Jin Wang unhurriedly peeled off Ye Shu’s clothes.

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His porcelain skin was flushed with a tinge of red, tense, taut and shivering slightly in the cold air.

“Relax.” Jin Wang softly spoke.

The imperial physician had said that it was necessary to avoid being hasty when attending to a pregnant Kunjun, and rather to be gentle, soft, and gradual in his advancement.

Jin Wang in the past would never have thought that he would have such a patient day. He lowered his head and dropped a kiss on the corner of Ye Shu’s eyes.

Then on his cheeks, on the bridge of his nose, on his lips……

Jin Wang kissed him so tenderly. His darkened eyes keenly gazed at the man beneath him.

But what was once a tender and caring gesture had now become a chronic torture. Ye Shu’s mind was burned into a whirl by the heat, his hands helplessly tugging at Jin Wang.

But he was so weak that he could hardly exert any strength.

“Jin Wang…” Ye Shu called out in a hoarse voice, sounding helpless and resigned. “Jin Wang…”

“You’re so……” Jin Wang sighed helplessly, then lowered his head to kiss him again.



A Kunjun’s heat cycle came with great haste and intensity. The two had been holding back for too long and now that they were finally able to let loose, what was to come could in no way be controlled.

It was already dusk the following day when Ye Shu woke up again.

His consciousness gradually returned. He tried moving his fingers, but they were still numb, and he was unable to exert any strength.

Ye Shu felt so weak and sore all over that he let out an impatient whimper, when he was suddenly being embraced by someone from behind. “Awake?”

That voice was hoarse, low and deep. Listening to it made him go soft and a chill ran involuntarily down his spine.

……If only he could ignore the thing that was still at its full glory behind him.

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Was this man on drugs or something?!

Jin Wang drew his arms around Ye Shu and enveloped him in his embrace. “Where are you going?”

“Let go……” Ye Shu was startled by his voice, which was hoarse and barely recognizable.

Jin Wang buried his head in his nape, chuckling, “That’s the way it always is, turning your back on me as soon as you’ve come round, you little rascal.”

Who the hell is the rascal ah!

Ye Shu’s eyes were dry and heavy. One could well imagine how many times he had cried out the whole night.

Dog! Em! Pe! Ror!

Ye Shu pursed his lips and buried his head into the pillow, paying no heed to him.

Jin Wang didn’t mind receiving a cold shoulder. He snuggled his own warm body close to him. “I had someone make congee, have some first?”

Ye Shu nodded dully. The latter kissed him on the side of his face and got up to serve him the congee.

Ye Shu rolled over on the dragon bed. A slightly alien sensation lingered in his rear. His waist was too sore to allow him to straighten up.

But apart from that, it was not particularly unpleasant.

Jin Wang treated him extremely tenderly this time. It was almost poles apart from how he was on their first time.

——Ye Shu’s first experience was so disappointing, so disappointing, that it still upset him even now.

Jin Wang soon came back. He helped Ye Shu sit up, took the cushion behind his waist, then fed him the congee.

Ye Shu contentedly enjoyed the service of His Majesty.

Jin Wang put down the bowl of congee as soon as Ye Shu finished and he took out a silk handkerchief to help him wipe his face clean.

Ye Shu’s mind was in a whirl the whole night. He didn’t actually remember what exactly had happened in the middle, but he seemed to recall that he……blurted something out?

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“Jin Wang.”

Jin Wang looked up at him. “Hmn?”

“I-It’s nothing.” Ye Shu ineffably felt somewhat uncertain and he rolled over to lie down.

Jin Wang looked at the huddled young man on the bed and smiled as he shook his head, then lay down next to him, embracing him in his arms.

His palm slid down Ye Shu’s arm and naturally fell on his lower abdomen.

The other party’s burning hot palm felt distinct and familiar through the sole thin inner garment Ye Shu was wearing. His body seemed to recall the previous sensation of being touched by this man, making his body tremble and a tingle rise from his back.

He hadn’t completely withdrawn from the heat cycle and couldn’t stand this man being so close to him now.

