or something.”

Jin Wang keenly noticed the phrasing in his words and frowned. “Even now?”

Ye Shu, “…It’s nothing.”

Jin Wang wanted to ask again, but Ye Shu waved his hand. “Get out, quick. I’m going to bathe.”

“Then you take care of yourself.” Jin Wang said this and turned to leave.

The pool water was at a suitable temperature. Ye Shu soaked himself and squinted his eyes in comfort.

His slender legs rested in the jade bath and his toes gently slipped into the water, feeling it slowly flowing by.

These legs…were once insensate.

Having been born with a disability in both legs, Ye Shu had spent his childhood in an orphanage, requiring the care of others to go about his daily life.

It was the darkest time in Ye Shu’s life.

Perhaps the experience of his early years was too dark, but he didn’t remember much about that time. He only remembered that one day, several years ago, he woke up with a start and suddenly regained sensation in his legs.

No one could explain why it happened. This experience—a medical miracle, as the doctors called it—still puzzled Ye Shu even now.

And that was when his stomach problem also started.

He lost some, he gained some. Ye Shu, in any way, didn’t take it to heart.

Ye Shu drowsily soaked in the water. Time passed by as he sat there in a daze, and he didn’t know how long it had been when the sound of water suddenly rang in his ears.

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Someone had picked him up out of the pool.

“Didn’t you say with your own mouth that you could manage on your own, yet you fell asleep in the bath…” Jin Wang unhappily gave a low hum as he grabbed the robe, wrapped it around the other, and carried him out of the bath.

Ye Shu’s arms hooked around Jin Wang’s neck, murmuring in his sleep, “Don’t disturb me…”

The moment Jin Wang saw him like this, he knew that this man must be dreaming again. He walked out with Ye Shu in his arms and chuckled. “Are you scolding Gu in your dream again? Let me hear it.”

Ye Shu just hummed and didn’t answer.

Jin Wang soon returned to his bedchamber and put Ye Shu back on the bed. Ye Shu had stayed in the pool for too long. Both his cheeks were flushed with light pink, long and fine eyelashes trembling lightly with moisture.

Jin Wang traced the slightly moist eyelashes with his fingertips, traced along the contour of his face and landed on the sparkling soft lips, which opened involuntarily. Jin Wang gently caressed them, affectionate yet ambiguous. His fingertips ultimately came to a stop on the lips, and he was about to get up when he heard a faint low call from the other party.


Jin Wang paused.

Ye Shu, actually, had not called him that for a long time. Since he ascended the throne, every meeting with this man had been carried out with the courtesy between a ruler and his subject, and they often even parted in discord. But after the assassination incident, Ye Shu suddenly started calling him several times with this name by design, which he couldn’t help but feel distasteful.

This time, however, was different.

The young man’s voice was warm and soft, like a kitten scratching lightly, once and again, striking at the softest place in his heart.

Jin Wang leaned down and gazed at the sleeping face. “If you were usually as well behaved as you are today, how good must it be.”

Then, he lowered his head and dropped a kiss on Ye Shu’s forehead.

“Good night, A-Shu.”


Ten days later, the ruler of Changlu led his unmarried consort to the ancestral temple to worship their ancestors. The accompanying carriages and horses ran through the entire street of Chang’an. People on both sides greeted them, curiously looking at the convoy.

Everyone wanted to know what the noble consort was like.

But no one saw in the end.

The noble consort and the emperor rode together in the imperial equipage, with curtains that were so tightly drawn that even half of the hems of their robes couldn’t be seen.

In the afternoon, the convoy arrived at the ancestral temple.

The emperor’s imperial equipage stopped in front of the temple, and the accompanying hundred officials bowed down and kowtowed. The chief personal attendant lifted the curtain and the ruler was finally revealed with his legendary noble consort, who was draped in snow-white fox fur, face almost entirely covered by a white veil; only a pair of bright, penetrating eyes could be seen.

The ruler led his consort from the main entrance into the temple, and only then did the hundred officials enter through the side door.

The rituals involved in the worship ceremony were so complicated that it would take at least three days to complete, even if His Majesty ordered them to be simplified in every possible way.

The front hall of the temple was already set up; rites were being recited and music chimed while incense sticks burned on the table, the smell of which assailed Ye Shu’s nostrils and made him feel sick.

Ye Shu paused in his steps as his stomach burst into a sudden whirl.

Jin Wang immediately noticed his strangeness. “Not feeling well?”

“…I want to throw up,” Ye Shu looked pale, rubbing his belly. “Motion sickness again.”

“……” Jin Wang was silent for a moment, looked at the table of lit incense, and understood. This was the only person who could treat morning sickness as motion sickness and could convince himself so thoroughly.

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Ye Shu couldn’t stand the smell of the incense, yet he didn’t really dare to throw up at the ancestral ceremony and restrained himself with difficulty. 

Jin Wang looked into his eyes before he turned to Gao Jin and said, “Take the young master to rest first.”

