Every time she laughed and chatted with men, an unusual gaze was thrown from her side like a blade.

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If she was sober, she would have been scared and a little cautious.

Why was he staring at her now after avoiding her eyes?

Disheveled, Cherryl drank the wine.

Lecter drank his sweet grape juice and suggested. “Why don’t you make a toast, my Lady?”

“Oh! I want to hear it, too.” Axel agreed excitedly. “I heard that a southern aristocrat would break a champagne glass with a tableware to make a toast.”

“You fool! No one would break an innocent cup for a mere toast. Tapping a spoon to a champagne glass is done to get everyone’s attention.”

“Huh? Isn’t it better to just break it?”

From their amusing discussion, Cherryl knew that the two had no idea about etiquette.

Nevertheless, she found the teenage boys adorable.

Cherryl covered her lips to suppress the giggles rising from her throat.

In the end, she burst out laughing.

At the same time, Cade’s eyes gleamed fiercely at her.

She wasn’t sure because she was too drunk.

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Cherryl leaped up from her seat, raised her beer mug and tapped on its surface gracefully with a spoon.

When the people surrounding the table began to focus on her, she began cheerfully, “Since this is a dinner that His Grace had held in my honor, may I have a word with everyone here?”

“You look drunk.”

The owner of that cold, deep voice held her back in a a single stroke.

It was Cade, of course.

She just wanted to express her gratitude so why would he stop her?

Cherryl didn’t care.

“Weeks had already passed since I came to Carlsvik. The wedding ceremony didn’t even happen yet but the people here have been kind to me. I really appreciate everyone for making me feel comfortable in this unfamiliar place. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Mrs. Bailey——-”

“Cherryl, stop talking and sit down.”

“——Honestly, I wonder if His Grace and I will ever marry.”

In comparison to when she was sober, the atmosphere became so cold that she noticed it despite being in a drunken haze.

Perhaps, the awful mood of the man seated at the upper seat had caused this.

She thought about closing her mouth but the alcohol she kept drinking earlier didn’t release her from its hold.

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“I can’t talk to the Grand Duke whenever I want. His castle is too big that I don’t even know what’s going on with him.” Her red lips moved incessantly. “Why would he keep me in the spire for weeks? I’m frustrated and upset. I’m always reminded of the Grand Duke…. especially at night.” Cherryl corrected herself quickly amid the chaotic situation. “No. I have a lot of thoughts at night other than you. I’m aware that the North is dangerous. But I’m not sure about your intentions now when you don’t come and visit me ever since I arrived. It’s not like I’m asking you to share a room to sleep with me.”

At that moment, the chair produced a loud scratching noise as it dragged on the floor.

It didn’t take long for her to realize it was Cade’s.

A handsome and distinguished face filled Cherryl’s blurred vision.

“You’re drunk.”

While she was having a hard time determining the man’s gigantic height, a cool voice rang in her ears.

“Stop trying to stand.”

“Uh… Your Grace?”

Without a response, Cade grabbed one of her arms and helped her to sit down.

“I was going to say thank you but why did you ignore me earlier?”

Dumbfounded at her nonsense as if her tongue was twisted into knots, Cade threw his head back and laughed.

“Open your eyes, Lady. I’ll walk you to your place.”

Cherryl walked with the Grand Duke’s help.

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After missing her steps a few times, she lifted Cherryl halfway and carried her like a princess.

She must have fallen asleep since her memory was cut off after that.

She didn’t even notice Cade bringing her to the carriage.

When she opened her eyes, she was moving in the dark hallway——with the lights on the walls——in Cade’s arms.

The hand holding her tight was careful.

Feeling strange that Cade had carried her while she was drunk, Cherryl squirmed at once.

As a result, her cloak fell to the floor.

“Cade, my cloak had fallen.”

Cherryl held his broad shoulder while her other arm stretched to the ground in confusion.

“Leave it alone. I’m going to take it off anyway.”

Cade’s reply felt somehow important.

Then again, Cherryl’s eyes closed.

When she came back to her senses, she was lying on her cozy bed.

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A handsome figure was drawn in her clouded gaze.

Cade sat at the end of the bed, looking at the fireplace.

His sharp side profile, shadowed from the soft light of the flames, seemed sad for some reason.

Cherryl’s eyes went hooded.

Cade’s solid and thick muscles looked as if they were about to burst underneath the tightness of his white shirt.

His chest seemed to rise and fall as he breathed slowly.

The burning of firewood added to the sound of Cherryl swallowing hard.

Since she couldn’t stand the strange feeling any longer, Cherryl got up from the bed and called him first. “Your Grace.”

Cade straightened his loosely tilted posture and glanced her way.

“Are you awake now?”

“Yes, I feel better than before.”

He glanced at Cherryl and realized she was still drunk from the dazed look on her beautiful face.

Cade examined the fireplace, instead.

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