Even the man’s subordinates–who looked like beasts capable of devouring a person as if they were deer meat after threatening their leader like this–stopped eating their food to glance her way.

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A cold sweat ran down Cherryl’s back to expose her wit.

“What?” He asked her as if she just hadn’t answered him. Then, he repeated for emphasis. “What?”

Perhaps, he wanted her to elaborate.

It was only natural that he had asked her again.

Comforting herself, Cherryl closed her eyes tightly.

Duke Blkanov chuckled, and the wicked sound scattered in the atmosphere.

As he continued to laugh, the tension in the air seemed to dissipate, and he successfully managed to make everyone laugh, albeit awkwardly.

“Yes, I am a thief.” The man said flatly.


Cherryl unconsciously repeated the same tone she had earlier.

The man spat out his words akin to a wild beast’s growl.

“Thieves rob others of their own property, kill them if they wanted to and kidnap helpless women.” His deep voice sounded eerie as he mentioned a few ruthless behaviors on their kind’s list. “The devastation at the Northern Frontier made it difficult for the bandits to survive.”

Breathtaking silence ensued after the man’s grim statement, but it only lasted for a short time.

“It’s only a jest, My Lady.”


“I’m not interested in such trifling bandits so you can relax now.”

His protruding Adam’s apple moved up and down as the man drank the red wine leisurely.

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The man’s calm and relaxed attitude lightened the atmosphere.

Kade’s men chuckled while exchanging glances, but Cherryl couldn’t smile at all.

‘If he were jesting with that serious look on his face, no one would believe him.’ Cherryl thought as she drank wine in a hurry.

Marquis Milose, who had given his undivided attention to his guest from the North, scolded her.

“You ignorant thing! Aren’t you aware that the first Duke of Blkanov was praised centuries ago as a hero of the founding fathers?”

The Marquis clicked his tongue in disapproval and proceeded to recite the history of the Blkanov.

“Not many people know that the second successor of the royal family of this Empire are the Blkanov’s.”

“Oh, yes…”

“Kade, who is sitting here with us on the table, had led this dignified family by himself.” The Marquis insinuated, wording his statements carefully so as not to get on his bad side.  “The previous family of the Blkanovs had encountered a fatal accident a few years ago and this is how he had succeeded the Dukedom.”


“It was difficult for the new Duke to get the title because he had no ounce of the’ previous Blkanov’s blood’ running through his veins. I think it’s a good thing rather than a disaster.” The marquis covered his mouth as he examined the man’s complexion. “Oops. I apologize, Duke Blkanov. That’s  quite rude to your predecessor.”

It was clear that the mistake was made on purpose to please.

“The Duke of Blkanov was the one who successfully eradicated the troublesome barbarians at the borders.” Her father added. “As a reward, the emperor had elevated him  to the rank of an Archduke and the leader of the North.”

The bombardment of information confused Cherryl.

In the original novel, the Blkanov family had adopted Kade, but he wasn’t suitable to inherit any titles.

She had never read somewhere in the original novel that had mentioned Kade becoming a Duke.

How was it possible?

What had happened to the Duke, his stepfather, and his sons?’

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It surprised her even more that this man was promoted to the rank of the Archduke.

What a twisted setup!

Before the silence could grow any longer, Cherryl curtsied towards Kade.

“Please forgive my ignorance, Your Grace. I haven’t gone to the academy. I also didn’t have a tutor after my mother died.”

Kade gently shook his goblet in a circular motion as he stared at her.

It was all true.

Marquis Milose had sold the books in his study early on, claiming that all of them were useless because women  weren’t suited to learning.

Her mother had taught young Cherryl to write, passing her the knowledge she had learned at her academy.

If it weren’t for her mother, she would have had to survive in this world as blind people do.

“It is a pity I didn’t know politics and history from the inside out.”

Cherryl flashed a resentful smile at her father.

She turned her eyes back on Kade, who watched her still.

“I find it impressive that you’re leading the Blkanovs. You are unique for being the only surviving family member in that lineage.”

His ‘uniqueness’ was ironic.

Cherryl recounted the original plot of the novel.

Members of the Blkanov Family had persecuted Kade for becoming an unknown variable.

Where did they all go, and why was  Kade the only one left?

“What about the relatives of your family—” Cherryl didn’t continue and pursed her lips instead.

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Kade must have divined her thoughts, for the corners of his mouth curled upward in amusement.

Unlike his dangerous appearance, he seemed constantly amused at her, which brought her discomfort.

“Everyone is dead,” Kade smirked.

She must have heard ‘was’ instead of ‘is.’

She gulped down the wine to manipulate her brain into thinking she heard it wrong.

Cherryl could only endure this suffocating situation through alcohol.

“Duke, do you have any concerns about successors? I’m asking you this since you’re still single and my daughter is getting old.”

Marquis Milose asked as he gave him a  grim smile.

“You must sire the second generation of Blkanovs to inherit your history, Your Grace. Recently, there’s been a lot of interference from the royal family–”

The Marquis hesitated, yet he continued.


“As I said before, my family is generous and have a high reputation. So there’s not much I want….”

Her father’s gaze towards her  shocked her when his eyes turned on her.

He must have gone insane.

Was he trying to sell her out?

Cade drank the dark red wine.

She thought he would ignore the Marquis’ nonsense, but his next words made her gasp.

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“I’m not worried about my future.” Even if his handsome face was devoid of emotion, the corner of his lips had curled into a slight smirk. “I still plan to get married.”

Flustered, Cherryl stared at the Marquis stiffly in response.

Plan to get married?


A question mark rose over her head.

“With whom?”

His melted honey-gold  eyes had a subtle glow in them as he watched her.

Cherryl picked up a glass of wine with her trembling hand to avoid exposing her agitation.

After drinking all the wine, she took a long breath.

She could not calm down, so she didn’t let go of the empty glass and continued fiddling with its stem.

It was a trivial act, but she could feel his strange gaze.

Why is everyone looking at her?

Cade grinned as he swept her lips with his long fingers, his arm resting on the table.

“You must have been quite taken aback, My Lady. Does a man like me look far from married?”

“Well, that’s not true, Your Grace. I’m not that rude–”

“How silly of you that you can’t even tell which cup of wine is yours.” He said in a low voice as he pointed to a glass he held tightly in his hand.

In her delicate hand lay a fine cup of wine, which Cade had constantly put his lips on.

The one he had… had a mark of a red lipstick on the rim.

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