Cherryl already had three consecutive strokes in her dark history.

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She had acted as if she fell in love with him at first sight earlier, all the while singing ‘la la la la~’ without knowing he was watching her the whole time.

She even said that she fell in love with him out loud.

The next mistake she made was to call Cade, whom she assumed was about to enter her room and tell him that she wouldn’t sleep with him tonight because they weren’t married yet.

Perhaps, those were the things that caused her nose to bleed right in front of his eyes.

It was impossible to estimate how long it would take her to forget this humiliating event.

“Are you all right, Lady Cherryl? I will get something to stop the bleeding, so use this to block it for a while.”

Cade tore something from his sleeve and blocked Cherryl’s nose with the silk cloth.

However, his large hand hesitated on which side of her nostrils he should block first, which immediately brought her to action.

Unfortunately, Cherryl, despite being an aristocrat, acted in a way that was far from the courtesy he deserved.

“I—-I’m going in now!”

She left the ‘VIP staying at their mansion’ in the hallway and walked away from him like the devil was at her heels.

The hem of her long skirts fluttered with every step she took.

This should be nothing compared to the three scenes she had previously added in her dark history.

“Oh no! This is humiliating.”

The strong desire to punch the pillow and kick her blankets had raised to the ceiling.

The reason why she couldn’t do that was because Cade was in the next room.

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Her pride of not wanting to be noticed how shaken she had felt due to shame kept her in bed.

Still, her insufferable thoughts continued to bubble up from her mind.

“Why did both of my nostrils have to bleed at the same time? This is entirely Cade’s fault. Why was he even built like a rock?”

Cheryl whisper-shouted in the silence as she continued blaming his hard, solid physique.

It was embarrassing and to think she was destined to live with him under the same roof from now on!

Anyway, she shouldn’t have to feel ashamed of her nosebleed.

It was a mere physiological phenomenon that she couldn’t stop.

No one could stop the bleeding if someone hit their nose against the wall.

Yet, why did her heart pound like she had run a thousand miles?

Why did her cheeks turn hot and why was she feeling anxious all of a sudden?”

Cherryl was keenly aware of the man on the other side of her wall for a long time.

Disorganized thoughts had overflowed in her brain that she wouldn’t be surprised if they managed to drip down her throat.

She’d better get some sleep to prepare for her long journey to the North.

Despite such worries, Cherryl fell asleep at some point.


Cade sighed and plopped down on the bedside.

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After rubbing his face dry with a towel, he took a long breath but he could hardly calm down.

His feelings right now were rather complicated because of the beautiful girl, sleeping soundly next door.

Hearing Cherryl make some strange noise every time she gets embarrassed brought a smile to his lips.

He couldn’t take his eyes off this small and innocent kitten-like human, who talked to him as if his existence had offended her somehow.

Cade had to hold himself back, keeping her in his arms, as she ran into her room.

The woman was too beautiful for her own good that it scared him to think of what he might do to covet such a thing.

Her pale face was white as snow.


“Are you out of your mind, Cade?”

He was starting to talk to himself, which wasn’t normal.

For him, their upcoming reunion was long-awaited.

He hadn’t considered some other unknown variables yet, but they would go to the North as they pleased.

Cade should remain patient with her, or she might run away from the shock.

He should know how to control this unfamiliar sensation of his blood rushing to the south every time he encounters Cherryl face to face.

He couldn’t lose focus and screw up the plans he had worked so hard for a long time just because he desired her a little.

Cade looked up at the night sky outside the window, his golden eyes shining brightly in the dark.

Since he had never experienced a proper good night’s sleep in his life, this particular scene should have been familiar to him.

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Unfortunately, tonight was unusually chaotic.

His hearing was too sensitive that he could hear Lady Cherryl tossing and turning in her bed.

Her bed must have been close to the wall they shared.

She had paired every movement with soft sighs, little snores, and the rustle of fabric brushing against delicate skin.


Cade stared at a specific point in their shared wall and covered his eyes with his palm.

It was another sleepless night for him.


The next day, she had awoken in the dark hours before dawn arrived.

It should have been quiet, but she was in a chaotic atmosphere.

“Please wake up, My Lady.”

Cherryl tossed and turned in her bed, groaning, before she opened her eyes and saw Lucy trying to wake her up.

It was still as dark and still as midnight.

She had tossed and turned all night and only slept for about three or four hours.

Sometimes she would wake up from the sound of the rooster’s cry, but today, she had woken up earlier than the rooster.

Cherryl rubbed her sleepy eyes and rose from her bed.

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“I still need to get a hold of myself. What special day is it today that I had to deal with this?”

“It’s the day you’re leaving for Blkanov’s estate, My Lady.”

Lucy turned the light on at her bedside and handed her a tray of bread, apple jam, and omelets.

“I’ve got some other things to do, so please eat first and pack your stuff, My Lady.”

“But it’s still early in the morning! Do we have to rush about?”

“It’s inevitable. It appeared like the Grand Duke, and his cohorts wanted to leave the Marquis’ Mansion as early as possible.”

Lucy lifted the curtains and looked carefully at the gate.

“Everyone is in a rush for some reason. Even the butler is now putting all the luggage inside the wagon.”

“Did the Grand Duke and the guests break their fast yet?”

“No, the Marquis offered them food, but they didn’t seem interested.”

Cherryl, who took a bite of her bread, looked out the dim window.

It was dawn, and she was concerned that they were already busy without eating their meals.

“Then let’s get him something to eat. It’s also good to eat on our way to meet the Grand Duke outside.”

“The Marquis gave them a piece of bread.”

“I’m sure that’s not enough.”

Cherryl moistened her tongue with orange juice before getting out of her bed.

A man like him should not be hungry.

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