“What are you two talking about?”

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Jin Wang’s voice resounded from ahead of them. Not waiting for Ye Shu to answer, Yu Yan bowed to him. “I am presenting a gift to the noble consort.”

Jin Wang, “What is it, open it and let Gu take a look?”

“Don’t,” Yu Yan pressed the brocade box and tilted his head as he smiled at Jin Wang. “There are so many eyes here, so many distractions. Your Majesty should open it together with the noble consort once you two have returned to the palace.”

Jin Wang’s eyes flickered slightly and met Yu Yan’s eyes, vaguely perceiving something.

Jin Wang then nodded after a moment. “Gu understands. The second prince is thoughtful.”

Yu Yan soon set out with his mission. Jin Wang ordered an attendant to put away the box and then went up to carry the man.

“!” Ye Shu, suddenly suspended in midair, was taken aback. “What are you doing?!”

“Carrying you to the carriage,” Jin Wang looked down at him. “No more weak legs?”

Ye Shu, “……”

There were not just courtiers, but also numerous common people to see off the mission at the city gate. Jin Wang’s actions were visible to all.

Ye Shu’s ears reddened slightly and then said in a low voice, “So many people are watching.”

Jin Wang chuckled. “Isn’t it good to let them know how spoiled you are?”


“Now, be good,” Jin Wang kissed Ye Shu on the side of his face. The latter only gave him a glare and ceased moving at once.

Jin Wang carried Ye Shu to the carriage and ordered his escorts to drive back.

As for what the courtiers and the common people would view in this, His Majesty didn’t give a damn.

They traveled through the carriage to the palace gate before changing to imperial palanquin, which took them to Yangxin Hall.

Jin Wang carried Ye Shu out and turned his head as he ordered someone to summon the imperial physician and then strode into the hall.

Yangxin Hall’s servants were at the most leisure in the entire imperial city these days, and as soon as they spotted His Majesty returning with someone in his arms, they all withdrew one after another from the bedchamber to leave space for the two.

Jin Wang lowered Ye Shu to the bed and reached out to help him take off his court dress.

“I’ll do it myself!” Ye Shu covered his lapel as he drew back.

The three-day experience had cast a considerable psychological shadow on Ye Shu, who now felt totally uneasy spending time alone with Jin Wang. Coincidentally, Jin Wang nowadays hardly allowed the servants to serve them and instead did everything by himself. It could be described euphemistically as ‘performing well for Ye Shu to behold.’

Ye Shu’s wasn’t actually repelled by Jin Wang’s touch, on the contrary, it didn’t upset him, but he kind of…desired it.

Damn this Kunjun’s constitution.

Ye Shu’s cheeks flushed. For the life of him, he refused to let Jin Wang touch him, and to show his seriousness, he even pulled down the gauze curtains, changing clothes separately from Jin Wang.

The two of them changed into their bedclothes. Ye Shu straightened his belt as he walked towards the table, where the brocade box Yu Yan had gifted was placed.

Ye Shu tapped the box, wondering, “What on earth is this, strange…”

Jin Wang had just taken off his hair circlet and paused when he heard Ye Shu, his expression natural as he replied, “…Open it to see?”

“Mhmm…” Ye Shu agreed and uncovered the lid.

This brocade box looked ordinary on the surface but was crafted ingeniously internally, divided into many layers, where in the uppermost layer was a row of porcelain bottles and containers.

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“Rouge and powder? What did he present me with these for?” Ye Shu, with slightly furrowed brows, proceeded to look at the next layer, where there were several finely bound booklets. Ye Shu then took them out. “The Secret Scene of a Lust Night, 18 Positions Between Homo…”

His voice came to a halt.

W-W-W-hat the hell is all this?!!

His gaze moved further down. The last layer was filled with a dazzling array of tiny objects of various shapes.

As Ye Shu took a good look at these toys, his cheeks immediately flushed.

Not hearing anything from Ye Shu for some time, Jin Wang came over to take a look. “What did he present?”

“Pah—” Ye Shu slammed the box shut and he said, “N-Nothing special. No need to bother looking.”

Jin Wang had long since roughly guessed what Yu Yan was up to. Seeing Ye Shu’s reaction, he was even more certain. He held back his smile and said willfully, “The second prince’s gift is certainly anything but ordinary. Let Gu see.”

“I already said no need to bother looking!”

Ye Shu frantically picked up the box and ran. For fear that he’d fall, Jin Wang promptly reached out to stop him.

In the midst of their bed chamber scuffle, a servant came in to report, “Your Majesty, the physician has arrived.”


Ye Shu’s hand shook and the box fell with a clatter.

The lid of the box had not been shut tightly, and with such a crash, all the contents inside also spilled out and rolled off here and there.

