Moore was only two meters away from Ji Feng. He had been focusing on the black wolf at the entrance of the cave, and was shocked by Ji Feng’s power that was beyond recognition. Moore was not unguarded, but he did not expect that the black wolf would come out from behind. Even worse, the speed was so fast that when Moore realised the black wolf was about to pounce on him, it was actually too late. He couldn’t avoid it, no matter how fast he was.

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But at the moment of imminent peril, a burst of green light was suddenly emitted from Moore’s body, along with a buzzing sound ringing out. The green light quickly formed a transparent green ball-like barrier around Moore’s body. Almost at the same time, the black wolf, with a mouth full of black fangs, bit down.


The expected scene did not happen. The black wolf bit on the barrier and fiercely bounced off of it. Not only that, but the other wolves were also forced back by the light curtain.


Ji Feng raised his hand and with a wave, the black wolf shattered into pieces.


Moore was also shocked by this scene and broke out in a cold sweat. Due to this collision, Moore quickly took a few steps back in an unsteady manner, and was caught by Ji Feng, who came forward at the right time.


However, because of Moore’s sudden movement, a bead emitting a pale green light fell from his body and rolled to the feet of a captain nearby.


All of the people present saw the scene where the green barrier easily blocked the black wolf. The man quickly picked up the bead and rushed into the hole without hesitation.


Moore was about to give chase immediately. That was something Ji Feng gave him. But before Moore could take a single step, he was held back by Ji Feng.


“Let him go.”


Ji Feng said solemnly. It was his will to save people, but if some wanted to die, he wouldn’t care.


As soon as Ji Feng’s voice fell, a mournful scream came from the depths of the cave. Ji Feng stretched out his hand. A pale green bead flew back from the darkness, and the light fell into Ji Feng’s hand. It was the one that was just snatched away from Moore.



Moore looked at Ji Feng in amazement, everyone’s eyes were on Ji Feng.


Ji Feng ignored them, stuffing the Yu Feng bead back into Moore’s hand. At the same time, Ji Feng raised his hand towards the hole in front of him. A barrier of Spiritual Power wrapped in vitality appeared in front of everyone, covering the hole.


The moment the screen was formed, a resounding “BANG-BANG-BANG” noise caused by collision entered everyone’s ears. Following which, they saw a few black wolves rush out.


Ji Feng immediately sealed the entrance of the cave in the same way. At this time, the cave was in a mess. In a blink of an eye, from the group of 20-30 people who entered together, only a dozen had remained. All of them were in a state of panic.


Outside the two holes were full of black wolves, and the numbers were accumulating as time passed. They howled and crashed frantically, their fierce fangs frightening.


There were stumps of broken arms everywhere under their feet, bloody human bones, and the pungent smell of blood irritated everyone’s nerves. In just under a few minutes, they had received so much fright.


However, after what happened just now, the few who survived all followed Ji Feng unanimously; following his every step, not daring to stray even half a step from him.


 Ji Feng swept his eyes around the cave. Other than him and Moore, there were a total of six people alive, but four of them were injured to varying degrees. Especially Lieutenant General McGee from Mosai Star, who was the most injured. He was the only one who escaped from the black wolf, but the chaos made him lose a leg, and he seemed to be on his final breath.


The black wolves were temporarily blocked from the barrier, but they were also trapped in the cave, with countless black wolves on their way here. Ji Feng’s barrier was not a long-term solution, so he had to find a way to get out.


“Now…what should we do?” Moore looked at Ji Feng, his dark blue eyes trembling slightly. He probably had never been so restless before.


Today’s experience had exceeded his field of knowledge, especially the shock that Ji Feng brought him. Of course, Moore had never relied on others this much.


Several pairs of eyes looked at Ji Feng. Now, Ji Feng was their life-saving force, their god. Even if they die, they must hug this thigh.


Ji Feng also looked at them, his eyes gloomy. With a thought, Ji Feng stretched out his hand towards them, and a white light emerged out of his palm, like a soaring little snake.


