For the first time in a long time, Ye Shu finally felt the presence of this brat.

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He rested his palm on his lower abdomen, unconsciously holding his breath.

As if feeling his father’s movements, the little brat inside him moved again. The impact was quite mild, like a kitten’s paw clawing at Ye Shu’s palm through his tummy. The movement didn’t discomfort Ye Shu, rather it gave him a sense of novelty.

Ye Shu’s voice trembled with surprise, “He, he, he——he really moved!”

Jin Wang was equally as surprised.

Ye Shu was almost four months pregnant and was already starting to show visible signs of being pregnant. It was only the thick winter clothes that made it hard to see, but if he changed to lighter summer clothes, one would clearly see a curve to his originally flat stomach.

Jin Wang reached out to place his hand there with a very gentle touch, as though he was afraid of disturbing it.

Yet there was not even the slightest movement.

Ye Shu frowned. “Move ya, didn’t you just move?”

Still no movement.

The two stalled for a moment before Ye Shu looked up to Jin Wang and said seriously, “He’s afraid of you.”

“……” Jin Wang, at a loss whether to laugh or to cry, “Am I that terrible?”

Ye Shu nodded. “Yes.”

Jin Wang, “……” 

“Fine,” Jin Wang said. “Go to sleep, it’s getting pretty late.”

Ye Shu was still a little reluctant.

However, no matter how he coaxed or threatened the little brat in his womb, even getting up from the bed several times to walk around, he no longer made any movements. Ye Shu got so tired and sleepy from all that walking that he had to give up for the time being.

Jin Wang lay down with his arm around Ye Shu, who soon made no sound.

Perhaps because he had worries on his mind, Ye Shu did not sleep well that night, his brows furrowed as he turned over in Jin Wang’s arms every now and then. Jin Wang was worried that he might put too much weight on his stomach, so he clasped his waist and pressed him into his embrace.

With his back against Jin Wang, Ye Shu gradually stopped moving under the other party’s appeasement.

Jin Wang’s hand naturally fell on Ye Shu’s abdomen.

Ye Shu had a slender waist. Even though he was now in the early stages of pregnancy, it was not all that evident. Jin Wang placed his palm on Ye Shu’s abdomen and gently caressed it.

Then, all of a sudden, he felt a slight movement beneath the skin under his palm.

Jin Wang’s eyes opened in shock.

It was an indescribably wonderful feeling. He clearly felt a vivid, tiny life under his palm, one that was slowly starting to grow.

And this little life was his and Ye Shu’s flesh and blood.

Jin Wang couldn’t help but feel the bulging belly again. The little brat inside seemed to be completely awake this time, moving around in Ye Shu’s womb, extremely restless.

“Umm……” Ye Shu seemed to be somewhat disturbed as he frowned and whimpered.

Jin Wang reprimanded in a low voice, “Don’t move around now, sleep.”

As if Jin Wang’s intimidation had had its effect, the movement under his palm soon stopped.

……Is Gu really that terrible?

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Jin Wang reflected on this in his mind.

Ye Shu just then turned over again and burrowed into Jin Wang’s embrace, his head rubbing against the crook of his arm. “Stop the noise……”

“Mhm, no noise for you.” Jin Wang stroked his hair and said in a soft voice, “Sleep now.”

And so, he fell into a deep dreamless sleep.

When Ye Shu woke up the next day, Jin Wang was indeed already gone.

When the palace maid came in to help him freshen up, Ye Shu couldn’t help but ask, “Last night…… Did you find anything unusual?”

A young girl in palace clothes was rolling up the bed canopy when she stood still for a moment. “This servant was keeping watch outside the hall last night and found nothing unusual. What is it that My Lord is referring to?”

“……It’s nothing.”

Jin Wang apparently did leave before sunrise, just as he said he did.

Ye Shu sighed, somehow feeling a little unhappy in his heart.

The palace maid pushed open the window that Jin Wang used last night. Outside in the courtyard, eunuchs were bustling around with red silk lanterns in their hands.

As the end of the year approached, the inner servants were beginning to clean and decorate the palace.

Everyone went about their tasks throughout the day, giving the cold and empty palace a more festive atmosphere.


Ten days passed in a flash. On New Year’s Eve, His Majesty the monarch was hosting a banquet for all the officials at Fangxuan Tower.

When Ye Shu arrived outside Fangxuan Tower, the officials had not all yet arrived.

As people were milling around outside the building, Ye Shu was helped out of the imperial palanquin by an inner servant. Looking up, he saw a figure standing outside the hall.

It was Xiao Huan.

Xiao Huan, smiling, walked over and bowed to him. “Greetings, Your Highness.”

Ye Shu returned the courtesy.

After several days of not seeing him, the youth looked even worse than before. It was evident that that dog emperor had not spared him these few days given the approaching New Year’s Eve.

Xiao Huan sighed in his heart as he looked at the other party with a hint of sympathy.