Just as imperial physician Feng was ushered into the bedchamber by the servant, he saw the same round object roll to his feet.

He subconsciously picked it up.

The silver object in his hand resembled a bell, exquisite and dainty, embedded with movable brass beads as well as a silver chain hanging from it.

Imperial physician Feng who suddenly realized what it was, “…”

The servants who clearly saw what was all over the room, “……”

For a good while, silence conquered Yangxin Hall. Ye Shu’s eyes imploded into darkness, almost no longer holding the desire to live.

Jin Wang seemed to know what he was thinking, he hurriedly held the man in his arms, his expression unperturbed, “What are you all standing around there for? Tidy up.”


The crowd scrambled to pick the things up. Jin Wang half-supported half-embraced Ye Shu to have him sit on the couch.

Ye Shu, in a trance, clutched Jin Wang’s sleeve. “It’s the first time I’ve seen so many…”

Whose wouldn’t it be.

Jin Wang patted his hand soothingly and mentally revised his judgement of that second prince.

He had never seen those many objects when he himself owned the largest brothel in the capital.

Who knew how that man managed to get such an extensive box of them in such a short period of time.

This was akin to a rare chest of hundreds of curiosities.

This man was not simple.

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Imperial physician Feng sat by the couch and took Ye Shu’s pulse, meanwhile in the background, the servants were still picking up the things one by one and putting them back.

Ye Shu finally came back to his senses, ashamed and annoyed, “Don’t put them back, throw them all away!”

Jin Wang, with an expression somewhat hesitant, “This was a token of regard from him…”

Ye Shu furrowed his brows. Jin Wang immediately sternly said, “Didn’t you hear what he said? Throw them all out.”

The crowd hurriedly took the order and proceeded to work.

Jin Wang inwardly felt that it was a great pity, but didn’t dare to take a stand, and he took the man in his embrace. “Now, don’t be upset. At worst, Gu will look for an opportunity to teach him a lesson for you. Don’t be upset, it will affect your health.”

Ye Shu, “Hmph.”

With his ears red, Ye Shu stressed, “I’m not using those.”

Jin Wang, “Mhm, need not.”

Jin Wang held the man in his arms and smoothed his hair. “Gu couldn’t bear to make you use them.”

Imperial physician Feng listened with sour teeth. After making a diagnosis and saying that Ye Shu’s body had already recovered and that the fetus had no abnormalities, he hurriedly got up and took his leave. 

As he walked out of Yangxin Hall, there were several young eunuchs leaving with the brocade box.

“Who could have told that His Majesty even likes to engage in this sort of play.”

“Didn’t you say before that His Majesty’s jewels weren’t functioning well? What else can he do if not this?”

“Alas, it’s a pity on His Highness the consort, it’s not easy to bear His Majesty’s favor…”



The next few days passed smoothly.

As night fell, Jin Wang sat at the table to deal with his affairs.

Ye Shu leaned back on the couch to read, but his gaze couldn’t help drifting up quietly to check out Jin Wang.

The dog emperor’s serious appearance looked particularly intimidating, his features vivid and deep under the lamp. With his beautiful brows furrowed slightly, it was as though he was in deep thought about something.

Further down, his sharply contoured, fine lips, were slightly lighter in color and made him look rather unapproachable overall.

But Ye Shu now knew that those lips were actually quite soft and had the nicest shape when they were drawn up.

As if noticing his gaze, Jin Wang’s eyelids rose, and his eyes instantly softened. “What, sleepy?”

“No!” Ye Shu hurriedly withdrew his gaze, inexplicably somewhat afraid of being found out.

He’d been clocking up a lot of time lately gawking at Jin Wang.

During the three-day heat period, Ye Shu had only regarded it as a solution for his physiological needs. After all, Jin Wang was the reason he was marked, as well as the reason behind his pregnancy that led to his faith incense being disrupted.

After the heat cycle passed, it was about time they returned to their initial relationship.

What was their initial…relationship again?

Oh right, he had decided to compromise with the situation and play the part of a concubine staying in the palace, in order to try to survive in the hands of this dog emperor, while looking for the opportunity to escape.

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That was it, he was originally going to escape.

……But after the heat period, it all went downhill.

“Staring off into space all night long, what are you thinking about?”

Jin Wang came up and gave Ye Shu a kiss on the lips.

He had just finished bathing, his body a little watery and his lips warm and soft.

Ye Shu suddenly returned to his senses and averted his gaze. “I-It’s nothing…”

His muddled appearance was so cute. Jin Wang lowered his head and tried to kiss him again but Ye Shu only pushed him away. “You can’t take advantage of me any more!”

The heat period had passed already. This man sure got into the habit of taking undue advantage of him!

