Translator: humu

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When Moore discovered Ji Feng’s location, there were lots of people gathered around. He saw Ji Feng in the middle of the crowd and Lieutenant Baze, who was easily noticeable among the crowd.

The body reacted before the brain and Moore had already quickly walked over. The frost in his eyes became sharper, seemingly ready to kill people at any time.

Rolt followed closely. He knew very well what that group of people could do. As expected, everyone looked odd.

“Just what is going on here?” Rolt sneered with a dark face. “Since when can the Houston Family be bullied at will?”

Although he felt that Ji Feng was not worthy of Moore, Ji Feng was considered to be part of the Houston Family since they had already registered as husbands. Could the people from the Houston Family be easily bullied?

Lu Qiao Sheng’s few people immediately withered. Although they were all people with their own statuses, they were not enough to be flaunted in front of the Houston brothers. Not to mention that these two were Major General and Lieutenant General respectively. Just based on these two military ranks, it was enough to make them breathless.

“Major General, Lieutenant General, you have misunderstood,” Lu Qiao Sheng reacted significantly faster than the others. “We just wanted to get to know Mr. Ji. There is no malicious intent.”

If they were going to talk about bullying, then wasn’t Ji Feng bullying them? Looking at Ji Feng, whose face did not change color and was even smiling, Lu Qiao Sheng felt that they had just been humiliated. Furthermore, Baze still had a bruised arm.

Rolt gave a cold smile. Without giving them any face, he then turned to Ji Feng, “Is that right?”

Ji Feng nodded, without a change in expression, smiled and said, “Yes, I am very happy to get to know them.”

Thales and the others had complicated expressions. Only Lu Qiao Sheng twitched the corners of his mouth and played along with a smile, “So are we.”


How could one be happy? Baze’s arm looked as if it was going to rot, not to mention that there was a Major General and a Lieutenant General standing in front of him, both notoriously ruthless.

Moore was cold and silent from the start, but he could see that Ji Feng did not seem to show any abnormality. So the inexplicable worry in his heart turned into confusion. He didn’t understand this person named “Ji Feng”. It seemed like the more he interacted with this person, the more he didn’t understand him, unable to read his mind.

Probably because there were too many people gathered here, which attracted attention, a lot of eyes in the background were unconsciously looking over. Even the two protagonists of the day had also walked over.

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Rad Nelson, in a full dress suit, was undoubtedly one of the most eye-catching protagonists today. His original heroic aura was more lofty and dignified today, plus his noble status was practically displayed on full view. Thus, his age of more than 40 years had become a reasonable excuse for his mature charm. The grandson of the Minister of Energy was wearing a white suit, holding his arm, beautifying a great deal of his image.

The gloomy gaze hidden under the softness of his eyes was almost immediately locked onto Moore’s body. Then, there was a hint of surprise that flashed imperceptibly across his eyes.

Rolt reflexively stood in front of Moore, intercepting Rad’s line of sight without a trace.

On the contrary, Moore remained motionless, even his face remained unchanged.

“Congratulations to the two newlyweds. His Royal Highness Rad must be very happy to be able to marry our young and beautiful Xiao Ning.” Without knowing if it was sincere, Rolt blessed them and at the same time, praised the other protagonist.

Rad chuckled softly, “That’s natural.” After speaking, he turned to look at his partner, his eyes full of affection.

Xiao Ning, the young grandson of the Minister of Energy, also pursed his lips and smiled. Xiao Ning was about the same age as Moore, and because of their Elders, they were considered to be in the same group of people that had known each other since childhood. So Rolt would phrase his words like that.

Rad’s eyes fell on Moore again. “I thought that Little Moore would not come. Your arrival really surprised me pleasantly. I think Ningning is also very happy to receive your blessing, right?”

“Yeah Moore, I’m really glad that you can come.” Xiao Ning smiled and looked at Moore.

The two of them were about the same age. They both had attended the same school when they were young. They were both military and political officers, as well as existences with outstanding visuals. Due to this, they were inevitably put up for comparison all the time, but Xiao Ning was always overshadowed by Moore.

Later, Moore chose Mecha and entered the best Military Academy, while Xiao Ning chose art. Now he was a well-known painter. Of course, it was hard to say whether his “fame” was proportionate to his level of achievements.