The few people were startled upon seeing Ji Feng’s eyes. Those with quick-reactions immediately rushed to Ji Feng’s legs, “Please, don’t kill us, don’t…” 


Those ones who didn’t understand also reacted, and they shook their heads in panic, “No, you can’t do that.”


“I…… we didn’t see anything, we won’t say anything, I beg you……”


“We beg you to let us go!”




Even Lieutenant General McGee, who was at his last gasp, also stared at Ji Feng with wide eyes.


In fact, everyone was smart. The ability that Ji Feng had just shown was supernatural and transcended scientific research. It was so powerful, that it would cause panic on the planets once word spread out. After all, once such an ability existed, it was certain that it would pose a threat to some people.

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In this way, Ji Feng would definitely be targeted, and it was not even an exaggeration to say that he would be targeted by the entire universe. Therefore, it was completely understandable that Ji Feng wanted to silence them.


Moore watched Ji Feng’s sudden actions in astonishment. For a few seconds, his mind was blank. Was Ji Feng going to…… kill?


What these people could think of, was impossible for the clever Moore to not know. But precisely because Moore understood what Ji Feng was doing, he was startled and unable to accept it, since this person was Ji Feng. Moore froze, as still as a statue.


Was Ji Feng going to kill these people? What about him? Was Ji Feng going to kill him too?


Ji Feng didn’t expect to scare them like this with a single action, but no matter how panicked or or how much they cried, his actions did not change.


Ji Feng slowly shifted past their foreheads with his palm, and the white light snake immediately penetrated into their foreheads, then flew out and went back into Ji Feng’s palm. When the white snake left the center of their eyebrows, their person also closed their eyes and fell to the ground.


The whole process didn’t even make a sound. It was simple and easy, enough to make people horrified. Wasn’t this the so-called TMD invincible assassination?


But one by one, their feet couldn’t move away, as if they were locked on the spot. Ji Feng’s behavior was even more frightening than the picture of the black wolves eating people just now.


Moore was the last one. Up until Ji Feng turned to him, Moore still stood motionless, staring at Ji Feng stubbornly.


At this time, everyone except Moore had fallen. Ji Feng saw Moore looking at him stubbornly and obstinately. His dark blue eyes trembled, but were very determined, even if his face was a little pale.


Ji Feng was startled, somewhat surprised, “Did I scare you?”


Moore gritted his teeth without speaking, still looking at him stubbornly. But Moore’s heart spoke of indescribable sorrow.


How could Moore not be sad? He was shocked to find that his heart had unknowingly moved for the person whom he agreed to marry. But in fact, although they had lived together for a few months, Moore still didn’t understand this person at all. Not a single bit.


Now, the man who stirred up his heart, had just killed so many people in front of him, and the next one was him.


Ji Feng had originally planned to erase Moore’s memory, together with the rest of the group. When he was on the warship, Moore had even bumped into his breakthrough, so this was killing two birds with one stone. Moreover, it wouldn’t do Moore any good if he knew about this kind of thing, and Moore might even be implicated by himself.


But as Ji Feng looked into the child’s stubborn and trembling eyes, he couldn’t do it in the end. Probably because they had lived together for a few months, but he was still different after all.



“Don’t be afraid,” Ji Feng sighed and withdrew the mental power in his hand. “If you don’t want to, then forget it.”


Moore felt a splash of cold water on his body. He didn’t have to die, if he didn’t want to die? What the hell was this, should he thank him?


Ji Feng didn’t know that Moore had misunderstood that he was killing people just now. Ji Feng thought that his actions frightened Moore, but upon seeing Moore’s stubborn eyes, Ji Feng couldn’t bear to erase Moore’s memory. Now, the situation was in the peak of crisis, so Ji Feng didn’t have that much time to appease him.


At this time, the black wolves at the entrance of the two holes had accumulated to an uncountable amount. They crazily squeezed together and constantly attacked the barrier Ji Feng put up, there was no end to it.


These ghosts were too much, and they were so pervertedly tough. They had no soul, so even if Ji Feng had reached the Nascent Soul Stage, they were still not easy to deal with.


Setting his mind in stone, Ji Feng decided to fight with all of his Spiritual Power.


“Moore,” Ji Feng suddenly said to Moore, “I will leave the rest to you.”


