Translator: humu

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On the way home, Moore looked at Ji Feng with a slightly more complicated gaze, especially when he thought of the scene just now. Moore unconsciously glanced at Ji Feng from the corner of his eye.

His brows were furrowed, his eyes were out of focus. He seemed to be caught in some painful memories or rather, emotional entanglements.

Moore didn’t understand such emotions, and even he, himself, felt that he was an indifferent person. Fortunately, he didn’t need these, so apart from the indescribable trace of complexity, there were no waves in his heart.

In fact, Ji Feng’s confusion did not come from any emotions nor memories. He just saw the pregnant Ger with his own eyes and couldn’t control his thoughts like, “How can one be impregnated”, “What’s the pregnancy duration”, “How to give birth” and “From where does the child come out”, from floating in his mind. Such messy questions came to mind, so he frowned unconsciously, because he really couldn’t think of the answers, no matter how hard he tried to.

As for the original owner’s first love, Qiu Yao, apart from not knowing how to face the awkward situation of meeting the pregnant Ger at the beginning, he felt rather indifferent afterwards. After all, the first love was the original owner’s first love. Moreover, he had only practiced or refined for three hundred years, and he had no time to be distracted by others.

The first love, in the memory of the original owner, was fresh and simple, cute and fascinating. It was different from the mature Ger with a big belly in front of him, so Ji Feng was a little hesitant at first.

Qiu Yao’s expression was complicated, “Long time no see.” In fact, it was not only complication, but also embarrassment as he didn’t dare to look directly at Ji Feng’s eyes.

At that time, Ji Feng was very handsome, but young and stubborn. The man in front of him now was obviously stable, restrained, and he was even more dashing than before. His tall figure was just as usual, making people want to rely on him. The depth between his brows was even more fascinating, exuding the charm of a mature man from inside out.

And himself? He had once abandoned this man mercilessly, and now appearing in front of him with such an awkward appearance, a big belly, pregnant with another’s child, how could it not be embarrassing?

“Long time no see.” Ji Feng replied faintly.

The scene was embarrassing. In fact, Ji Feng was okay but the other party was obviously more embarrassed. So Ji Feng tried to alleviate the awkwardness by asking, “Why are you alone? Where’s your husband?”

Generally speaking, when the pregnant Ger goes to the hospital, he must be accompanied by the husband. Ji Feng used the most normal greeting, but as a result, the scene became more awkward and the atmosphere felt as if it turned to ice.

Qiu Yao smiled sullenly, “I’m divorced.”

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Ji Feng:…

Should he give some sort of comfort in this situation? But Ji Feng decided to shut up after considering it for two seconds.

So in the end, the dog-blood style of reunion ended in a hurried awkwardness. Ji Feng quickly caught up with Moore, who was walking far ahead of him, using his miles-long legs. He did not explain, and Moore did not ask. They then stepped into the sonic car, as if nothing had happened.

In fact, these messy thoughts about Gers giving birth to children were just a flash of confusion. Ji Feng had no extra thoughts about anything else. After several days of intermittent efforts, his cultivation level had finally reached the edge of a breakthrough.

It was definitely impossible to break through at home. Firstly, he was afraid that Moore would discover the abnormality. Next, the breakthrough to the Core Formation period was no different from before. The condensation of the Golden Core was an extremely significant watershed in the Cultivation path, which was very important for a Cultivator. Therefore, Ji Feng intended to find a barren place to break through.

Ji Feng didn’t know that when he informed Moore that he was going out to settle some matters, the face of Qiu Yao, whom he had met at the hospital, quickly flashed in Moore’s mind. He almost thought that the reason for Ji Feng to be so happy going out despite having no commitments, would have something to do with that Ger.

When Ji Feng left, he went out for a whole day. Nothing could excite a man more than improving his strength, so when Ji Feng came back the next day, Moore saw a refreshed and delighted Ji Feng.

But what surprised Ji Feng, was that there were more people at home again. At a first glance, the stranger was visually not an ordinary person. The sonic car flashing at the door was enough to explain everything.

Sure enough, a frigid man was sitting on his small sofa when he entered the door. His dazzling clothes seemed to make the room darker in an instant. His handsome facial features were somewhat indescribably imposing, but Ji Feng saw some gloom hidden in the bottom of his dark eyes.

On the surface, he was about forty years old and his appearance was similar to that of Lieutenant General Rolt; except for the obvious signs of years on his face and the fierceness that had settled in his eyes for a long time. He was a man with a story.

When Ji Feng looked over, the man just happened to cast his gaze towards him. With a somewhat condescending look mixed with a somewhat inexplicable interest, it made people feel uncomfortable.

Moore sat right across him. At this moment, he straightened his back and looked towards Ji Feng, unable to discern any joy or anger.

The man’s eyes were sharp, but it was a pity that glaring at Ji Feng didn’t have the slightest effect. He condensed his golden core and his cultivation improved qualitatively, so his aura was more restrained and deep.

Hence, Ji Feng directly ignored his scrutiny and smiled, “Have a pleasant time talking.” After saying that, he was ready to go back to his empty room to meditate, as if showing his intention of “I won’t bother you, so continue your conversation”.

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When Ji Feng walked past Moore, Moore suddenly said, “His Royal Highness, Rad Nelson.”

For some reason, Ji Feng heard some eagerness in Moore’s voice, as if he didn’t want to let him leave. But it was for certain that Moore was introducing him to this man.