While no one was paying attention to their side, Xiao Huan took another step forward and asked in a low voice, “How has Your Highness been considering my offer these few days? Don’t forget our appointment.”

Ye Shu naturally had not forgotten.

Not only did he not forget, but because of this matter, he had spent the past few days losing sleep thinking about it.

Before Ye Shu could answer, Jin Wang’s voice rang out from behind him, “What are you two talking about?”

Ye Shu was so frightened by him. A shiver ran down his spine and he turned around. “Y-Your Majesty……”

Jin Wang put his arm around him in a natural manner. “The banquet is about to start. Follow me upstairs.”


Jin Wang paid no attention to Xiao Huan who was still standing by, and walked straight towards Fangxuan Tower with Ye Shu in his arms.

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Xiao Huan showed displeasure, but he did not dare to say anything. With a cold snort, he turned around and walked towards the side door from where the officials would enter the hall.

Fangxuan Tower stood as the tallest building in the Imperial City. Jin Wang pulled Ye Shu to the highest point on the tall building and supported him on the balustrade, looking out over the entire snow-covered Imperial City.

As the sun set and the sky gradually darkened, the glowing red lanterns lit all around the palace grew increasingly prominent.

Ye Shu, however, was in no mood to enjoy the scenery.

He carefully surveyed the man beside him, inexplicably feeling somewhat diffident.

It was unknown whether Xiao Huan’s words from earlier had reached this man’s ears.

There was nothing unusual with Jin Wang’s expression, but he had always been temperamental, so any change in his mood didn’t say much.

Sure enough, he heard Jin Wang ask in a relaxed manner, “What were you and Xiao Huan talking about just now?”

Ye Shu averted his gaze abruptly and mumbled, “Not……Nothing.”

Jin Wang said nothing, gazing at him in silence.

He looked calm, but there seemed to be something hidden extremely deep inside his eyes that sent a chill down Ye Shu’s spine.

A moment later, Jin Wang collectedly withdrew his gaze. “Let’s sit down.”

As night fell, the revelry of song and dance arose.

The gathered officials exchanged toasts, exchanging jovial banter amongst themselves.

There was no sign of anything unusual about Jin Wang tonight. He treated Ye Shu with his usual care and attention, only that he was obviously drinking more wine than usual. Not long after, a pile of empty liquor jars had already collected at his feet.

Hearing Jin Wang call a servant to serve him wine for the umpteenth time, Ye Shu finally couldn’t help but speak up, “You should stop drinking.”

Jin Wang paused, while the young eunuch serving nearby also stood frozen.

No one had yet dared to say “no” to His Majesty.

Ye Shu looked down as he reminded him in a low voice, “Haishi is drawing near, it’s time to end the banquet.”

Since the end of New Year’s Eve marked the beginning of the New Year, banquets usually ended early to allow the many officials to return home to their families.

Jin Wang’s eyes were no longer as sober as before. He paused for a moment before nodding. “Alright.”

With the officials leaving, only Jin Wang and Ye Shu remained atop the tall building.

Jin Wang propped himself up on the table as he rose to his feet, wobbling then falling back.

Ye Shu hurriedly held him steady.

“I told you so, now you’re drunk already……” Ye Shu grumbled.

Jin Wang was much taller than him. Supporting him was a bit of a struggle. There was no way for Ye Shu to pull him up at all.

Before Ye Shu could decide whether to make the effort himself or just have the servants come and carry Jin Wang away, the latter suddenly pointed towards the sky. “Look there.”

Fireworks blast across the horizon.

The view from Fangxuan Tower was expansive. Ye Shu looked up and saw a display of dazzling fireworks flaring up in the sky, as close as if he only needed to lift his hand to reach them.

The dark night sparkled as though it were daylight. Amidst the hubbub, Jin Wang looked back and ran his fingertips gently over Ye Shu’s cheek.

That tactile sensation was so gentle as to be unnoticed by Ye Shu. Likewise, he did not notice the fleeting gloom that passed in Jin Wang’s eyes.

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Shortly after, the fireworks came to an end.

Ye Shu was about to speak when he suddenly felt his shoulders be weighed down.

Jin Wang rested on his shoulder.

Ye Shu craned his head to look over. Jin Wang’s eyes were slightly closed, him seemingly already asleep.


“Your Majesty?” Ye Shu called out quietly. “……Jin Wang?”

No response.

As expected. He had drunk way too much.

Ye Shu was feeling somewhat helpless. He pressed his brows before summoning the servants to help the man up.

Many servants hastily helped Jin Wang downstairs, where the imperial palanquin was waiting outside the hall. Jin Wang appeared to be seriously drunk, not opening his eyes even once as he was helped into the palanquin, though his complexion looked rather indisposed.

The servants settled Jin Wang well before they turned around to help Ye Shu inside, but Ye Shu shook his head.

“I don’t need it. You all first send His Majesty back to the palace,” Ye Shu stated.