After saying that, Ji Feng sat cross-legged on the ground, and then closed his eyes after making a complicated posture with both hands. It was just like the night that Moore saw.


But Moore didn’t understand what Ji Feng meant at all. What did Ji Feng mean by ‘leaving the rest’ to him? What was Moore going to do?


This was what Ji Feng planned: the only way for them to leave here was to avoid the thousands of black wolves outside, return to their scouting ship as quickly as possible, and then back to the warship.


But from the beginning, these mutated black wolves had the ability to interfere with signals. Which meant that they must eliminate the black wolves outside the cave in large quantities, until they found the direction of the warship, or let the warship find their location.


Therefore, Ji Feng could only use such a big move. The consequence of such large-scale destruction was likely to be the exhaustion of Ji Feng’s Spiritual Power. Spiritual Exhaustion was very likely to be fatal to a Cultivator, especially when there was danger around him.


Even if he escaped this catastrophe, Ji Feng might spend a lot of time in the future absorbing Spiritual Energy to repair his body and restore his Spiritual Power. In other words, it might be difficult for him to break through the Cultivation Base for a long time.


In short, this was quite risky for Ji Feng. In fact, if he was alone, he could kill his way to the scouting ship.

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Under Moore’s look of consternation, a strong sense of oppression suddenly radiated from Ji Feng’s body. This feeling became stronger and stronger, then a terrifying force rushed out of Ji Feng’s body, quickly spreading out in all directions around the cave.


Moore watched as the black wolf at the entrance of the cave instantly turned into powder.


In fact, Moore didn’t know that the black wolves that stretched out from the cave for almost tens of thousands of meters at that moment, turned into powder in a split second. The scene was spectacular and terrifying, making the black wolves, who were running from faraway, pause in their step.


Ji Feng spat out a mouthful of fresh blood in the cave, and his whole body felt as if it was hollowed out, a little on the verge of collapse.


His Cultivation Base was still too weak. Even more, he had just stepped into the Nascent Soul Stage and the Cultivation Base was not stable yet. Doing so would only bring torment to himself. Ji Feng had to sigh. What kind of magnificent feat was performed by the Du Jie Stage super powerhouse to destroy an entire planet?


Moore was frightened when he saw Ji Feng vomit blood. After all, this man was as strong as a god just now, but he became so fragile in the blink of an eye.


Moore hurriedly rushed over, “How are you?”


Ji Feng was badly injured, but he could still barely support his body. His eyes landed on the few people on the ground. Moore followed his gaze and saw it. The people he thought were killed off by Ji Feng had awakened.


It’s just that their faces were blank, “This…Where is this? Why am I here?”


“What happened? I… Ah! Where did my arm go, what’s going on?”


” I… This…… Help!”


Moore suddenly understood everything in an instant. It turned out that Ji Feng didn’t want to kill them, but merely wanted to erase their memories.


Moore had misunderstood him.


At this time, the communication equipment scattered everywhere began to make a “sizzling” sound. The signal seemed to be restored again.


“Major General? Major General? Are you there? What happened?”


“Lieutenant General McGee? Please answer when you receive it!”


“Captain? Captain…”




The scene was full of chaotic noise. Not only was the signal restored, but also the two cave entrances no longer had anymore black wolves chasing them. Even though Moore didn’t know what Ji Feng did and how he did it, these must have had something to do with him. For this, Ji Feng was seriously injured.


“Go, now.” Ji Feng said to Moore.


Moore turned his head and shouted at those who were stunned, “If you don’t want to die, follow me!”


Moore didn’t care about them after he finished speaking. He quickly slung Ji Feng’s arm over his shoulder and went out of the cave. The few people looked at each other. Finally, they scrambled, got up and followed them, dragging a few injured people along.



Outside the cave was still a depressed gray-black, but there was no trace of the black wolves. Since contact with the warship had been restored, the warship had locked onto their position, and the scouting ship had flown towards the entrance of the cave.


It wasn’t until Ji Feng was supported onto the scouting ship, that Moore’s high-strung heart released a little tension. But Moore still didn’t dare to relax. Ji Feng was deathly pale and from his expression, it looked like he was in pain. But Moore didn’t know how to help Ji Feng.