Though Jin Wang didn’t make more moves and rather asked softly, “You found out about it half a month ago?”

Ye Shu’s eyes flickered and instantly understood what he was asking about.


Jin Wang asked, “Why didn’t you tell Gu?”

Ye Shu didn’t answer.

”You’re mad at Gu, yes?” Jin Wang gently stroked his slightly undulating belly, his voice extremely soft, “that was why we’ve been at such odds these days, wasn’t it?”

Ye Shu’s lips tightly pursed, not knowing how to answer.

Jin Wang said earnestly, “I’m sorry.”

Ye Shu was taken aback.

He never thought that he would hear these words coming from Jin Wang’s mouth.

“I kept you in the dark, I’m sorry,” Jin Wang buried his head into Ye Shu’s neck and said softly, “I shouldn’t have decided it all by myself, shouldn’t have concealed it from you, and even more so shouldn’t have banded together with the physician to lie and deceive you.”

“These days, I have been at a loss as to how to speak to you. Some lies are too easy to tell, but much more difficult to take back.”

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“I’m just……just so afraid you’ll leave again.”

Jin Wang’s voice was somewhat muffled.

Upon further reflection, the point in time when Jin Wang deceived him was indeed around the time of his escape.

This man……was really worried he would disappear again on a moment’s whim.

Ye Shu’s throat flooded with sourness, his voice became somewhat hoarse, “Don’t think that I will forgive you just from a few gentle words, it’s not that easy.”

“Mmn, it’s okay not to forgive me,” Jin Wang said. “As I said before, I have no complaints about how you want to deal with me once you know the truth.”

Jin Wang’s arms tightened and held Ye Shu tightly, then he asked in a low voice, “Before that, can you tell me what your plans are now?”

To give birth, or not to?

Ye Shu actually hadn’t thought about it.

When he had first learned the truth, he really didn’t want this child, which was why he tricked the imperial physician and asked for abortifacient pills.

Later, in order to wait for Jin Wang to confess, he delayed taking the medicine.

But he never thought of what he would do after Jin Wang confessed and apologized.

Did he really not want this child?

Ye Shu lowered his head and gently touched his lower abdomen.

There’s a little life in here ah.

Jin Wang’s hand came up again, holding the back of Ye Shu’s hand.

Ye Shu suddenly sobered up and took his hand away. “I still have to think about it for a few more days.”

Jin Wang paused.

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Ye Shu said seriously, “I’ll keep this pup’s life first. I’ll see how he, and you, behave.”

Jin Wang didn’t hold back and smiled lightly.

Ye Shu frowned. “Is there something funny?”

“Nothing. Nothing’s funny.” He held Ye Shu’s shoulders and had him turn around, before he leaned forward and kissed him at the corner of his lips, then he gazed deeply into the other party’s eyes. “Alright. I will work hard together with the child and behave well.”

Jin Wang’s earnestness never gave Ye Shu any room for resistance. He turned his head and changed the subject, “Doesn’t Your Majesty have to attend to your affairs today?”

If he remembered correctly, this man had been fooling around with him since yesterday afternoon up until now, and he hadn’t even left the bedchamber.

“Gu took a leave of absence,” Jin Wang said. “For three days.”

Ye Shu, “?”

Jin Wang kissed Ye Shu intimately on the side of his face again. “You think the heat cycle will be over in just one day?”


Jin Wang’s words were like some kind of sign, and a familiar dry heat soon rose up in Ye Shu’s body.

Ye Shu’s ears quietly reddened.

He was about to back away, but Jin Wang hooked his waist and gently pulled him into his arms.

The Kunjun’s faith incense once again saturated the air within the gauze canopy.

Ye Shu soon lost all resistance. Jin Wang pressed him back into the bed and kissed him tenderly. Before his consciousness fell into complete darkness, there was only one thought left in his mind.

Damn this heat cycle, damn this Kunjun’s constitution.

He was going to abort it.

Immediately, right away, that day itself.

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