A servant looked hesitant. “But My Lord……”

Ye Shu interrupted, “Yongshou Palace isn’t far from here. I will take a quick stroll and head back soon.”

The servant intended to press further when Ye Shu coldly snorted. “What? My orders don’t count?”

“……would not dare.”

Ye Shu turned to leave when he thought of something else and turned back to say, “Remember to boil a bowl of hangover soup. Have His Majesty drink it all before going back to sleep.”

The servant, “Understood.”

He took one last look at where the imperial palanquin was heading. The palanquin’s curtain had already been lowered by the servants, and under the bright reflection of the palace lanterns on either side of the road, the vague silhouette of a man inside could be dimly seen.

Ye Shu breathed a silent sigh of relief and turned to walk into the night.

Jin Wang being drunk that night made it easier for Ye Shu to carry out his actions.

The palace on New Year’s Eve was more busy than usual, with servants enjoying the lanterns and lighting fireworks in twos and threes, giving the cold Imperial City a bit more color in its atmosphere.

Because of the recent indulgence and favor that Jin Wang had shown him, Ye Shu walked unimpeded all the way to Chongde Gate, and by the time he got there, there was still quite a bit of time left until his appointment with Xiao Huan.

But the man was already waiting there.

Xiao Huan, dressed in black, came out from behind a tree. His eyes lit up slightly the instant he spotted Ye Shu.

Xiao Huan said, “I knew you would come. I have already prepared everything. In a moment, we will—”

“Young Lord Xiao,” Ye Shu spoke softly. “I came to tell you that I have no intention of leaving with you.”

Xiao Huan stood stunned.

Ye Shu added earnestly, “I appreciate Young Lord Xiao’s kindness, but I cannot implicate you in this.”

“You don’t need to worry about that,” Xiao Huan replied. “Didn’t I tell you that even if you were to be found out, that dog emperor wouldn’t……”

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“This was but one of them,” Ye Shu interrupted him. “The other thing is I still have some unfinished business with His Majesty…… I can’t leave him now.”

“What unfinished business?” Xiao Huan frowned slightly, then suddenly understood. “You’re not…… You’re not really interested in Jin Wang, are you? Don’t you know that he’s not sincere in treating you well at all, he just considers you as……”

He didn’t end up saying it out loud.

On the horizon, the waves of fireworks turned into fragmented bits of sparks falling down. Everything was just too beautiful to the eye.

The two stood under the sparkling fireworks. After a while, Xiao Huan spoke softly, “At times when I talk to you, I honestly think that Ye Shu-gege has returned.”

“I met Ye Shu-gege five years ago. Back then, I told him that the capital was full of dangers and asked him to leave here with me. But he just refused the offer.”

“He said he still had things he had to do here; had people he just couldn’t let go of. He spoke with the exact same look and tone of voice as you do now.”

“……Perhaps it’s because of how much you remind me of him that I want to take you away.”

Xiao Huan gave a mocking laugh. “These few days, I even found myself wondering, you can’t really be Ye Shu-gege, right?”

Ye Shu fell oddly silent.

Xiao Huan’s smile gradually wore off.

But then Ye Shu quickly shook his head. “I’m not him.”

“Pretending to be someone for such a long time, even I would wonder occasionally.” Ye Shu looked down as he added in a whisper, “But a fake is still a fake. I’m not him, I know this very well.”

Hearing this from him, Xiao Huan’s expression eased up.

“You’re not him and maybe that’s better.” Xiao Huan turned his head, too much of his face was hidden in the dark to make out any expression, but his voice carried a slight hoarseness, “I didn’t want to see Ye Shu-gege with that dog emperor at all. He’s not worthy.”

Ye Shu opened his mouth, but was unsure of how to explain.

“So be it.” Xiao Huan said, “Seeing as you are not willing to go, I will not impose my will upon you either.”

He paused for a moment, and then said seriously, “But you have to think it through. You won’t have such a good chance after today. That perverted dog emperor won’t let you off the hook. Don’t be fooled by your emotions.”

“……” Ye Shu smiled helplessly and said in earnest, “I’m not leaving and I won’t regret it.”

“Alright……” Xiao Huan looked somewhat reluctant, but did not keep pursuing the matter. “Then I’ll go back to the mansion first. I only snuck out while my father was not paying attention. He’ll notice me missing if I don’t go back now.”

He cupped his hands in front as he bowed to Ye Shu. “Please take care.”

Ye Shu, “Take care.”

Xiao Huan’s figure soon disappeared into the night. Ye Shu turned around and was about to return in the same direction he had come, when he saw a figure coming out from around the corner of the palace wall not far away.

Jin Wang.

The man was still dressed as he had been earlier, but with sober eyes that were free of intoxication. He watched Ye Shu from a distance, the corners of his mouth rising to an arc that Ye Shu was very familiar with.

Ye Shu, “……”

Was it too late for him to regret it now?


(Mini Theatre)

Jin Wang: Too late.

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