Chapter 4: Won’t Forgive

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Anxiety washed over me at his words of being late.

He had been dressed in a suit and on his way to the wedding when he suddenly turned his car to the hospital upon hearing the news.

“How are they doing now, all three of them?”

Ajusshi rushed over to me and held my trembling hands with his wrinkled ones. His watery eyes met my white dress, and I could sense the sadness and deep disappointment in them.

“Ha… The chairman has pa*sed away.”

A cry escaped my lips, without me realizing it. It was all too similar to the pa*sing of my grandfather in my previous life.

I stumbled into the hospital room, leaving ajusshi behind me, and burst into tears upon seeing my parents lying on the bed.

How could this happen again? Was it my arrogance and delusion to think that I could prevent it from happening again?

“I thought we still had time…”

Grandfather and my parents were people who were strict about keeping appointments on time. They were late to the wedding, and the meal was delayed for quite some time.

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And then came the news of the accident. It was an unfortunate accident, and after grandfather pa*sed away, my parents also eventually left us.

Tears that had been held back streamed down my face as I approached my parents lying in bed.

“Why… why can’t I save them?”

Even in my past life, I had heard news of an accident before the wedding and rushed out of the wedding venue.

The Double U Group, which ranked fifth in the industry, was a company led by my great-grandfather. The news of the accident involving the Double U family had spread through numerous media outlets. The media, without any preparation, began to spread gossip about me, the only heiress of the large corporation.

[Double U Group, the only heiress, will she succeed? What about the succession plan?]

[“I thought it was a festival…but it turned into a mourning wedding.” How will the merger of the century’s conglomerates go?]

When I thought I was alone in this world, it was my husband, Ji-Han, who reached out his hand to me. He was the only family I had.

“I really believed in them…”

As I tried to calm my heart, I told him that I would take care of the group’s affairs.

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Amidst the turbulent inheritance and management disputes, under the pretext that I would protect him, I merged Double U Group and Hojin Group.

I removed my parents’ hands, who were using an oxygen respirator and unconscious.

“They probably thought I was an ignorant brat.”

I am no longer the timid Yoon Yeo-Jin of twenty-nine years old. I cannot let the Double U Group, which my grandfather built and my parents dedicated their lives to, be taken away.

“I won’t let you have your way…”

I can forgive others, but I can’t forgive you.

You won’t be able to have anything you want in this life.


The door, which had been tightly closed, opened and the sound of footsteps stumbling behind me was heard.

The man who came closer to me, holding my parents’ hands, placed his hand on my shoulder.

Feeling the firm yet warm touch, my heart quivered. He was the only person who had ever been on my side in my past life.

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“Yeo-Jin, the chairman’s funeral has been arranged.”


“I have also informed the shareholders, but there doesn’t seem to be any major movements yet.”


The voices of those who sneered at me for being young, a woman, and an inheritor who had not received any succession lessons, still felt vivid. At the shareholders’ meeting in my past life, the acquisition merger was decided under Ji-Han’s leadership.

“Sir.” His hand on my shoulder trembled slightly at my faint voice. “Please keep an eye on the shareholders’ movements. An emergency general meeting will be held soon.”

Although the shareholders did not show much movement at my grandfather’s funeral, my parents stepped forward when their lives were in danger. If nothing changed, the management rights would be transferred to Vice Chairman Kim Young-Min, which was no different from giving the gun to Seo Ji-Han.

“And one more thing. Please investigate Seo Ji-Han’s representative.”

“Why Seo’s representative? He’s your husband now.” The man already seemed to have heard the news of the wedding and asked with a worried expression. “We’re not going to pretend that the wedding didn’t happen, are we?”

I had always been obedient and submissive around him since I was young, never raising my voice. So when I acted differently than usual, the man’s eyes shook with surprise. Furthermore, refusing to merge with the sturdy Hojin Group was practically impossible given the current situation.

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“The situation isn’t good. That’s why, especially in times like this, it’s best to establish a solid foundation through a merger.”


“Seo Ji-Han may be your fiancé, but he’s not the successor to Hojin.”

“No. I won’t marry that man.”

Such a weak foundation that could collapse at any moment was now irrelevant to me.

“We’re going to break off the engagement.”

The word “break off” that came out of my lips left him speechless.

“The past cannot be changed, but the future can be different.”

Seo Ji-Han would never become the head of the Hojin Group. I will stop him.

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