“I want to go somewhere nearby and smell some fresh air.”

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Her situation was not good in the Marquis’ Mansion, but at least she could still go out secretly.

Mrs. Bailey nodded. “Of course. There’s a big city nearby if you take a carriage for about an hour. Sometimes, winter festivals are held in that place.”

“Oh. A winter festival! That sounds fun.”

“Even if the Estate appears lonely, there is such a thing in Carlsvik. The festival is quite grand, so there would be a lot of tourists visiting. Unfortunately, it isn’t the time to celebrate it right now.”

At Mrs. Bailey’s words, Cherryl clasped her hands together in rejoice.

“Perfect. Could you prepare a carriage after I take a bath?”


“I want to go out.”


Mrs. Bailey froze before dropping her smile.

Her wrinkled face seemed embarrassed, which had always shown her a benevolent smile.

It appeared like Cherryl’s sudden request made her hesitant to respond.

Tilting her head, Cherryl asked again, “Can’t I? I’m bored, and I feel alone in this tower. I think visiting a nearby village for a short while is a good idea.”

“Well, I don’t know about that, My Lady.”

Mrs. Bailey seemed troubled when she added, “You must get permission from the lord when you leave.”

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“Hmm. If I wanted to go to the garden at District Two, would that be allowed?”

“I’m sorry, my Lady. You have to ask  the lord about that, too.”

“How about going to District One to ask permission from the Grand Duke?”

“I’m so sorry, My Lady. My lord ordered me to keep you inside the spire for a while.”

Cade must have meant to lock her up here forever.

Cherryl cast a resentful eye toward Cade’s horrible nature.

“As expected. Not only had he forbidden me to go out of his castle but he had also kept her from roaming around his castle, too.”

She sighed and folded her arms over her chest.

Cherryl was aware of what was happening at the Blhanov estate near the border.

Wild-lings started attacking Carlsvik long ago, and it couldn’t be stopped.

Cherryl could understand why the Duke was being overprotective to some extent.

Nevertheless, she couldn’t help but wonder why he locked her up like this and left her alone.

She didn’t want many things from Cade because she chose to leave her parents’ house to avoid marrying an old Earl.

However, is her freedom too much for her to ask after Cade had prepared a high-end carriage to take Cherryl as if he had planned this from the very beginning?

Why did he hide from her as soon as they arrived in the North and confine her in this tower?

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His recent behavior just showed her his true character.



Mrs. Bailey was about to say something when someone knocked on the door.

“Who is it?”

“A letter came from the center of nature.”

The maid’s voice broke the news.

“Come on in.”

Mrs. Bailey replied, and a maid, carrying a gold-rimmed tray, entered the bedroom.

On the tray was a stiff white envelope sealed with red wax.

“This is an invitation from the Lord to Lady Milrose.”

“Did he invite me?”

No matter how far their distance seemed, sending a letter to another person living in the same castle was a bit ridiculous.

Cherryl tore the envelope and began reading the letter.

Clearly, the handwriting, with intervals of knife-like precision as if it had been measured with a ruler, belonged to Cade.

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The short message was rather blunt, without a single typo.

[There will be a dinner held tomorrow at the banquet hall in District One, so please attend.]


What was this invitation all about?

Mrs. Bailey looked at the letter and spoke carefully, “Maybe, the lord is planning to have a warm reception for you, My Lady. It’s rare for our lord to throw a dinner party, but I think it would be a wonderful experience.”

“Well, it felt more like a notice than an invitation.”


“Oh, no. Nothing, madam.”

Cherryl, who had muttered that without thought, shook her head.

She needed to do something about her habit of spouting innermost thoughts out of her mouth.

It appeared like something had happened that she was able to escape the entrapment of her daily life.

Other Balkan men would also attend, so it was an opportunity for them to repaint their faces before they greeted her.

Above all, she’ll also be able to meet Cade.

Her resentment of him that had piled up while she was locked up in a spire gradually melted away.

Far from crawling in his mercy, an unknown fighting spirit burned in Cherryl’s heart.

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The next afternoon, the carriage where Cherryl had ridden crossed the vast courtyard as they headed for District one.

She had no winter dress in her arsenal, so she wore a silk dress she had brought from her parent’s house instead.

However, the fabric was too thin that it wouldn’t be a surprise if she caught a chill.

The light green dress she was currently wearing revealed cleavage, shoulders, and arms.

The dress looked good on women with platinum blonde hair and fair skin like her.

But since it was too wintry out here, she had to cover half of it with a white, furry cape.

The carriage stood before a black castle with towers soaring to the heavens.

When she entered, she saw a vast hall covered with black-gray stones on the walls.

The ancient castle had no fancy decorations, but it stood with dignity.

Tall stone pillars supported the wide ceiling, and a symbol of a roaring black wolf, representing the Blkanov family, hung at its center.

Cherryl could estimate the size of the main castle just by looking at the endless staircases located beyond the railing on the second floor.

She followed the servant to the banquet hall next to the reception room on the first floor.

“Lady Milrose has arrived.”

The servant entered first, bowed to someone inside, and soon opened the door for her.

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