The Yangxin Hall was pervaded with a suggestive flavor and the heat between the two gradually rose, as if the air had charged with electricity.

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Jin Wang took a deep breath and pushed Ye Shu slightly away. “Not tonight.”

Ye Shu, “?”

Jin Wang added, “Gu still has some affairs to deal with. Behave yourself.”

In an effort to coax his little noble consort, Jin Wang had spent the whole afternoon in the imperial kitchen. The affairs he needed to deal with had piled up.

Ye Shu pursed his lips and let out a low “oh.”

His plan went sadly awry. He’d have to find another opportunity next time ba.

He tried to struggle free from Jin Wang’s embrace, but the latter wrapped his arms around him and enveloped him in his chest. “Where are you going?”

“Your Majesty…”

Jin Wang rested his head on his shoulder and said, “Didn’t you want to repay Gu? Let Gu hold you for a while.”

His voice was somewhat low and hoarse. A tingle ran down Ye Shu’s spine and he suddenly lost the strength to struggle.

Although he didn’t want to acknowledge it, he didn’t really hate being held like this by Jin Wang. This Qianjun and Kunjun setup was really too foul.

Thinking so in silence, Ye Shu leaned in Jin Wang’s embrace 

Jin Wang unfolded his memorials and continued to review them.

Ye Shu got bored and read with him.

“An envoy from Great Yan is coming to the capital?” Ye Shu suddenly spoke.

Jin Wang’s writing hand paused and he replied, “In the previous border conflict, Chang Lu conquered several cities of Great Yan. This time, it is likely they’re coming to negotiate a truce.”

Ye Shu naturally knew about this.

This was the main plot of the book.

Jin Wang had previously beheaded many of Western Xia’s spies. The bilateral situation was so serious that a war could be triggered at any moment. Later, when spring began next year, Jin Wang would officially wage war against Western Xia. Nominally, the envoy from Great Yan was coming to the capital to call a truce, but in truth, it was actually to capitulate to Chang Lu in exchange for a slim chance of survival.

What’s more, according to the plot, once the war took off, it wouldn’t be long before Jin Wang would have to take part in the expedition himself.

Take part in the expedition himself!

Ye Shu’s vitality returned at once.

At that time, the dog emperor finally wouldn’t be able to control him.

Seemingly sensing his change in mood, Jin Wang tightened his arms and asked in a low voice, “What are you thinking about?”

Ye Shu blinked innocently. “No…Nothing…”

Not responding, Jin Wang buried his head into his neck and lightly sniffed.

The Kunjun’s faith incense perfectly fluctuated in response to its owner’s mood, becoming energetic and intense. 

Ye Shu felt that the man’s breathing behind him suddenly became heavy.

What… What was going on here?

Ye Shu suddenly recalled the settings that the imperial physician had told him about.

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Qianjun and Kunjun’s faith incenses both caused attraction in each other. If their faith incenses mingled together, it would easily arouse both their passions.

Ye Shu calmly moved away, but was yanked back.

The faint fragrance of distilled spirits diffused around the two of them. 

Is this……the Qianjun’s faith incense?

Under the effect of that faith incense, Ye Shu’s consciousness soon became murky and soon, his body went weak and hot.

The small area behind his ear where the cinnabar mole was also began to redden rapidly. The fruity fragrance of green plums was sweet and seductive, perfectly blending into the distilled spirits fragrance.

Ye Shu instantly forgot his original intentions as he clung to Jin Wang’s arms, his eyes flashed with water vapor.

“Jin… Jin Wang…” His voice was warm and soft with eager desire.

He really wanted…wanted this man’s soothing embraces, kisses, or even more intimate gestures…

Ye Shu’s consciousness became muddled. When he barely came back to his senses, Jin Wang had already pressed him into the small couch and was kissing him tenderly. 

Jin Wang clasped his wrists and pressed them to his sides, kissing Ye Shu from above, softly and deeply, “A-Shu…”

Ye Shu responded awkwardly, his body moving restlessly.

