Translator: humu

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A good night’s sleep. It was as if he had never had such a great sleep before. After Moore woke up, his mind caught up and became sober. The scene before he fell asleep last night barged its way into his mind again. Moore turned his head and looked to his side, but saw that there was nothing around him. Ji Feng was no longer there.


Moore stared at the empty pillow blankly. What exactly went on last night? What did he do? How did he fall asleep right away? Also, why did he use the attitude of treating children to treat him? Moore felt inexplicably annoyed when he thought of this and his eyes darkened.


When Moore came to the living room, he did not see Ji Feng. There was only Rolt in the living room, who seemed to be fiddling with something in his hand.


Moore was a little confused, but he couldn’t open his mouth to ask for Ji Feng’s whereabouts. Yet, before he could speak, he heard Rolt speak, as if mumbling to himself, “What is going on with the man you married?” 


This sentence was really…… Moore was embarrassed, but Rolt didn’t notice. Rolt’s eyes were always on the small thing he was holding. His eyes were full of confusion, incomprehension and some oddity that couldn’t be put into words. “The more I know him, the more I don’t get him. Even with my pair of insightful eyes, which have an acumen in reading people, I am still completely unable to understand him. So weird. Is he for real or is he intentionally teasing and provoking me?”


Moore jolted a little. The heart full of mystery had just gained many new additions, “What’s wrong?”


Rolt raised his head, handed the small thing in his hand to Moore, and then explained, “This is the bead he just gave me. I thought it was a small toy for Little Kerry. But he told me that it’s something that might be able to save my life in a critical moment. He said it so seriously.”


Moore’s heart jumped. He looked at the round bead which was the size of a thumb in his hand. A crystal clear bead that resembled a child’s toy. But there was another layer of faint blue light glowing inside the bead. After staring carefully at it for two seconds, he actually felt dizzy. Moore suddenly thought of Ji Feng, who made him fall asleep soon after putting his hand on his head last night. Was this just a coincidence?


“Don’t you think this is nonsense,” Rolt said with a puzzled expression. “Where the S-Class battleship can be shredded in an instant, will a small bead even work?” Rolt seemed to be telling a joke and made himself laugh, “If Little Kerry stuffed this bead to me and said it can protect me, I would understand it.” But Ji Feng, judging from Rolt’s current understanding of him, was quite normal. Although he seemed to be a different person from the information sheet, there was no sign of brain abnormality before. Rolt really couldn’t understand Ji Feng’s behavior.


Unexpectedly, Moore returned the bead to him with a serious look, “Take it, maybe it can really come in handy.”


Rolt was stunned immediately, “You really…” How had he become unreasonable after marrying an unreasonable person? The corners of Rolt’s mouth twitched.


“Where is he?” Moore finally got the question out.


“Who?” Rolt looked puzzled and only remembered after asking. Moore actually took the initiative to ask, so Rolt’s expression distorted again. Even if Moore didn’t see him, Moore didn’t need to question, right? “Looking at the clouds outside.”


The scenery above the clouds in the early morning was so beautiful and mystifying, as if he was in paradise. Ji Feng and Little Kerry played in the courtyard for a while. The two children were sent to school by Su Qi, so he stood alone to enjoy the scenery. But soon, his youngest Brother-in-Law also ran out.


“Second Brother-in-Law, when are you going to school?”



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“Really?” Gal was so happy that he raised his volume in an instant. His dark brown eyes were particularly clear under the orange sunlight.


Ji Feng curled his lips at him unconsciously, “Yeah.” 


When Moore came out, he saw such a scene. A very harmonious picture, but he felt a little uncomfortable inexplicably. Ji Feng seemed to have the same attitude towards everyone. It stood to reason that Moore should be happy that Ji Feng got along with his family harmoniously. But Moore couldn’t give a reason and he felt a little strange twitch in his heart.


Seeing Moore come out, Gal’s excitement instantly reduced a lot. In his memory, his Second Brother was cold, especially towards him. Gal probably understood the reason behind Moore’s cold treatment to him, so even though he felt wronged, he never cared about it. He always felt that the Second Brother didn’t actually dislike him much, just like how Moore brought a gift for him last night.


So even though he was afraid of being ignored, he still leaned over, “Second Brother, I will go to school with Second Brother-in-Law later.”


Moore didn’t know that Ji Feng had agreed to Fang Xinjie’s invitation and was supposed to go to school today. So Moore looked at Ji Feng in surprise and an indescribable feeling rose in his heart again at the same time. Ji Feng didn’t tell him. Even Gal knew, but he didn’t.


However, Ji Feng just nodded to him, indicating that what Gal said was the truth.


Moore finally calmed his chaotic mood, “I will send you two.”


