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When a tremendous thunder woke even those who slept without a care in the world, Cherryl opened her eyes. A flash of lightning lit up before an earthquake-like echo shook the dark bedroom.

“What the——-” Troubled, Cherryl said drowsily while rubbing her eyes and raising herself. The sight of heavy raindrops pounding on the window came into her dim view. Cherryl put on her slippers while giving the swift-falling raindrops forming on the glass surface a faraway look. Unable to get rid of her sleepiness, she approached the window with a staggering gait. She glanced up at the dark gray sky and the rain showed little signs of abating.

“We were supposed to go to the winter festival today.”

The festival was held outdoors and if it continued to rain, that plan would have been thwarted. If they went from the first day, they could get swept away by the crowd. With only a few days left before the end date, someone suggested that they participate once the heat subsided into moderation. Carlsvik’s rainy season was too long. Since it had been showing signs of rain all along, it might not stop for a few days. Cherryl lowered her gaze. From the faraway barn, two men in black seemed to be walking toward the castle. Looking at the silhouette, it was probably Cole and Lecter.

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“Are they the types who don’t sleep at night like the Grand Duke?”

She didn’t think so. She once heard that Cole had such a loud snore that Axel had to kick him after being woken up. Imagining Axel’s ferocious kick, Cherryl smiled a bit. As a series of uninterrupted thoughts followed, her mind grew clearer. She didn’t know what today’s schedule might be if the rain wouldn’t stop, but she thought it would be better to go back to sleep for now. Cherryl wasn’t used to being awake at this time. She tried to pull a rope and ask a servant to bring her some tea to help her sleep again but she paused, instead.

What if they were all asleep? If one had a business, it was natural for an aristocrat to call a servant at any time. However, she thought it would be better to do this little thing on her own in the middle of the night. She couldn’t get too used to what others could do for her. Cherryl picked up a lamp from the chest drawers and left the room. When she passed by a mirror, she looked pale and haggard due to lack of sleep. Her destination was already set because she knew that the tea leaves and other medicinal herbs were stored in the pantry on the first floor so she walked down the quiet corridor heading there.

Just as she was about to enter the hallway close to the dining hall and storage room after passing the main hall, Cherryl suddenly heard a metal clatter.


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Stepping back, Cherryl turned her head toward the sound. Two brilliant exhibition armors stood in front of the drawing room at the end of the hallway. Upon looking closely, they were living and breathing humans. Both of them were knights dressed in silver armor that flashed from top to toe.

‘Did a guest with escort knights just arrived this early in the morning?’

Cherryl tiptoed as she approached the drawing room.


The drawing room was so silent that only the sound of heavy rain and thunder rang from time to time. By then, Rosaline realized that an intimate conversation with Cade itself was impossible. Philip had instructed Rosaline to seduce Grand Duke Blkanov at any cost the instant she arrived at his castle. She didn’t want to follow such low orders but it seemed impossible to lure this cold-blooded man in that direction in the first place. Rosaline, who had received a lot of attention from many men, knew well what a man was like if they desired something or someone. Weren’t they able to destroy the achievements they had accumulated all their lives just because of that one tiny impulse standing out like a spark? However, the man sitting in front of her must have neither succumbed to desire nor longed for women in his life. She was certain just by looking at that horrifyingly heartless gaze. Rosaline counted the days left until Cade’s wedding. She only had ten days to do this. Now that she had set foot on Carlsvik, she had to try at least. The moment Rosaline decided to target Cherryl instead of Cade, she sighed and opened her mouth.

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“I’ll be honest with you. My brother, Philip, had accompanied me from the Royal Palace but by the time I entered Carlsvik, he wanted to split up. That’s all.”

Cade clenched his jaw. That sly move didn’t deviate much from his expectations at all. It wasn’t for Rosaline’s sake that Philip, who was terrified of Cade, had given her a luxurious carriage.

“Tell me what’s going on.”

“I don’t know. My brother might have gone to see a lover but he and I aren’t close enough to share each other’s private lives. Even if I know, it’s too much to tell you all about it.”

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“How many escorts have accompanied you from the Imperial Palace?”


“All right, now get up.”

As he said so, Cade stalked toward the exit.

Rosaline remained silent for a while as Cade brutally ended the conversation.

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