Cade stared at her with eyes more beautiful than a sparkling lake.

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Even a miserable human like himself could realize what joy was every time he looked at Cherryl.

Cade remembered the first time this lake had caught his eye when it was lit up by countless fireflies.

It used to be a dull scene for him because he couldn’t afford to feel his own emotions.

However, just looking at the scenery similar to that time with this small being sitting right next to him made him feel the ecstasy that couldn’t be found anywhere in the world. He didn’t marry Cherryl to be happy. He just wanted to see her, who had been struggling with misfortunes as strong as Cade in her previous life, become happier next to him.

Even so, it was Cherryl who breathed life into the emotionless man.

“I’m more worried about you, you know? How can a person work without sleeping?” Cherryl, who had been complaining without reading his thoughts, said. “Aren’t you usually tired? I know how painful sleep deprivation is.”


“Isn’t it funny? One of us is sleeping too much while the other does not sleep at all. Now, we are worrying about each other. How can we be so different?” She mumbled with a smile and leaned her head against Cade’s shoulder.

When she sensed him moving his head her way, Cherryl raised her face and met his eyes that were as bright as fireflies.

His large hand, especially heated than usual, gripped her cheek.

As if in response, Cade laid his other hand over the back of her hand and kissed her as he gently pulled her toward him.

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Cherryl opened her mouth to let him in.

Breaths that she had no idea whom they belonged to got entangled in the confusion as two hearts beat nonstop while she was crushed against his chest.

The entangled kiss intertwining their saliva deep inside her mouth lasted for a long time, tickling a corner of her chest like a feather.

Despite his busy schedule, the man was still able to make time for her just to show the most brilliant and ecstatic scenery she had ever seen in her life.

She hoped that they wouldn’t have any worries by the time both of them reminisce what happened during this day.

Wishing so much, Cherryl swallowed every breath that came from him.


After visiting Lake Melli, the winter festival that Cherryl had been waiting to attend finally came.

Cherryl, who had been unable to fall asleep due to the excitement of the previous night like a child about to go on a picnic, managed to close her eyes well past midnight.

Less than two hours after she went to bed, a distant echo of rolling carriages and horse hooves came from the window.

Cade, who was in the office, immediately stopped writing letters that he was about to send to scouts stationed beyond the barriers.

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His animal instincts responded to the rumble of approaching carriages as well as to the unusual cries of wolves in the barns.

Unlike ordinary wolves, Balkan wolves possessed spirits that could detect bad energies.

The reason why they didn’t howl for a long time to communicate with each other but would let out short, breathless cries instead was because they immediately noticed the approaching uninvited guests.

Cade cast his eyes at the pocket watch on top of a  file folder.

It was the early hours of the morning just past four.

All visits before their wedding had been refused so the guest who was visiting at this time wasn’t only rude but had no common sense.

As he put down his pen, someone knocked on his office door at the same time.

The candle on the side of his mahogany desk shook from the force.

“Come in.”

The old butler entered his office with courtesy the moment he gave him permission.

Hired by Mrs. Bailey after Cade took over the dukedom, he was an old man skilled in managing the internal affairs of high-ranking aristocratic families.

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There must be a reason why such an experienced butler was in a rush.

Cade opened his mouth before the butler, who had lowered his head, could announce his business.

“Who is the person asking for access at the front gate?”

“Ah. It is….”

The butler adjusted his monocle with a puzzled expression.

“The crest drawn on the badge and badge belonged to the Viate family.”

“The crest drawn on the badge and insignia belonged to the Viate family.”


Cade’s eyes glittered coolly.

“The parasites of the royal family had crawled into my land without notice.”

‘Arriving before dawn? How fearless.’ Cade muttered before raising his bright pupils toward the butler.

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The old butler got goosebumps when his eyes met with the murderous Grand Duke.

Still, he had to speak the truth.

“Two knights were accompanying them, milord. But only one woman had shown her identity plate in the carriage. It’s Princess Rosaline Viate.”

“Are you sure that she had no other companions in there?”

“There certainly wasn’t. However, it’s still unknown whether the princess entered the Grand Duchy alone. Hawke and Roy, who were near the main gate, immediately left the castle to check their traces carved on the dirt road and to contact the messenger, Joe, if he had any information.”

Cade leaned loosely on the chair.

Outside the window, fine raindrops drizzled.

As he flicked his long fingers on the desk, Cade spoke.”Send her in. In fact, ask her to get out of the carriage in front of the drawbridge and walk to the castle.”

He didn’t want Cherryl to wake up from the neighing of the horses.

Upon hearing those words, sweat broke from the butler’s forehead.

He bowed again and left the office.

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