Still not enough…

He wanted to…

But Jin Wang stopped. He brushed Ye Shu’s hair behind his ear and said with a hoarse voice, “Tell Gu, are you upset about something?”

Jin Wang and Ye Shu had known each other for more than a decade. He was well aware of this man’s temperament. In the years after he ascended the throne, he had once felt that this man had turned into someone he didn’t recognize, but in recent times, he had rediscovered the feelings he had at the beginning.

In the intermediate three years, whether this man was pretending or there was some other reason, Jin Wang didn’t want to delve into it at present. All he knew was that the Ye Shu who was now with him was the one he was familiar with.

This little fool who thought he could hide his happiness and fury from him.

“Ooo…” Ye Shu whimpered, seemingly suffering under the continued assault of the faith incense as Jin Wang had not moved for a long time. “Won’t you…”

Jin Wang asked tenaciously, “Why are you upset?”

Ye Shu was in a disoriented state. His mouth and tongue seemed unwieldy, but just as he was about to blurt it all out, Jin Wang lowered his head and blocked his mouth to kiss him.

As the kiss ended, Jin Wang looked up at him. “Is it because Gu had you locked up in the bedchamber and restricted your freedom?”

“Did you see the snow today and want to play?”

“Gu doesn’t want to be like this either,” Jin Wang’s fingertips slid past his reddened eyes and said in a whisper, “Why do you never cease to worry me so…”

He slowly slid his palm down the soft torso in his arms and landed on the flat lower abdomen.

“How can Gu feel safe enough to return your freedom when you act like this?”

Ye Shu could no longer hear what Jin Wang was saying. His body grew weaker and weaker under the effect of the faith incense, panting lowly as if he was drowning.

As Jin Wang leaned too close, Ye Shu shifted almost uncontrollably. He looked like he was spontaneously rubbing himself against Jin Wang’s palm.

“Can hardly wait?” Jin Wang immediately understood and said smilingly, “The physician said that the later the month, the greater the demand will be. It really is so.”

“As a matter of fact, doesn’t Gu still owe you one?”

“Although there was nothing great about your performance in the imperial study last time, still, a ruler never goes back on his word.”

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“……Gu will pay you back now.”




An incense stick later, Jin Wang rinsed his mouth with green tea and then lowered his head to kiss Ye Shu.

The latter’s body had gone very weak, shrinking into the dragon bed with red eyes. Seeing Jin Wang leaning in to kiss him, Ye Shu turned his head to avoid it, but was still kissed on the corner of his lips.

“What’s wrong? Feeling unwell?” Jin Wang’s voice was still slightly hoarse. However, his mood seemed quite upbeat.

No matter how the mouth tried to deny it, the body would always react honestly. What people were passionate about was indeed what they would do. 

Ye Shu was feeling quite good and liked how he treated him this way.

This cognition was enough to satisfy anyone’s sense of accomplishment. Jin Wang was perfectly satisfied, he lowered his head and kissed Ye Shu once again.

Ye Shu flushed red from the roots of his ears down to his neck, and indignantly glared at Jin Wang.

Things weren’t supposed to be this way. Wasn’t the appropriate script for him to first seduce this man into bursting aflame, then push him off, walk away and leave him to be flicker, frustrated, by himself? It was all written in the book.

Why did the situation seem to become different when he entered the scene?

This was all the original owner’s fault! This rubbish Kunjun body had no discipline at all!

Ye Shu’s expression, in Jin Wang’s perspective, was because he was ashamed. He soothingly rubbed Ye Shu’s hair and said, “Get some rest and stop being so worked up. In the future, let Gu know directly if you’re upset. We can avoid it and save our breath.”


“Okay. Gu still has some affairs to deal with. Stop seducing Gu,” Jin Wang rested his forehead on Ye Shu’s with a smile on his face, “little minx.”