The thing that made Xiao Ning brood the most over the years, was that Moore, who had always been superior to the world and insufferably arrogant, was such an annoying character. As long as they stood together, everyone’s eyes would definitely be on Moore. Even if they had rarely seen each other in recent years, Xiao Ning still inevitably compared himself to Moore.

Well now, Moore married a poor man who was said to have nothing. He heard that not only did he have no job, but he even had the worst rented house in terms of location and quality. Therefore, Moore could be said to have been a phoenix who had fallen into the chicken coop and was smashed by the pig. To be honest, Xiao Ning almost died of laughter when he found out. In the past two months, he had never felt this much pleasure before.

He used to be inferior to Moore in every way, but now he was married to the grandson of the noble Imperial King. Although his age had long passed the marriageable age, this was Rad’s first marriage. In this era, even if he was ten years older, he was still considered a young man. Furthermore, Rad Nelson was handsome, capable, and most importantly, he was the most favourable candidate for the throne.

With such a high-quality man, such a desirable future, no matter how outstanding and dazzling Moore was in the past two decades, he would be completely defeated at this point. Completely defeated by Xiao Ning and would never be able to get back up.

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So, how could Xiao Ning be unhappy? His smile was sincere from the heart.

However, Moore just said with an indifferent look, “I give my blessing to you two.” Xiao Ning merely treated it as if Moore was suffocated to silence.

“When I left Lopa Star, you were still a little tot who still fell while walking. Unexpectedly, you are now a supreme God-Level Mecha War God, even becoming Lopa Star’s youngest Major General. It is really amazing.” Rad said to Moore again. 

“You have overpraised.” Moore was still indifferent.

“Why don’t we set a date to practice together?”

Everyone looked over when Rad said this. It was said that Rad Nelson had reached SS-Level twenty years ago. Now, twenty years have passed. He had been outside for so many years, no one knew exactly what level he reached, but a SSS-Level was not impossible.

Moore wrinkled his eyes slightly upwards. In fact, he couldn’t ask for a better proposal, so regardless of Rolt’s worried look at the side, Moore happily spit out a word, “Okay.”

“Then it’s a deal.” Rad said cheerfully.

Rad’s obsession with Moore’s performance had made Xiao Ning somewhat dissatisfied, even habitually jealous. Thus, he was itching to interrupt them as he looked at Ji Feng.

“Moore, this is your husband, right? I couldn’t believe it when I heard that you got married. I didn’t expect it to be true.”

Xiao Ning’s attitude of being a good friend made Moore unable to communicate, “You have such a handsome husband. Why are you hiding him? It’s nothing shameful. You should have a wedding, Moore, so that everyone can witness your happiness.”

It had been almost two months since the Main Brain Matching, obtaining the certificate of marriage, and to now. It was impossible for him to not know something that had long been known to everyone, let alone Xiao Ning, who paid special attention to this matter. If they were sincerely happy, wouldn’t they register after half a month since the match results? Moreover, Ji Feng’s predicament was already the focus of heated discussion. At least, it seemed to be an embarrassing situation to outsiders. However, he deliberately said this in front of so many people, showing that his intentions were abundantly obvious.

If it were others, they might still be irritated by his underlying sarcasm, but Moore would not. He was not even a tiny bit affected at all. He just replied indifferently, “No need.”

On the contrary, Xiao Ning was not embarrassed. He laughed, “You really haven’t changed at all. You are still so cold when you are married. You are not afraid that your husband can’t stand it either.”

These words…The crowd of onlookers were suffering from a cancer named awkwardness. Come on, why would you care if others could stand it or not?

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What had others’ husband-familial matters got to do with you? Even Rad was a little faintly displeased. Not to blame Xiao Ning for his hints of mocking sarcasm, but for causing shame.

On the surface, Moore was still unaffected. But in the bottom of his heart, Xiao Ning’s form of address, “husband”, gave birth to a strange feeling that was indescribable. After all, this was the most intimate endearment between husbands.

On the contrary, Ji Feng cooperated with Xiao Ning, showing a smile, “I’m not afraid. In fact, he is not so cold to anyone and everyone. I think Moore is very good like this.”