As a Major General, Moore has his own sonic car and his own bodyguard. Ji Feng once again sighed, the child was externally cold and warm internally. Although Moore was indifferent to Gal, he would still send him to school. However, Gal, who enjoyed this treatment for the first time, only felt that the Second Brother-in-Law was really good. His Second Brother had changed so much just after the marriage.


In the end, Moore did not ask what happened last night. Perhaps it was just because he was alone for too long and Ji Feng’s comfort was perfectly timed so he fell asleep so quickly; perhaps it was due to the dependence residing in Moore’s heart so deeply that he didn’t notice. Who knows.


The exclusive sonic car with Moore’s military logo was still too eye-catching. As soon as it arrived outside the school, it quickly attracted the attention of many people. At this time, the entire campus in the sky was full of densely packed students. So when Ji Feng got out of the car, he was quickly recognized.


“F*ck, who’s that being so high-profile! Huh? So dashing!”


“AH AH AH AH so handsome! AWSL1! How could I have never seen such a senior…… No wait,  he seems a bit familiar.” 


“I seem to have seen him from the Star Network before, huh? The one next to him seems to be the Youngest Master of the Houston Family.”


“AH I remembered! He is Major General Moore’s husband, Ji Feng!”


“F*ck! That’s right, that’s him! He has been in the Lopa Star’s limelight for the past few months!”

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“Is it possible that the owner of the sonic car is Major General Moore? AH, I am dead! Major General! Major General!”


“AAAASWL, What is this fairy-like romance? This is not the Major General Moore I know. How can Major General Moore get off the altar by marrying someone!”



“I have never been so close to the Major General, AH AH AH AH~”


“Wait, the Major General’s husband is at our school. Doesn’t this mean that the rumors on the Star Network are true?”


“The specially appointed teacher? What the f… It’s really attesting to the saying ‘only a family member enters the doors of the house’.”




More people crowded around. Moore looked at Ji Feng passing through the crowd with Gal, through the window. He was so calm and indifferent as always, seemingly nothing was able to move him.


As far as Ji Feng was concerned, he was a 300 years old man who had seen it all. He had encountered such weird things, like traveling through time and space. Was there anything he couldn’t face calmly? However, he didn’t know anything about his popularity. He didn’t expect so many people to recognize him. What’s more, he didn’t expect that the old man Fang Xinjie would have a bigger battle for him to fight.


Ji Feng hadn’t even walked to the gate of the school before he saw an old man leading several old men in a trot all the way, trotting towards him. While running, his eyes gleamed, as if he was running towards some rare treasure. After he rushed over, he grabbed Ji Feng’s hands.


“Mr. Ji, you are finally here, finally here. Welcome to the school.” 


The other little old men also breathlessly caught up, then stared at Ji Feng and sighed, “Ah genius~ this is a genius, so young~”


Ji Feng gave an embarrassed look, “You have overpraised, overpraised.” You guys have truly overpraised. Reading these words was just like how you all read the elementary school textbooks.


After bidding farewell to his little Brother-in-Law, Ji Feng was dragged by Fang Xinjie and several old men to the research room. They had too many questions to ask. Ji Feng was also embarrassed by their hungry and excited eyes. So he simply put on a pretense of thinking, pretending to be contemplative, to prove that the subject of study they had been researching for countless of years was not that simple. This was so that they could accept it more comfortably.


Fang Xinjie really took great pains to invite Ji Feng, this “genius” over, saying that he was asked to be a special teacher. In fact, Ji Feng didn’t need to attend classes at all. Fang Xinjie only needed Ji Feng to come to the school to participate in research or provide guidance when they needed it. It’s not even a casual assistant at all, but he took the salary of a specially appointed teacher, enjoyed the treatment of a teacher at Lopa Interstellar University, had his own office, and it was really… easy work.


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However, Ji Feng still had some unexpected gains. Their research on the Ancient Earth completely exceeded his expectations. The research room collected all the information about the Ancient Earth they gathered from various planets. There were various versions of legends, ordinary poems and songs. There was both true and false information mixed in, but they were all unimportant.


What surprised Ji Feng were a few antiques that were said to be from Ancient Earth. He didn’t know whether those things were from the Ancient Earth, but there were such simple artifacts in his original world.


While this surprised Ji Feng, he also became more and more affirmed that his original world was mostly the so-called Ancient Earth they spoke of.


Ji Feng became a distinguished teacher of a well-known university in this way, but his focus was still on Cultivation. Finally, Rolt set foot on the warship to Heduro and Moore was busy with official duties as always. Ji Feng didn’t know if it was just his illusion or not, but Moore’s frequency of coming home was obviously higher than before. According to reason, they were in such a relationship where Moore could give excuses for not coming back due to military affairs. His Major General’s lounge would never be worse than Ji Feng’s broken rental apartment. Not to mention that he didn’t need to see his pretend husband, Ji Feng.