“……” Who the heck is the little minx! It was obviously this dog emperor who first seduced him with that faith incense of his!

Ye Shu pulled the quilt over his head, so angry and entirely speechless.




The next day, it was already noon when Ye Shu woke up.

Ye Shu stretched his body and sat up, only to find that the gold chain tied to the bed was no longer there.

After enjoying the snow yesterday, Jin Wang actually didn’t lock him with it anymore. For some reason, he felt a bit unaccustomed at the sudden disappearance of the chain he had worn for many days. Ye Shu stared in a daze at his fair ankle, when Jin Wang came over, saying, “No more locking you up. Now, will that take the edge off your temper?”

He had just arrived from morning court and had not yet taken off his court dress. The black-gold robe lined his facial features and made him all the more handsome. Ye Shu’s attention was drawn away before he averted his gaze. “Your Majesty’s not afraid that I will run away?”

“Of course Gu is.” Jin Wang lowered his head and leaned close to his ear. “So if you dare to run away again, Gu will lock you up for life, never to be released.”

Ye Shu cowered and let out a low “oh.”

Jin Wang straightened up and said, “Gu will be very busy today. Gu still has to go to the imperial study to discuss the reception of the envoy with several ministers. Have your own meal. Whether you want to continue to rest or go out to stroll, it’s all up to you.”

“The Yongshou Palace and the Chengqian Palace have already been bestowed to you alone. The palace attendants have also been appointed appropriately. Gu will not stop you if ever you want to move over.”

Ye Shu’s eyes lit up. “Then I…”

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Before he could finish, Jin Wang went on and added, “Gu will accompany and live with you as well.”

“……” Ye Shu replied, “No, it’s okay. The Yangxin Hall is pretty good.”

It was nothing for an emperor to stay in a concubine’s living quarters for a day or two, but it was unheard of for him to stay there every day. Ye Shu didn’t want to be cursed by people as the concubine who led the emperor astray.

Although it wasn’t any better now.

Jin Wang stroked his hair. “Half of the shadow guards are protecting your safety but you should also look out for yourself. Gu won’t restrict your freedom, but Gu also  wants you to protect yourself, you understand, right?”

Ye Shu replied in a low voice, “I understand.”

Jin Wang then led his attendants out of the Yangxin Hall.

For the subsequent days, Ye Shu was much more restful than before, and didn’t even run around outside too often.

It snowed outside all day long. Ye Shu was afraid of the cold and just wanted to shrink on the couch and not go anywhere. On top of that, Jin Wang was too busy to spend time with him these days. Ye Shu wanted to torment him again but was unable to find the opportunity.

The imperial physician’s pill had also not been prepared.

……So boring.

It turned out the palace was so boring without the dog emperor here.

Ye Shu wanted to do something to cope with the boredom. He turned over from the bed and sat up, ordering, “Prepare the sedan chair.”

Then, someone came up to him and asked, “Where does the young master wish to go?”

“……” Ye Shu almost blurted out the words ‘imperial study.’ He lightly coughed and sternly said, “to Chengqian Palace.”

The Chengqian Palace was the residence bestowed by Jin Wang to Concubine An, who—he—had never been there yet. Now that Concubine An was already suspected of putting a green hat on His Majesty, for future planning convenience, it should be the right time to bring himself out into the open.

The Palace was not far from the Yangxin Hall, but Ye Shu had the palace attendants go to great lengths to carry the imperial palanquin and send him there.

My vow to be seen as favored and prideful must be seen through to the very end.

A few days after the Palace was bestowed, it finally welcomed its possessor.

After being led around the Palace, Ye Shu returned to the main hall, where a palace maid soon came up to serve tea.

“Many thanks,” Ye Shu subconsciously said as he took the tea.

“Don’t dare, don’t dare,” The palace maid hurriedly said.

Ye Shu didn’t answer. He sat, calmly drinking his tea.

The palace maid stealthily looked at him.

Ye Shu’s disguise was very much abhorred by Jin Wang, but in the eyes of the others, it was a rare and remarkable beauty.

