Translator: humu

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The planet Lopa, which had been in a state of tension due to the stalemate with the planet of Moser, had become extremely lively in recent days. This was almost the most impassioned time since the marriage of the imperial marshal and the son of the imperial king 20 years ago. 

There was no other reason. The highly sought after ger of Lopa, Major General Moore Houston, was successfully matched by the planet’s main brain system.

For a time, the entire Lopa Star and even the outer planets were all heartbroken. However, compared to heartbreak, everyone was more worried!

Who was Moore Houston? Not to mention anything else, but the last name ‘Houston’ alone was loud enough to make people look up. Yet, this noble and resounding surname couldn’t conceal Moore’s brilliance.

When he was only twenty-four years old, Moore was promoted to ‘Major General’ by the virtue of his superb mecha control ability and outstanding combat exploits. This was the youngest major general in the entire planet and the first among gers in hundreds of years.

Now at the age of 26, he had repeatedly fought the surrounding star domains for the Lopa Star and had repeatedly repelled the invasion of the super-species from the outer domain. He had also found new usable energy resources for the Lopa planet many times. He was a veritable supreme-being-level mecha male god on the planet of Lopa.

In addition, the status of being the imperial marshal’s son also brought him to a higher level in the altar. Coupled with his unchanging frosted face and the temperament comparable to a moving iceberg who repelled others thousands of miles away, it made him even more unattainable and unapproachable. He had always existed like a god looking down on mortals from high above.

But for such a god-like character, he was matched by the main brain system to a poor old man who was said to be worthless at 30 years old. Wasn’t this just like a tale of the most ridiculous situation in the world?

For the first time since the planet’s supreme main brain was born, people had doubted the authority of the main brain.

As long as the main brain was a little fair, it was impossible to match Major General Moore, who was like a god-like ger, to that old man, who was as worthy as dust.

Hence, the entire Lopa Star couldn’t believe it and was dumbfounded.

However, the fact was that when the entire planet was indignant, the Houston family, located at the highest point of the cloud, was silent, and even Major General Moore didn’t say a word.

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The Houston family seemed to acquiesce to this absurd matching marriage. But why was this? Why was it like that!

As everyone knew, in the two hundred years since 5889 AD, the ability of human beings to reproduce was no longer so precarious. The system of compulsory matching via the planet’s main brain had also been abolished. Nowadays, free love and free marriage were advocated and the main brain’s matching was just one of the many ways for people to find a partner, and it was completely free to choose whether to reject or to accept.

In other words, with Major General Moore’s status as noble and respected, there was no need for the main brain’s matching at all. This was the first reason.

Secondly, the planet’s main brain represented the highest authority. It was the fairest and most justified existence. For partner matching, the main brain would give the most compatible matching based on a person’s identity information, personality analysis, working conditions and many more, of each person in the matching database. So, such a ridiculous match result would never happen.

Thirdly, for the Lopa Star, whose reproduction was no longer a primary problem, applying for main brain matching was only a way for a small number of people to seek a partner. If the result was not satisfactory, both parties could refuse.

In short, this matching result was absurd and ridiculous from every aspect and it was simply just unacceptable.

In fact, within the people of Lopa, who were confused and distressed, was Ji Feng, one of the parties involved, who had also expressed confusion.

Ji Feng came to this world for just a short span of two months.

Before that, he was a genius refiner who had cultivated to the Nascent Soul stage in only three hundred years in a world of cultivation that was far from here.

And the original owner of the body he now possessed, was indeed a poor old man who was decadent and dejected.

An orphan, who had been living a tough life since he was a child, had persisted in graduating from university with resentment for the world. However, he was ruthlessly abandoned by his first love of three years during his graduation, so he never recovered from the fall.

Then after, he found a job as a teacher in a backward and fringe town. After a few years, he finally regained his confidence and applied for a main brain match, but the other party rejected it directly, so he became even more decadent. In the eyes of others, he was now a 30-year-old man, a depressed old man with no car, no house and no savings.

So Ji Feng was very confused. Probably every woman or gers had a reason to reject him, but Major General Moore, who stood in the clouds, did not refuse, and even the supreme Houston family did not make any comments. Why?

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This was Ji Feng’s first doubt.

Secondly, with the identity of Moore Houston, let alone ordinary men on the planet, even the most honorable royal children or the children of high-ranking officials would be busy rushing at him as long as he wanted.

So if he wanted to find a partner, why should he apply for a main brain matching? What did he want?

Furthermore, from the memory of the original master’s brain, the authority of the planet’s main brain did not cover everything. It was the same in any other world, with a few exceptions. For example, Moore Houston’s father, the Imperial Marshal, Wip Houston.

This was the supreme existence of the entire Lopa Star. He could completely reject or even erase this absurd match result, overwriting the main brain system. No one would dare to say a word.

