A red-eyed poisonous snake with white scales was wrapped around two crossed swords.

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It was the coat-of-arms of the Viatte family governing the Lofern Empire.

“It looks like it’s going to rain.”

Lucy, whose face was shown through the window since this morning, mumbled anxiously.

Cherryl, who was dressed with Lily’s help, also looked out the window.

The sky, which had begun to gather dark clouds, cast a dark shadow over the castle and was about to pour a rain shower down.

Even though it was noon, it was as dark as a late evening.

They could even hear a thunderous rumble from time to time, indicating a premonition of rain.

“Perhaps, not. When I first came to Carlsvik, I thought it would rain every time I saw a cloudy sky, but there were more times when it didn’t. There are a lot of days like this in the north.”

Lucy nodded in agreement.

“Still, the weather should be sunny on the lady’s wedding day. I’m worried that there might be a variable, whether it’s because the ceremony hall is outdoors.”

“I’m glad to hear that.” Cherryl couldn’t guarantee it, but it was a comfort she had given Lucy because she didn’t want to discourage her. “Still, the weather should be sunny on your wedding day, My Lady. I’m worried that something unexpected might happen considering that the event will be held outdoors.”

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Lucy, who showed anxiety, looked up at the sky one after another.

With only two weeks left before the wedding ceremony, not only Lucy but also everyone was talking about the upcoming marriage.

Whenever two or more young maids gathered together, they would whisper about the wedding of the prospective Grand Duchess with the Grand Duke.

Cherryl had already received a lot of congratulatory greetings about her upcoming wedding every time she met a servant.

Albert, a librarian who recently showed his face, came with some interesting novels saying it was a wedding gift.

It wasn’t until the custom-made wedding dress arrived this morning that Cherryl’s feelings about the wedding intensified.

The sleeveless dress, boldly revealing her upper chest and arms, was dazzlingly beautiful to Cherryl.

Hundreds of small, transparent jewels carefully cut along the chest line were embedded, glittering brightly upon receiving a little light.

It was impossible to take one’s eyes off it.

When they diverted their attention from the fitted bodice to the skirts, its design naturally stretched without making the wearer appear like a balloon.

Lucy shed some tears, saying, “You haven’t even tried it on yet, but I can picture you as the most beautiful bride in the world, My Lady.”

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“Fortunately, there’s no reason for it to get rained on despite the outdoor venue.” Lily quickly helped.

“Did you hear that, too? The glass greenhouse under construction at the grand garden is almost finished.”

“How can I not know when you told me every day?”

Cherryl gave her a despondent smile as she recalled Lily and Lucy talking about it all the time.

Without asking, Lily had been constantly reporting the progress of the glass greenhouse construction to her like a cuckoo clock.

“Today, the decorations of the stone pillars outside the greenhouse have been completed.”

“Today, they put a chandelier made of fresh grass at the ceiling.”

“When I stood inside the glass greenhouse, I felt like I’ve turned into a small weed.”

She would chat with Cherryl every day, appreciating every single thing.

Since Lucy was living in Carlsvik, she, soon, joined the cuckoo activity.

“The greenhouse interior is decorated like a fairy dwelling. It felt like it was designed and created by someone who knew you well.”

“That person must love the lady for creating such a brilliant wedding hall.”

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Cherryl’s heart fluttered when she heard that the wedding space was almost completed.

When the aristocrats who received their wedding invitation arrive on the fixed date, she will be officially married to the Grand Duke of the North.

“The glass greenhouse will be completed the day after tomorrow. The wedding ceremony is just around the corner, miss.”

Lily smiled happily as she fastened a necklace around Cherryl’s neck.

Then, she whispered. “The marks on your neck have disappeared. Now, you can greet the guests without any difficulty.”

Cherryl quickly put her index finger over her lips.


Was it the night Lucy had arrived at the Main Castle?

That night, Cherryl had no idea that she would have love bites all over her neck and shoulders in the aftermath of the intense physical contact she had with Cade.

At that time, she was so excited to reunite with her maid.

Lucy was the only person she considered as her family.

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She only noticed the marks the next morning, when Lily, who was helping her change clothes, looked in the mirror in a panic.

Cade had engraved visible red traces around her neck, shoulders, and collarbone with his lips.

Lucy had already witnessed them since the first day of her arrival so she knew that the engaged couple was intimate with one another.

She was just pretending not to know about it for Cherryl’s sake or else she might feel embarrassed.

She was glad that Lily was the only one who found out about it.

Cherryl, who had no clue about the fact, secretly swept her heart.

She got in trouble because it wasn’t familiar to her.

If the Grand Duke tried to leave marks like this again, she would warn him not to do it or else she would have to shave his head as a punishment.

If they started sharing a bedroom as a couple, there would be more situations like this so what else could she do?

Will she be ready by then?

Recalling Cade, who was more than prepared, Cherryl asked herself that question.

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