Gao Jin was taken aback and hurriedly said, “But… Your Majesty, it is customary for the young master to offer incense with you in order to console the spirits of ancestors……”

Jin Wang swept him a cold glance. Gao Jin’s words stalled and he saluted, “…Yes.”

A few servants quickly supported Ye Shu and left. The accompanying hundred officials who were standing far away, unaware of what was happening, saw the noble consort leave and had violent reactions.

Such a thing as leaving halfway through the ancestral ceremony was unheard of. Even the most favored concubines of the late emperor weren’t treated this way. This was simply unorthodox!

Yet everyone could only hide their doubts in their hearts and didn’t dare to raise objections. Only the official of the Court of Imperial Sacrifices, who was in charge of the ceremonial preparations and stood nearest, saw the scene most clearly. He stared at the noble consort’s departing back, momentarily bewildered.

How come that man’s countenance just now looked somewhat familiar?


Ye Shu was sent back to the ancestral temple’s side chamber to rest. The servants uncovered the incense burner and inserted a stick in it.

Ye Shu was now in a much better condition after leaving the front hall, and he asked, “What’s that?”

The servant replied, “It is incense to relieve the young master’s motion sickness. His Majesty has instructed this subject to put it in.”

“A remedy for motion sickness?”

The servant’s expression became subtle for a moment. This was actually a blend of spices formulated by the imperial physician to relieve morning sickness.

Under His Majesty’s orders, the servant didn’t dare to be wordy and could only respond in a low voice, “…Yes.”

Ye Shu didn’t doubt it and said, “Thank you. You can withdraw now.”

The servant saluted and left. Ye Shu took a rest for a moment. Under the effect of the incense, the lingering urge to vomit finally dissipated.

Ye Shu lay lazily for a while when there came a light knock on the door. He promptly sat up and said, “Come in.”

Chang Yuan pushed the door in.

“How was it?”

Chang Yuan took out a rolled up piece of kraft paper and presented it to Ye Shu. “This subordinate has already mapped the route out of the ancestral temple, as well as the weak links in the guards for the young master to have a look at.”

Ye Shu took the map and swept a quick glance. “Alright. We will act tonight.”

Chang Yuan seemed to hesitate over something. Ye Shu saw him like this and asked, “You want to say something?”

“This subordinate wanted to say…” Chang Yuan looked down and said in a low voice, “His Majesty has been treating you with sincere affection and concern. Does the young master really want to leave?”

“He isn’t being true to his feelings,” Ye Shu tucked the map into his arms and thoughtlessly explained, “Jin Wang is the ruler of the state. The thunder and dew we receive are all due to his grace. No matter how he treats others, it is no more than just bestowing his grace. Since it is his grace, it can be withdrawn at any time because of that man’s temper.”

……Not to mention that he and the original owner are still emotionally tied.

To put it bluntly, even the grace this ruler gave him was not for him.

Chang Yuan, “This subordinate doesn’t understand…”

“You don’t have to understand,” Chang Yuan’s perspective was different from Ye Shu’s. He didn’t hope for this man to understand him either, he asked, “Have you got the plans ready for tonight?”

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Chang Yuan replied, “This subordinate will give out the signal with the sound of a bamboo whistle to draw the nearby hidden guards away. Young master, please make sure to catch hold of His Majesty before then and seize an opportunity to leave, then proceed towards the foot of the mountain to meet with your subordinate…”

The two hammered out their action tonight and Chang Yuan soon left.

It was not until the dim light of night descended that Jin Wang came to the side chamber.

When he came in, Ye Shu was leaning against the bed reading a book.

Earth dragons were burning inside the room, making it much warmer than the temperature outside. Ye Shu’s snow-white fox fur was placed on the small table by the bed, he was only wearing a single layer of thin, plain clothing, which made him appear even more thinner. One leg was resting on the edge of the bed, swaying involuntarily, revealing a bare, fair ankle.

Jin Wang walked up, held up his leg, and just as expected, he felt a patch of cold. “How many times has Gu told you, you can’t walk around the room with bare feet.”

Ye Shu hurriedly pulled his feet back into the quilt. “I know.”

Jin Wang smiled and was about to lean over, when Ye Shu covered his nose and hid away. “You reek of incense. Go and bathe first.”

“……” His Majesty the Emperor, who was shunned for the first time, had no choice but to oblige and went to bathe first. 

With their evening meal done, Jin Wang was continuing to deal with state affairs, when Ye Shu came over and brought him tea.

“Your Majesty, please have a cup of tea.” Ye Shu said in a low voice.

Jin Wang slightly raised his eyebrow and tilted his head to look at him. “Why are you so well behaved today?”

Ye Shu asked, “You say this, was I not well behaved before?”

Jin Wang glanced at him, eyes holding a naked rhetorical question: What do you think?

Jin Wang took the tea and was about to drink it, but suddenly he paused and smelled it. “You brewed it yourself?”

