Cade cast a heartless glance at Rosaline, who was smiling happily at him.

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“You must have had a lot of free time to visit the far northern lands without any notice. What’s the matter that you had to come at dawn?”

“If you want an announcement, I heard that my older brother had messaged you several times. He said that he would visit you before the wedding ceremony, but why did you refuse him? He sent me here because he was afraid that you would reject him again even after sending a conciliatory letter. Please understand.”

As soon as Rosaline finished speaking, Cade immediately recognized her companion’s identity. There was only one person that Rosaline Viate could call her brother in the royal family. As expected, the prince must have accompanied her. After recalling what happened a long time ago, Cade’s face turned cold. Prince Philip Viate was a major figure in the royal family. It was impossible not to recognize him. On the night that Cade’s fate began to twist, a large banquet occurred at Blkanov Castle attended by Prince Philip. As Cade walked into the dim front yard to return to his bedroom, he encountered Philip and the Blkanov heir. The Marquis, who was fiddling with the hunting bow he received as a birthday gift, took an arrow and put it on the string when he saw Cade with whom he wasn’t always on good terms.

“Philip, look over there. A good target is passing by.”

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As Marquis Blkanov aimed at Cade’s eyes, Philip smirked rather than stopping him. The accident happened in an instant. As the bowstring was pulled tight, Cade was able to dodge. Otherwise, the arrow would have hit an eye or his forehead. Cade pulled the arrow that got stuck on his shoulder, and used it to stab and the Marquis’ eye, and broke his neck in an instant. The crown prince, who witnessed Marquis Blkanov’s neck being snapped at a strange angle, shrieked and ran away like a f*cking coward. Cade should’ve twisted his neck, too. If he had known from the moment he put an end to the Marquis’ life with his own hands, he would have returned to the point where he got hit by an arrow. If that miracle happened, Cade would have brutally murdered not only the Blkanov heir but also the crown prince in his previous life. With that same silver-blue hair and blood-red eyes, both resembled each other as if proving that they were split from the same bloodline. Faced with that nasty combination, Cade felt the urge to trample it down so that it could never be revived.

“How can you look so scary in front of a weak woman? I understand that you feel bad about the sudden visit.”

The corner of Rosaline’s bright green eyes crinkled when she smiled. Although she was a royal family member, Rosaline’s appearance was completely different from theirs.

“Even so, you’re acting childish and mean. It’s unbecoming for a Grand Duke.”

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Rosaline gave him a meaningful smile and immediately pulled up the hem of her dress. As if proving that she had walked on the wet lawn, Rosaline showed her feet getting soaked in water overflowing from her bright red shoes but the man looked like he didn’t give a damn.

“Where was the person who sent the letter? Did you come here alone, princess?”

“I’ll tell you one by one. First, I’d like to say sorry for being so early. Were you sleeping by any chance?”

Rosaline was determined to switch the subject. Realizing that it would be difficult to get answers from this stubborn woman, she exhaled a tired sigh.

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“You’re dressed so neatly. It’s fortunate that you didn’t go to bed. Either you stayed up all night or you woke up early. Which of the two is it?”

“None of the above.”

“I know we don’t know each other, so don’t be too cold. Why don’t you take this opportunity to talk to me again?”

Cade sneered.

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“We never talked before.”

Blushing, Rosaline lowered her gaze.

“Yes, we never talked a single word but the moment I first saw you had become an unforgettable memory until now.”

Ten years ago, Rosaline got invited to a Northern Count’s ball and met Cade for the first time. Cade never really paid attention to anyone, but the princess clearly remembered him. On that night, so many noblemen wanting to connect with royalty or simply just wanted to have a word with her, came to Rosaline that it was hard to find Cade. Rosaline wasn’t interested in any of them even though she knew she had to solidify her position in the Upper Society. From the moment he first caught sight of Cade, Rosaline’s attention was all focused on him.

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