Ji Feng couldn’t imagine how such a respected and prominent imperial marshal could allow his excellent son to marry such a person like him.

Ji Feng’s puzzlement was what the people of Lopa Star had too. What made Ji Feng unable to understand, and what made him look forward to this absurd match, was that, as one of the parties involved, he had never applied for a partner match to the main brain system at all.

As everyone knew, only after one submitted a matching application to the main brain, would this person’s profile information then enter the matching database and have the qualification to be matched.

However, in the memory of the original owner, except for applying once a few years ago, the following years had been muddled, and he had never applied for main brain matching. According to the regulations, his application would automatically become invalid after the match was unsuccessful within the year. If one wanted to match again, one had to apply again.

The original owner did not apply and Ji Feng did not apply. This meant that someone applied to the main brain for him and it was likely that the application was made after Ji Feng came to this world.

But in fact, even an alternative application must be approved by the applicant before it could take effect, but he didn’t know anything at all.

Then there was only one explanation. Someone deliberately put his information into the matching database, and this person had, at least, the right or identity to overwrite the main brain system.

So the question was, with the humble identity of the original owner, what was worthwhile for such a character to do this for him?

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Ji Feng keenly felt that this might have something to do with the Houston family not rejecting this ridiculous match.

Ji Feng was now just a little-known small person. Not to mention that he was now in a strange world, he was not interested in getting involved in the whirlpool of power play. This matter might not seem so simple at all.

Although he had just experienced life and death, he had some insights after being reborn.

He used to have a talent for refining weapons and was surprisingly very talented at that. He never took the initiative to provoke others, did not grab opportunities from others, and did not make enemies with anyone. He focused purely on refining weapons and his cultivation level was therefore raised all the way to the Nascent Soul stage. 

But even so, some people still worried about his refining techniques and his magical weapon. Trouble had always come to the door by itself, and it was not something one could avoid even if one wanted to.

Ji Feng was a bit extreme in certain aspects, so he didn’t hesitate to choose to die together, even if the opponent was a strong man, who oozed with power out of his orifices and was at a level he absolutely couldn’t reach, he would still do everything he could to blow him into pieces.

However, Ji Feng appeared here, not dead, and became the Ji Feng of this world.

When he first arrived, he was shocked. All he saw were eye-catching features that were so advanced to civilization and technology, suspended warships, sonic speed cars, sky towers, an age of intelligence…

All of this dazzled him, but fortunately, he still had the original owner’s entire memory, which he had accepted, that made integration easier. But despite this, he was still made very surprised and uncomfortable by the most miraculous aspect of this world.

That was, in the long thousands of years of cosmic survival and evolution, women had actually become one of the minorities, replaced by an existence named ‘ger’.

They were more petite than men and usually looked more delicate and beautiful. The most obvious difference was that they had a pair of iris with random colors that were different from men’s black eyes. Other than that, they were almost the same as men.

Of course, the biggest difference in essence was that they could give birth to offspring, so they were called gers. This was what surprised Ji Feng the most, and something he had yet to adapt to.

In fact, he had seen many such gers in the past three months, but Ji Feng really couldn’t associate them as ‘women’ who could have children, especially that Major General Moore, who recently dominated the world’s major internet headlines every day. To be precise, it was his wife whom he hadn’t met yet.

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As a result, Ji Feng was inexplicably curious and interested in that one.

Since someone could bypass the main brain system to force him to match, he could easily erase his refusal. Meaning, he had no choice.

Ji Feng, who was able to live his life again, was obviously more open-minded. Instead of making senseless resistance when he didn’t have the strength, he was more willing to welcome the new world with interest.


Ji Feng was thinking halfway when suddenly, a transparent picture flashed in front of him. It was the door’s monitoring picture that was automatically sent to the owner via the gate security system.

The screen showed that a sonic car, that shouldn’t be in such a place, was parked outside of his door and two men with stiff statures stood in front of it in a formal and orderly manner.

Ji Feng was a little puzzled. He resigned from that remote town and came to the main city of Lopa within half a month. During this time, he basically lived behind closed doors1. And in order to save money, he specially looked for the edge of the city, in the corner of the lowest level, so it stood to reason that no one should come to look for him.

After opening the door, Ji Feng gathered from the two men’s straight fighting posture and rough accent and had instantly guessed their identities correctly. These were two soldiers.

“You are Ji Feng, Mr. Ji, right?”

One of them tried to suppress the discomfort and asked awkwardly. Obviously, he was uncomfortable and puzzled by Ji Feng, to be exact, about everything in this place.

“I am.”

“Hello. Major General Moore, he… er, he is busy with military affairs and may not be able to come for a while, so we sent some things here first.”

The tensed men were not good at lying as they flushed red, but their duty was to obey orders.

Ji Feng couldn’t help but curl his lips. How interesting, don’t you have to show up when you get married?

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