She heard that he sent his subordinates directly to help Cherryl move, but she wondered why she hadn’t encountered Cade since that morning.

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How would she be able to look him in the eye?

Now that they’re living in the same space, they can face each other anytime.

Cade’s strong presence always complicated Cherryl’s mind.

No matter how many times she shook it off, the proud outline of his bulge got permanently stuck in her mind and she didn’t plan on leaving anytime soon.

At that moment, Cade seemed uncomfortable as his fingertips caressed his neck.

‘Does it get that big even with the touch of my fingertips?’

She couldn’t understand her memory of that day even if she thought about it over and over again.

What kind of mistake did she make while she was sleeping?

Her guess was close to the truth but Cherryl, who had slept soundly, didn’t know about the details.

She had no idea.

She had done a lot of things with him so far, and she even sat on his thighs, but why didn’t she feel it then?

As soon as she asked the question, she heard a little voice in her head as if responding,’ You sat on his left thigh and not on the right.’

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It was definitely on the left when she used his thigh as her pillow at the carriage on their way to the North.

When they kissed in his office, Cherryl didn’t notice anything at all even if she was tightly attached to him.

No matter how distracted she was, how could that happen?

Looking back, she thought she had remembered a brief yet faint moment when something hard touched her body and wondered what it was but that particular memory was as vague as the fog.

Cherryl never dreamed that she was this dull.


It wasn’t that she was slow.

It’s just that she didn’t have any experience.

She finished the glass of water and glanced down, imagining their wedding’s first night.

With the celebration just around the corner, Cherryl was in a very cluttered mood due to various emotions that couldn’t be defined.

She should just stop worrying and leave the future to herself.

It was wiser to focus on what was coming than to wrap her head around unanswered concerns.

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Cherryl went back to the bedroom to arrange the remaining luggage boxes.

Then, her first day in the main castle passed by just like that.


The next day, Cherryl began to roam around the main castle with Lucy in the morning so that she could learn about the places she hadn’t been to yet.

Compared to other areas, it was necessary to walk around and get used to it, or else she might get lost.

They also visited the Great Hall where guests’ bedrooms were all gathered and in the afternoon, she went to see the others outside.

She ran into Lecter, Axel, and Cole as the three teenagers continued fooling around.

Cole was already an adult after his Coming-Of-Age ceremony, but he was still treated as a teenager due to his childish nature.

As they surrounded the round table while chatting, Axel’s face brightened when he suggested, “Should we go to the Winter Festival together?”

“Yes, I heard that there will be a festival in a nearby city, so it would be more fun if you guys could accompany me. Have you ever been there?”

Axel nodded at Cherryl’s question.

“Of course. My brothers don’t like noisy places, so we’ve been there alone in the past. The smoked sausages sold at the stalls there were excellent!”

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Cole agreed when Axel stared into the air in a daze as if recalling something that made his mouth water.

“It was so delicious that I won’t have any regrets even if I died in that instant.”

“I heard the owner had prepared plenty of ingredients for sale during the festival, and the three of us ate them all in three days. During my stay at the inn, I went to eat it every morning as soon as I woke up.”

“We ate all the french fries, fried fish, and lamb kebab at the next stand,” Cole added proudly.

Cherryl, who reflected on their enormous appetites, added a word.

“The street vendors must have loved it thanks to all of you. You did a great job boosting the community’s economy. Why don’t you try to eat from as many stalls as you want this time?”

Excited by the unexpected compliments and suggestions, the teenagers looked pleased.

In particular, Cole put his hands on his chest while looking at Cherryl with trembling pupils.

“I knew it from the first time I saw you. My sister is an angel visiting earth. I noticed Schiff didn’t want us to roam around and eat, so it touched me when you said that.”

“You’re making me shy so don’t do it too much. You look good if you eat well,”

Cherryl remembered Cade out of nowhere.

She had never seen him eat before.

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He usually ate a bunch of weird-looking protein bars, and if that wasn’t enough, he drank all the time and never slept.

His lifestyle made her very concerned about his health.

Unlike the two people who talked enthusiastically, Lecter was silent.

He watched Lucy bitterly as if he was sad that his plan of going alone with her had failed.

Then Axel pointed at Lucy with his chin.

“Is she going with you?”

Lecter was furious at how he referred to Lucy without sincerity.

“Don’t address her like that! She had a pretty name and it’s Lucy so be careful.”

It wasn’t just Lucy.

Everyone was surprised at the sudden compliment enough for them to shut up.

A rather solemn silence fell among them.

Axel’s playfulness, which had been muted so far, began to creep in.

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