The palace maid stared absent-minded for a moment, when Ye Shu smiled and spoke, “Do I look good?”

The palace maid immediately knelt down. “Young Master, please forgive me!”

“Ai, take it easy,” Ye Shu helped her up and said in a gentle tone, “I was just asking you casually. No intention of condemning you.”

He sipped his tea and asked, “Also, are these all the people in the palace? It’s far fewer than the people in the Yangxin Hall.”

The palace maid hurriedly replied, “The young master doesn’t know, but the specifications and expense of Chengqian Palace are already the same as that of the former imperial consort’s Palace, second only to His Majesty’s Qianqing Palace.”

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Ye Shu swept a glance at her and asked faintly, “How does that compare with Yongshou Palace?”


The west of Chang Lu was the most respected. The Yongshou Palace was located on the west side of Yangxin Hall, so it was naturally more respected. Even by distance, Yongshou Palace, which was bestowed to the noble consort, was closer.

His Majesty’s two concubines were issued the titles and bestowed the palaces on the same day. They even lived with His Majesty before then. Everyone in the harem had long wondered how those two got along.

As soon as Ye Shu’s voice fell, everyone immediately assumed that he and the noble consort were actually at odds.

For a moment, the servants in the hall had it all figured out in their minds.

Ye Shu achieved his objective and sent everyone away. Left alone, he yawned as he felt sleepy. He was able to sleep especially well recently. He would be sleepy after eating and hungry after waking up. His life was no different from that of the kittens kept in the summer palace.

“If I get fat, I will blame you.” Ye Shu gently rubbed his lower abdomen as he went to the bed and lay down, ready to take a short nap.

The bed here was certainly not as comfortable as that of the dragon bed. It was neither soft nor big enough. Ye Shu had recently gotten used to sleeping on the dragon bed, which was somewhat delicate, and let him have a steady sleep.

In a daze, he didn’t know how long had passed, when a sudden strange sound came through in the room.

Ye Shu opened his eyes only to see a dark figure roll over onto the bed and cover his mouth.

The sky had already darkened and there were no lamps lit in the room. Ye Shu could only see a vague silhouette. There was even a faint smell of reeking blood permeating through the canopy of the bed.

“Don’t shout. Your reputation will not be guaranteed if you call for other people.” The man’s voice sounded hoarse.

Ye Shu, “……”

What kind of script is this again? And why does this man’s voice sound…rather familiar?

Before Ye Shu could speak, a voice came through from outside, “Young master, are you alright there?”

The hand that covered Ye Shu suddenly tightened. Ye Shu helplessly raised his hand to tap the man a few times on his arm. 

It was a signal. A signal that only he and Chang Yuan knew.

The man immediately let go of him, with a look of astonishment. “You’re…”

Ye Shu shook his head at him and shouted at the door to answer, “I’m alright. What is it?”

The man outside the door replied, “An assassin has snuck into the Palace just now. Can the young master cooperate and permit these subordinates to come in and search?”

Ye Shu decisively put down the canopy and pushed the other man inside the quilt, then he answered, “Come in.”

The door was soon pushed open and several shadow guards-like men entered.

Ye Shu reclined on the bed and quietly watched their movements.

A shadow guard came up to the bed and was about to lift the canopy, but was stopped by Ye Shu. “You’re going to search within here?”

The two stalled for a moment, then the shadow guard took a half step back, saying, “…This subordinate doesn’t dare…”

The shadow guards found nothing and soon saluted and exited the hall.

As the door closed, Ye Shu breathed a sigh of relief and asked with a tilt of his head, “Chang Yuan, why are you here?”

Chang Yuan’s appearance looked a little wretched. He was dressed as an eunuch and even had a faint smell of blood on his body.

He backed away to the end of the bed and was about to speak when suddenly, there was another noise from outside. 

“Greetings, Your Majesty!”

Ye Shu, “……”

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