Listening to this, ‘not cold to anyone and everyone’, so why was he cold to you? Did nothing of note come to mind? Not to mention the secret admiration of the onlookers, even Rolt looked at Ji Feng in surprise and refreshed his impression of him.

Moore’s heart trembled insignificantly. He couldn’t help but glance at Ji Feng from the corner of his eyes. His expression was so serious, as if he seemed to be telling the truth.

Xiao Ning indeed froze, but he immediately smiled at Ji Feng, “It seems that you two have a very good relationship. It makes people really envious.”

“You may not know this, but Moore had always been proud, arrogant and no one could enter his eyes since he was a child. I thought he would die single, hahaha. Unexpectedly, he actually liked you. Mr. Ji, you must have something extraordinary, right?” Xiao Ning’s words probably verbalised the thoughts of everyone at the scene. Everyone couldn’t help but look at Ji Feng in unison. Without thinking, Xiao Ning immediately said, “I’m not sure what Mr. Ji does, which can make our Major General Moore treat you so favorably?”

Alright, the front part was just foreshadowing, this sentence was the key.

The entire Lopa Star knew that Ji Feng had no car, no house, no job, and there were even rumors that he was fired. How could Xiao Ning not know of this?

But he just had to ask this in front of so many people, just to put Moore in a tight spot and to compare with Moore without batting an eyelid; to see which men they married was better? Then, to look down on them with relative superiority.

Everyone present knew that, so Rolt’s face darkened to black. Xiao Ning made it clear that he was humiliating Moore and the Houston Family, but he couldn’t refute it.

Moore was also faintly exuding anger in his heart. Xiao Ning didn’t target him for only a day or two. But in his opinion, this kind of trash was not worthy of his attention at all. Even the time to deal with it was not worth wasting, so he always adopted an attitude of indifference.

But now that he asked such a question in public, Xiao Ning was not only targeting him, but also Ji Feng. Ji Feng and the others were originally from two separate worlds. If it weren’t for this absurd match, he wouldn’t be involved at all, and it would be impossible to suffer such humiliation.

So at this moment, Moore revealed an indistinct look of anger. The gaze he used to look at Xiao Ning, was as if a deep pool suddenly stirred, revealing an irresistible foreboding.

But just as Moore was about to speak, an elderly but rushed voice came from the outer circle of the crowd.

“Excuse me! Please make way!”

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Everyone’s head was suddenly covered in a fog, all befuddled. Then, they saw an old man, with a full head of white hair, squeezing in the crowd excitedly, and then grabbed Ji Feng’s hand without explanation, looking excited.

“Little Brother Ji Feng, it’s really you! I’ve finally found you.” 

From his looks, the old man seemed to be more than a hundred years old. Holding Ji Feng’s hand, as if he had found his long-lost son, his body was shaking with excitement.

Everyone looked dumbfounded. In fact, even Ji Feng looked blankly at the old man, who was not taller than his chest. Who was this?

“Excuse me, you are?” Did you recognise the wrong person?

“Little Brother Ji Feng, you must agree to my request. The school has approved my application.” The old man only cared to excitedly grab Ji Feng’s hand.

Hmm… Ji Feng brows jumped. He seemed to have figured out what was going on.

However, everyone was still at a loss. Xiao Ning, who didn’t know the situation, couldn’t help but ask, “What’s the request?”

“To be a special guest teacher at our school. I need you for my research.” The old man looked at Ji Feng and said solemnly.

Everyone was full of questions again: Who are you? Where is your school? What research are you talking about……

At this moment, someone in the crowd was surprised, “This… isn’t this the famous professor at Lopa Interstellar University?”

Duang1~ The surroundings fell into a strange silence for a moment, and everyone looked at this weird scene incredulously. This was too damn bullshit, why was it this trash? What qualifications did he have? Was this professor crazy or was the universe crazy?

The author has something to say: 

Ji·Old Man·Feng: It’s really not that I want to pretend to be coerced, but they brought it to the door themselves.

T/N: sponsored chapter by our Ko-Fi supporter! hope you enjoyed the jealous spats and face slaps~ Thank you for the love!

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