Just when several small scouting ships flew up, Moore saw the black wolves rushing towards them from a distance at a glance. Moore couldn’t help but feel terrified. If they were just a step slower, the consequences would be unimaginable, because this time, there was no Ji Feng to protect them.


After entering the warship, Moore ignored Qiu Ming and the others who came up. He took Ji Feng directly to his room, half dragging and half supporting him.


Ji Feng was tall and had little strength now, so almost 80% of his weight rested on Moore’s shoulders.


“What happened just now? Why was the signal interrupted?”


“What about those texts? Was there something in the cave?”


“No wait, where are the other three?”

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The experts were confused and were still chatting away about the situation. Moore didn’t pay any attention to them at all. The frosted face was now even more gloomy and frightening.


Thus, no one dared to step forward and disturb them. They could only put their sights on the other two, but when they asked, they found that it was as if the two had amnesia, clueless about everything. Everyone was even more bewildered.


Several Lieutenants looked at each other. When the signal was restored, they immediately locked onto the position of the Major General, but the signal was disturbed again. For unknown reasons, the smart cameras left near the cave of Lungu Star were all broken.


In short, until Major General Moore and the others came back, the people on the warship didn’t know anything about the following situation.


The people on the other side who were brought back to their respective warships also clueless when questioned, but Lieutenant General McGee’s tragic state was plain frightening.


Moore helped Ji Feng to the room and directly helped him to his bed without any hesitation. Ji Feng, who was lying on the bed, eased a lot. It was only then that Moore asked, “What can I do?”


The corners of Ji Feng’s lips twitched at him, “You have done a good job.”


If Ji Feng was in the original world, he might be able to buy some medicine pills or some Heavenly Materials to restore his Spiritual Power. However, there was nothing in this world, and Ji Feng had no other choice, but to Cultivate slowly.


Moore pursed his lips. In fact, there were too many questions in his heart, but Moore didn’t know what to say when the words came to his lips. Besides, Ji Feng looked exhausted and he didn’t want to disturb Ji Feng.


Furthermore, Moore didn’t seem to have any qualifications to know such a huge secret. After all, the only relationship they had was a contract.


“Just ask away.” Without even thinking, Ji Feng knew that Moore’s brain must be filled with questions now. Ji Feng smiled at him.


Moore paused, not knowing where he should start to ask for a moment.


“You…… What did you do just now?”


Ji Feng thought for a while, “This is a long story, I will tell you when I have a chance?”


Cultivation, transmigration…… Too much was involved. The key was that Ji Feng was not strong enough. Now that he happened to be seriously injured again, and after learning about the super-powerful Du Jie Stage Cultivator, Ji Feng had to be more cautious.


It turned out that in that world, one could read other people’s memories with mental power after reaching the Nascent Soul Stage. This unprecedentedly developed technological age could also use technology to read other people’s memories. This was one of the reasons Ji Feng erased the memories of those few people.


So Ji Feng knew that this was not a good thing for Moore. Not because Ji Feng didn’t believe in Moore, but because Ji Feng didn’t believe in this world.


Of course, Ji Feng didn’t have the heart to erase Moore’s memory. This meant that there was a considerable danger lingering, but Ji Feng would not be too far away from Moore before the divorce, so it would be the same if it was erased later.


Ji Feng’s answer made Moore feel a little irritated, but at the same time, Moore felt that it was only expected. It’s not the first time Ji Feng said this to him. After all, they had only a superficial relationship. They had said that they would not interfere with each other. It was obvious that Moore had overstepped the boundaries.


But some things were like this. Logic was understood and was understandable. Yet the heart still felt an inevitable sense of loss, disappointment, and suffocation.


Moore felt stuffed with emotions and inadvertently said something that shouldn’t be said, “I thought you were going to kill someone just now.” Damn it, how could such a thing be said.


Ji Feng looked at Moore in surprise, then thought of something and couldn’t help but chuckle, making him gasp in pain.


“So you just thought I was going to kill you?”