Ji Feng had no memory of this name, but the words of ‘His Highness’ made Ji Feng’s heart jump. This identity was a little beyond expectation.

Sure enough, Moore immediately said to the man, “This is my husband, Ji Feng.”

Ji Feng raised his brow again. Moore’s introduction was unusual and he glanced at Moore without a trace. At the same time, he saw that the expression in the eyes of this man named Rad flashed a little.

“Ji Feng, was it? Hello.” The man’s eyes fell straight on Ji Feng, with a polite tone, but there was not much kindness in his eyes. There was even a bit of undisguised contempt.

“Hello.” Ji Feng simply sat down beside Moore. Just as he sat between Moore and Rad, he greeted Rad with the same kind of politeness and courtesy.

Ji Feng didn’t know that Moore’s tense nerves unconsciously relaxed slightly when he sat down.

“Time flies so fast. In a blink of an eye, twenty years have passed,” Rad Nelson exclaimed as he looked at Moore unscrupulously, “Little Moore was a six-year-old kid when I left.”

Ji Feng’s brows jumped. There weren’t many implications of an elder advising his junior in his tone, so it seemed inappropriate to call such him in an intimate address in front of another’s husband, right?

Moore pressed the corners of his lips tightly. The deep blue eyes endured the incoming stormy waves.

Rad acted ignorant, as if recalling some pleasant memory. The corner of his mouth unconsciously showed an aftertaste smile, “Little Moore was so delicate and cute. His silver hair was like the most beautiful silver planet, and his blue eyes were like the vast and boundless universe, containing the beautiful stars inside that were shining…”

“Rad Nelson!”

Rad’s praise was interrupted by Moore before he could finish. Ji Feng didn’t notice that Moore’s expression was somewhat unnatural. Even the strong emotions in the bottom of his eyes were barely held back. Ji Feng was only surprised that there was a slight tremor in Moore’s cold voice.

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Rad Nelson, who was treated rudely, did not give much reaction, and the smile on his lips became deeper. “I just want to say that after twenty years of absence, the lovely little Moore is already married as a husband.”

Moore’s cold eyes finally revealed some obvious disgust, “If Your Highness has nothing else, please make your return. I am unwell and won’t be able to send you out.”

“Little Moore, the words you say makes me very sad. When you were a kid, you liked following me around so much.”

Ji Feng saw Moore’s expression getting worse. He didn’t know what type of relationship there was between these two people who were so far apart in age, but Moore’s expression was obviously unhappy.

Right at this moment, there were two beeps and the door monitoring screen appeared in front of Ji Feng. It was Rolt Houston.

Ji Feng saw that his Brother-In-Law looked travel-worn. He seemed to have rushed over in the entire journey. The purpose was naturally for Rad Nelson, who was sitting on the sofa.

Sure enough, after Rolt entered the door, his sight was first locked onto Rad.

“It turned out to be His Royal Highness Rad,” Rolt showed a look of surprise, not so polite, but with a little enquiry gaze, “I didn’t expect to meet you here, I don’t know if you are…”

Rad twitched his lips inexplicably, “It turned out to be Lieutenant General Rolt. I just came over to visit Little Moore. After all, I am very curious about his husband.”

Rad said as his gaze fell on Ji Feng again, with an unknown meaning. Ji Feng was ignorant and he didn’t understand the situation. He felt that it was better to remain silent than to make false statements.

As expected, Rolt said with a sneer, “His Royal Highness is really kind.” He glanced at Moore secretly and he was relieved when he found that Moore didn’t show any unusual peculiarity.

Rolt anxiously rushed over all because of Rad, and everyone present knew it.

Rad knew better, so he chuckled, got up and looked at Moore. “I’m relieved to see Little Moore. Let’s get together another day.”

“Have a safe trip. We won’t be sending you out.” Rolt smiled neither heavily nor lightly.

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It wasn’t until Rad left that Rolt heaved a long sigh of relief. He then looked at Moore without saying a word, “Don’t think about it, take care of yourself.”

Moore did not answer, but his eyes were scary. Rolt finally left, but he gave Ji Feng a complicated look before leaving. Ji Feng didn’t know what it meant.

Ji Feng revealed an embarrassed look, as he found himself in a tough spot as an outsider. They couldn’t cooperate, even if he had wanted to.

At Houston’s house that night, Wip sat in the study, with a dark expression on his face. Opposite of him, was his eldest son, Lieutenant General Rolt.

“Father, he went to see Moore so blatantly. It’s too arrogant, he was obviously deliberately doing so.” Rolt obviously could not suppress his anger just as his father could. He was already livid, about to go ballistic.

“It was he who made Moore the way he is now. The Imperial King expelled him from Lopa Star for thirty years, as an excuse for sheltering him. But now, he has returned ten years early, yet the Imperial King hasn’t made a move, acting as if such a thing didn’t happen.”

Wip did not answer, but after a few seconds of silence, he said faintly, “The Imperial King’s behavior back then, was out of fear of me. Do you expect him to be afraid of me now?”

Rolt had a dark expression on his face. Even though he was resentful in his heart, he couldn’t refute his father’s words, as it was the truth.

After a long while, he heard Wip continuing, “The current situation is going to be chaotic. Moore has not become the person who breaks the calm water, but Rad Nelson will be that person.”

“Father, the Imperial King’s illness… how true is it?”

“It depends on what he is going to do.” Wip said with a deep expression.

The author has something to say:

Ji Feng: Your family’s situation is too complicated. I just want to practice properly.


Edited by: Mochiusagi

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