In fact, not only was Ji Feng a little confused, Moore himself was even more depressed. God knows why he thought about coming back. He didn’t even know the purpose of coming back. There was no need at all.


Until this evening, when Moore walked into the living room, but did not see Ji Feng looking towards him from the sofa. He seemed to vaguely understand his purpose of coming back, but this perception was so vague that he didn’t realize it at all.


When Ji Feng was not home, Moore went back to the room first and then came out to the living room for some reason. He sat on the sofa for a long time, but the whole living room was terribly quiet. There was not a single sound heard. Moore’s eyes began to move from the living room to the kitchen, and finally locked on the door of Ji Feng’s room.


Probably because he wasn’t used to Ji Feng’s house lacking Ji Feng, so Moore went back to the room at a loss. Until 11 o’clock in the evening, he still didn’t hear any noise. Moore was already ready to sleep, but he didn’t feel a single hint of sleepiness. Moore went to the living room again and this time, his eyes were quickly locked on the door of Ji Feng’s room.


Moore didn’t know how long he hesitated. The main point was: What exactly was he tangled about? In short, he stood at the door of Ji Feng’s room. In the end, with a bit of chagrin, Moore raised his hand and knocked on the door.


However… there was no response.


Moore, who took the initiative to knock on the door for the first time, felt a bit stiff, but he was relieved too. Otherwise, he would feel that he could not face the surprised Ji Feng who opened the door. Moore had no confidence in the reason for his random knock on the door.


But if Ji Feng was not in the room, where could he be? It was the first time since the day he moved in, that Moore had seen Ji Feng staying out so late. If something happened out of the norm, it must mean that he must have encountered some problems. Moore had never been one who was curious about others, but……


So half an hour later, Moore sent a message to Ji Feng for the first time. Only ghosts knew how much courage he had to muster up just to take this step, but…


There was no reply. He waited for an hour and Ji Feng still did not reply. 


Nothing would happen, right? Moore couldn’t imagine a homebody like him to have offended anyone. But because of this relationship, Ji Feng was made known to everyone. Could it be because of himself? Wait, what if he just fell asleep in the room?


Moore felt that his messy thoughts were a little ridiculous, even random, but he stood in front of Ji Feng’s room for the second time.


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Still no response. Moore’s ghost enchantress, who possessed him, tried to open the door, but he startled himself. The door creaked opened.


When Moore saw the situation in the room, he was completely shocked. This…… Was this place somewhere people could live? Moore couldn’t imagine that Ji Feng lived in this room for more than two months.


It’s not that it’s dirty and messy. It’s actually very neat and clean, but it’s too clean. What made him very puzzled was that it wasn’t even a bed. How was this a place where people could live in?


At that moment, Moore’s heart became extremely complicated. Although he knew that Ji Feng was relatively poor from the beginning, didn’t he later give him five million? This was too frugal. Besides, he actually gave up his room to himself under such circumstances, without complaining…… Moore couldn’t understand this person’s mind.


This person was too strange. Sometimes, when he saw Ji Feng being calm and composed, even when facing his father, he didn’t even have a single change in expression. Ji Feng was a big boss, but who would have thought that his life was so tight to the point where he couldn’t even buy a bed? Did Moore sign a marriage agreement with a strange being?


Ji Feng came back early the next morning. He was refreshed and in a good mood since he broke through the middle of the golden core formation stage to the late stage of the golden core formation. Both his state and spiritual power had improved. Of course, his strength was not a problem. But after he entered the door, he was surprised to see Moore sitting on the sofa. The look in his eyes felt strange.


“Where did you… go last night?” Moore’s voice was a bit dry and hoarse, which was caused by a poor sleep last night.


“I…” How do you explain this? “Went for a spin.”


Moore’s mouth twitched. What kind of shitty explanation was this? Who went out for a spin the entire night? Also, what’s going on with this stammering appearance?


Wait a minute! Moore suddenly woke up. They were fake husbands. He was in no position to question Ji Feng. Moore didn’t have to wait for him to come back before leaving. No, Moore shouldn’t have even come back last night.


“I’m leaving.” Moore stood up, his elegant pace seemed a little hurried, leaving a confused Ji Feng behind.


Ji Feng: ? ? ?


What’s going on? Did Moore have something to tell him?


At noon, when a big bed appeared at his doorstep, Ji Feng understood what Moore wanted to tell him. Moore should have wanted to tell Ji Feng that he had bought a bed for him. Moore was such a kind and attentive good child.




T/n: The misunderstanding is KILLIN ME (≧∇≦)ノ

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