Ye Shu’s fingertips curled up right, inexplicably feeling somewhat nervous. “You… How did you know.”

“The boiling was overdone,” Jin Wang sipped the tea and smiled. “It’s good to leave such things to the palace maids hereafter. No need to do everything yourself.”

Ye Shu collected his eyes. “I got it.”

His docile appearance greatly pleased Jin Wang, who patted the bed at his side, and Ye Shu obediently sat up.

Jin Wang held Ye Shu in his embrace and continued to deal with the state affairs.

The two were extremely close to each other. The other party’s hand slowly crept onto Ye Shu’s waist, and soon he began to feel discomfort.

Perhaps after their fight that day, Jin Wang grew a bit of conscience. For many days, Jin Wang never touched him again as he had done in the past, and the contact between them was barely limited to ordinary hugs.

……Not enough.

Ye Shu betrayed no emotions and leaned his head on Jin Wang’s shoulder, then looked up just enough to see the side of Jin Wang’s face. Watching him like this, Ye Shu felt his body gradually warming up.

A sudden “pa” echoed out as Jin Wang closed the memorial and pressed the space between his brows.

Ye Shu suddenly snapped out of it and asked in a low voice, “Aren’t you going to read it?”

“How could I do that,” Ye Shu didn’t understand. Jin Wang couldn’t restrain himself and laughed. “A-Shu, don’t look at me like that.”

“……” Ye Shu withdrew his gaze. “I’m sorry.”

Jin Wang sighed and lowered his head to rest on his shoulder, hugging the man tighter. “Are you…somewhat thinking about it.”

His voice was extremely soft, his breath splayed on Ye Shu’s ears, sening half of Ye Shu’s body tingling.

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Jin Wang was aware of why Ye Shu was like this. The imperial physician had said that Kunjun would be extremely dependent on their Qianjun when they were pregnant, and would always be borderline in heat.

However, the fetus was unstable in the first three months, so they couldn’t safely have intercourse, and he could only use the faith incense to soothe him.

“Uh—!” Ye Shu shuddered as Jin Wang kissed him behind his ear.

The kiss was soft and intimate. Ye Shu’s body shuddered even more and water quickly appeared in his eyes. “No…”

Jin Wang wrapped his arm across Ye Shu’s shoulder and held the man tightly in his embrace, then lifted his neck, sealing off all escape.

In just a few moments, the Qianjun’s faith incense infused with his, and Ye Shu exhaustedly collapsed in Jin Wang’s embrace.

Jin Wang picked him up and put him back on the bed, his palm fondly rubbing his temples. “Just bear with it. Bear with it for another two months.”

Ye Shu’s slackened vision slowly condensed and asked in a low voice, “Why… Why is it for another two months?”

His voice sounded rather aggrieved. 

What a Kunjun needed was the Qianjun’s comfort. Being comforted by the faith incense, after all, was not as satiating as real intercourse.

Jin Wang was a bit hesitant.

Ye Shu had been really well behaved in the past few days. It seemed that since that day, he had really figured out that he wanted to stay by Jin Wang’s side.

The atmosphere in the room was ambiguous yet warm, as if everything was the perfect atmosphere to recount the actual truth. Jin Wang’s hand slid down Ye Shu’s arm and landed on his lower abdomen.

“Gu has a secret that Gu has yet to tell you.” Jin Wang’s voice was gentle.

Ye Shu asked, “What is it?”

Jin Wang tilted his head and smiled, then softly said, “Here, you are…”

He paused as dizziness overcame his head without warning. He quickly realized something and his eyebrows tightly knitted. “That cup of tea…”

Before he could finish his words, Jin Wang fell onto the bed and soon lost consciousness.

“……” Ye Shu lay on the bed to calm down for a moment, turned over, and laid Jin Wang flat. He crouched beside the latter and gazed at the still handsome face in his sleep.

He had drugged that tea. It was the drug left to him by Mu Jiuqing.

He had purposely over steeped the tea in order not to let Jin Wang notice. This man really didn’t harbor suspicion.

Ye Shu took out the human skin mask that Chang Yuan had prepared for his disguise and put it on, mumbling to himself, “Bitch dog Jin Wang, now you can’t bully me anymore.”

“It has nothing to do with me whether you have old affection or grudges with that Ye Shu. Why must you retaliate against me.”

“However, perhaps I can find a way to get out of here and bring your Ye Shu back.”

“Even if I am not able to find him, you mustn’t come to find me…… I really don’t want to see you again.”

From outside came the sound of a bamboo whistle. Ye Shu also happened to finish at this moment. He walked over to the bedside, tucked Jin Wang in, and got up to leave, when he suddenly remembered something.

That said… What did this man want to say to him just now?

Ye Shu looked at the sleeping man, then looked down at his flat abdomen, blinking in confusion.

Forget it. He should slip away first.

He pulled the door open and left.

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