It must be because the man had done nothing but pick on him so much lately that he had become this dysfunctional.

Jin Wang smiled. “Am I not allowed to even kiss my consort?”

“Not allowed,” Ye Shu firmly said. “In the future, without my permission, you’re not allowed to let your hands and legs take too many liberties with me.”

Jin Wang wasn’t angry either. He sat up straight, putting on a business-like expression, and asked patiently, “How can I be allowed to touch you then?”

Ye Shu hesitated for a moment before he spoke with less confidence, “I-It depends on how you behave.”

Jin Wang asked, “Then how did Gu behave today?”

Ye Shu pondered seriously.

Jin Wang succeeded in steaming the pastries for the first time today. Even though the sweetness was too much and it was slightly over-steamed, it was still palatable.

He had also read a popular novel to Ye Shu for half an hour, accompanied him to the imperial garden to enjoy the snow, and taken him to pick out his clothes for the nearing Lantern Festival…

To be fair, all of his conduct was pretty good.

Ye Shu replied, “Not bad.”

Jin Wang smiled as he lowered his head to kiss him.

He pressed Ye Shu into the soft bed with one hand wrapped around his waist and the other pressed against his side with a gentle but irrefutable strength, almost completely kneading the man into his arms.

After a moment, Jin Wang released him.

Ye Shu breathed heavily, his eyes coated with mist. Before he could say anything, Jin Wang took the lead to say, “You said that I could touch you as long as I behaved well.”


Was that what he had just said?

Ye Shu, enthralled by the kiss, couldn’t find the words to refute him.

Jin Wang’s palm slowly moved down and fell on Ye Shu’s lower abdomen, his eyes slightly dark. “A-Shu, I kind of regret it slightly.”

“……If it weren’t for this little rascal, there would be no need for you and I to put up with restraining ourselves in this way.”

The fetus’ heart had already stabilized and they were allowed to have appropriate intercourse, but not excessively nor too often. It was due to the sudden heat period that they had to do so, but now that Ye Shu’s body had recovered to normal, the two of them had to return to their former abstinence.

Having had tasted the forbidden fruit, the days of abstinence were far harder than before.

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This was the situation for both Jin Wang and Ye Shu.

Having been about to go to sleep, Ye Shu was only wearing a single thin inner garment, and he distinctly felt the heat of Jin Wang’s palm through the cloth. He curled up a little and said softly, “I…I have an idea.”

Jin Wang, “Mhm?”

Ye Shu didn’t dare to look at him and hemmed and hawed as he broached the topic, “I…I was thinking of staying in Yongshou Palace.”

Jin Wang slowly narrowed his eyes.

Since Ye Shu and Jin Wang had a heart to heart about the pregnancy, he rarely showed such an unhappy expression in front of him.

Ye Shu was still somewhat afraid of this expression of his. With his confidence rapidly draining from his voice, he said, “I haven’t been able to control this Kunjun’s constitution and I haven’t been able to sleep well at all at your side either. Not having enough quality rest is not good for the child. Even if you take me out of the account, you should think about this pu……aheem, this little prince, right?”

This was the solution that Ye Shu had come to that night.

As the Kunjun’s constitution destined him to be unable to withstand this man’s temptation, then he should avoid the root of the cause.

A lasting solution.

Jin Wang gazed at him, dumbfounded, “You attribute all these reactions you have to me to the Kunjun’s constitution?”

Ye Shu asked rhetorically, “Isn’t that so? What else could it be then?”

Jin Wang was silent.

The two looked at each other wordlessly for a moment before Jin Wang sighed, “Go, if that’s what you want, go ahead.”

Yongshou Palace had originally been bestowed to Ye Shu.

It used to be the palace of the former emperor’s several consorts and was the palace nearest to Yangxin Hall. Jin Wang could go see him at any time and could even stay there for the night. Ye Shu moving was no big deal.

Jin Wang didn’t want to keep him confined in his bedchamber forever either.

Since he intended to treat him well, he must first give him back his freedom.


It wasn’t a bad thing at all for them to spend some time in separation at the moment. Actually… Jin Wang hadn’t slept well for several nights either.

Blame it on that little rascal.

Jin Wang thought indignantly in his heart as he lay down with his arm around Ye Shu.


(Mini theatre)

The child who not only fears for his life at all times but was even given the cold shoulder: …… Ying.


Author’s Note: (04-26-20)

Think it’s better to say that it’s really been a bit hard to write lately.

Not sure if I’ve reached burnout or what. I know what to write, but I feel like it doesn’t feel right. A good friend of mine said that my writing depends on what state I am, and that’s prob true, I’ve been in terrible state lately._(:з」∠)_

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