Moore embarrassedly looked away. Who knew that Ji Feng was so powerful that he could directly erase memories with his bare hands. Besides, “Even if it wasn’t, you wanted to erase my memory just now.”


These words Moore spoke were not completely filtered by his brain. It was also full of accusations and it smelled of resentment.


“I haven’t done it though.” Ji Feng didn’t know if he should laugh or cry.


Moore pursed his lips and did not ask any further questions, but then asked again, “Are you Ji Feng?”


In fact, Moore had this suspicion before. After all, the gap between Ji Feng and the person on the information was too big. Especially after Ji Feng surprised him time and time again.


Until now, Moore really wanted to know the answer to this question. Or in other words, Moore wanted to know who the man who best matched him really was.


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This question was really difficult to answer, “Yes, but no.” The original owner of the body was called Ji Feng, and he was also called Ji Feng. Although the body was someone else’s body, his soul was in control of this body.


So in the end, he was Ji Feng.


Moore: ……


Sure enough, it’s just a superficial relationship between the husbands. Ji Feng really didn’t want to pass the boundary, wanting to abide by the agreement.


Seeing Moore’s speechless expression, Ji Feng had to add another sentence, “The past me wasn’t me, the current me is me now.”


Moore raised his brow, “Which one of you was matched to the Main Brain?” This was probably what he wanted to know most.


“The current me.” Ji Feng affirmed.


Moore’s heart was relieved for no reason, and his heart even jumped in excitement. Fortunately it was him.


After getting the answer he wanted to know, Moore was obviously relieved, and then went out to deal with some things. After all, he was the captain.


Moore briefly explained to the experts about their sudden attack by the black wolves and the signal interference. As for the details of how they escaped, Moore didn’t mention a word. For the inquiries sent by other planetary warships, Moore just gave a simple reply: I don’t know.


Moore then ordered the Yong An ship to return to the Lopa Star. When he returned to the room again, Ji Feng was sound asleep. Moore sat quietly by the bed looking at Ji Feng.


Ji Feng’s face was still a little pale, and he even looked a little different due to the stubbles growing out on his jaw. Another big difference between a Ger and a man was the beard. Gers did not grow beards, so they appeared more delicate.


Moore unconsciously stared at Ji Feng’s beard for a long time, until a beep sounded on the terminal in his hand.




“Are you okay, Moore?” Marshal Wip already knew about the accident that had just happened, and when he saw Moore, he was obviously relieved.


“I’m okay.”


Marshal Wip then asked about the situation. Even when reporting to his father, Moore still hid everything about Ji Feng, and the report was the same as before.


Moore had always been a person who couldn’t tell lies. Today was almost the first time he lied. His people dared not question him, but as his father, Marshal Wip could tell, even if their relationship was not good. Moore had reservations, but Marshall Wip did not ask further.


Marshall Wip immediately saw Ji Feng next to Moore, his brows jumped, “He also went down with you?”




“Then… Is there anything strange about him?”


Marshal Wip’s surprise question shocked Moore, his heart couldn’t stop jumping wildly. Could it be that his father knew something? But how was this possible? With Ji Feng’s caution, it was impossible for him to let outsiders know.


“No, Father.” Moore looked calm as he replied.


Marshal Wip seemed a little disappointed, but it might be just Moore’s illusion. Following which, Marshal Wip sighed, “It’s fine if you’re alright, that’s good.” There was no news about Rolt so far and he didn’t want Moore to get into trouble too.


After finishing the call with his father, Moore looked at Ji Feng again, and then went to the control cabin.


They would be able to return to Lopa Star in two days and eight hours. Such a terrible thing happened on Lungu Star, yet Ji Feng and he came back in a good condition. He was afraid that there would be some trouble.


But Moore made up his mind silently. In any case, Moore wouldn’t reveal any information about Ji Feng.


At this moment, Moore suddenly noticed something wrong with the data on the screen. In the next second, he stood up in shock.


“The course is wrong!” This was not the direction back to Lopa Star.



T/N: hope you enjoyed the long chappie! sad to say that i’m officially out of stockpile… i may or maynot skip next week update >< let’s hope i can translate finish in time for mochi to edit too!!

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