“With that much drinking, you can’t be sober already.”

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Cade recited a monologue as he got out of bed.

His patience seemed to be running out.

“It’s late. I must go now.”

Cherryl slowly blinked her eyes in a daze.

Cade avoided her gaze while rubbing the back of his neck but he couldn’t help but stare at her again.

“I didn’t mean to trap you here, My Lady. I wanted to keep you here for a while because of a situation.”

“We had a similar conversation the other day. What was it this time?”

When Cherryl asked, there was a strange smile on his face.

“You’d better not know.”

“Then let me know tomorrow when I’m sober.”

“I don’t think you would be sober.”

“Then, have a cup of tea with me. Just the two of us without the other attendants outside and inside this stuffy room. How about noon?”

Cade smirked at her sudden request for a date.

He looked like he wouldn’t budge even if a blade was pressed against his neck but Cherryl realized he was a man who laughed more often the more she knew about him

“I don’t really like tea, but….” As he narrowed the distance between them, Cade touched her shoulder. “It’s a hard request to refuse.”

Gently pushing her backward, Cherryl’s head laid calmly on the pillow.

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Cade pulled the blankets near her feet and tucked her in.

“See you tomorrow, then.”

Then, the long shadow of a man——walking around as the flames fluttered along the firewood—-disappeared.

Licking the heat left on her lips, Cherryl’s hangover gradually eroded as soon as she fell asleep.


She hadn’t experienced a hangover once or twice.

“My head.”

However, this level of hangover was the first time in her life.

Cherryl rose with a groan as she pressed a throbbing temple.

In the past, she had poured alcohol into a huge goblet fit for a husky-voiced pirate or a mercenary and drank over and over again.

It was strange to believe but her body had been fine.

Although last night’s memory remained vague, she didn’t have enough energy to review every one of them.

“What time is it now?”

The window outside was bright beyond measurement.

Then, she heard a knock on the door.

When Cherryl gave her permission, Mrs. Bailey entered with a tray.

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“I heard you cough. Have you come to your senses, My Lady?”

“Yes. Good morning, ma’am.” Cherryl greeted her as she untangled her hair.

Mrs. Bailey approached the bedside and handed her a tray of soup bowls.

“What do you mean ‘good morning’, My Lady? It’s way past lunchtime and the sun will set soon.”

“Oh, you mean I overslept? I didn’t know that time had passed because I was dead to the world.”

“I came in a couple of times to see if you were sick, but you were sleeping soundly, instead. Last night, you had a lot of…you know? I guess you did.”

“I guess I went too far. I didn’t expect to feel pain all over my body so I’ll restrain myself from alcohol for the time being.”

The lady carefully examined the color of Cherryl’s face.

Cherryl, who was blowing her spoonful of mushroom soup before eating it, stopped moving when she saw Mrs. Bailey’s strange countenance.

“Is there something on my face?”

“Oh, no.  Not at all. Don’t forget to drink this after eating your meal.”

A small vial of blue liquid was placed on the tray.

“This potion will recharge your energy levels.”

“How did you know I lost all of my energy? It’s exactly what I need right now.” Cherryl gave her a soft smile as she picked up the potion once. “Thank you very much, madame.”



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Something felt weird.

Mrs. Bailey seemed to blush at the end of Cherryl’s every statement… or perhaps, she had seen it wrong.

The maidservant completely moved the curtains to each side and opened the windows to allow bright light and fresh air to enter the room.

As she soothed her hungry stomach with the hot meal, the maid spoke to Cherryl.

“The lord visited around noon.”

Her hand holding the spoon halted.

“The Grand Duke?”

“Yes. He seemed worried when I told him that you were still sleeping. Nevertheless, he didn’t stay long and went back to District 1.”

“Oh, don’t tell me——”

Last night, Cherryl asked Cade out for a cup of tea.

She couldn’t believe she had slept in!

Cherryl touched her forehead with shame.

“I suggested that we drink some tea today. We were supposed to spend some time outdoors around noon…but, I overslept.”

Mrs. Bailey smiled happily, “The lord is very——I know he doesn’t like tea but he is still sweet and kind enough to accompany you.”

“Kind? That’s true.”

“I will send a letter to a messenger asking for the lord’s future schedule. If he doesn’t have any work as of the moment, he will reply right away.”

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Those letters again, huh?

No matter how big the Grand Duke’s castle was, it was just a space like any other.

Cherryl would never get used to exchanging letters whenever she wanted to share the news with Cade.

If they were to meet anyway, it was better to go there in person.

“No, I’d better bring some snacks and visit  the Grand Duke.”

‘Please don’t tell me I  have to send a letter asking the Grand Duke’s permission to go out when I’m visiting him there.’

At this rate, she might as well swim in a swamp of letters.

It reminded her of the past when she couldn’t go out of the spire freely without Cade’s permission.

She lived a very luxurious life here and labeled it as ‘confinement’.

Mrs. Bailey shook her head with a benevolent expression.

“The lord says you can move within the area as much as you want.”


“However, you must be accompanied by one of the lord’s men every time you go somewhere. And, you still have to get permission to go out of the fortress.”

“The scope of my freedom has increased a lot than before. I think I’ve gotten closer to the His Grace since yesterday.”

Mrs. Bailey coughed and Cherryl had no idea what she was ashamed about.

As she kept eating her soup in silence, her mind brought things back one by one last night.

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