Chapter 191 - Obviously, Lu Jue was upset at Ning Kai. (1)

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Old Mr. Ning and Ning Zhi got along very well on their way as the butler marked down Ning Zhi’s preferences that she had brought up along with what she enjoyed eating.

Their car was already waiting for them when they got off the private jet and that took them straight back to the Ning’s residence.

Unlike Lu Jue’s mansion, the Ning’s residence was historical. It was simple and quiet with bridges and water. The design was very delicate.

Walking inside the house, redwood furniture was all over the living room. There was a kind of low-key luxuriousness.

“Xiao Zhi, this will be your home from now on.” Looking at the granddaughter that he had just found, Old Mr. Ning still feel quiet well after a long day.

“Miss, your room is ready. I will take you up there shortly.” The butler already had the servants prepared Ning Zhi’s room when Old Mr. Ning was out to pick her up. Everything in there was top-notched.

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Ning Zhi acknowledged all of them.

“Granduncle, I heard that you had taken a trip to City B.” A light and cheerful voice came from outside.

Ning Xiaomeng walked in from the outside. She came as soon as she could when she heard that Old Mr. Ning was back.

When she caught sight of Ning Zhi, she was taken aback a little. Alarmed, she asked, “Who is this, Granduncle?”

“She is Ning Zhi, my real granddaughter whom I had just found.” Old Mr. Ning was in a good mood, and he couldn’t wait to tell everyone that he now had a granddaughter.

Ning Xiaomeng’s eyes widened. “There was just a fake one some two days ago and now there’s another one? Granduncle, you shouldn’t let them fool you easily.”

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Whatever the heck was going on? They had just gotten rid of a fake one and now there was another one?

“The fake one that came two days ago was Lin Tiantian,” said Ning Zhi.

“You know her? See? You and her are working together. Neither one of you are a good person and all you are after is the Ning’s money.” Ning Xiaomeng’s hand itched. She wanted to tear into the next fake granddaughter.

Old Mr. Ning could not stand to have his granddaughter insulted. “Ning Zhi is my real granddaughter. We have already had a DNA test done. I do not wish to hear you speak ill of her again.”

“Granduncle, I……”

“Old Mr. Ning went to look for Miss from City B in person. Fifth Young Mistress does not need to worry about anything. We had already done our investigation into her identity and there will be no mistake.”

The butler carried on saying, “Miss is a few months older than Fifth Young Mistress. You should be referred to her as Big Sister.”

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Being criticized by Old Mr. Ning and educated by the butler, Ning Xiaomeng was speechless all of a sudden.

Hadn’t she been the most doted upon girl in the Ning family?

Even being from a side branch, as Granduncle never had grandchildren of his own, she had been in and out of the main house regularly and everybody knew that she was the most doted upon one of her generation.

Suddenly, with the appearance of a real granddaughter, Ning Xiaomeng felt that her place was threatened.

She turned to check out this woman by the name of Ning Zhi. She was much prettier than the fake one a few days ago. She had bright teeth and eyes and arguably even prettier than she herself.

Ning Xiaomeng must admit that Ning Zhi’s look met the standard of a Ning’s.

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Ning Zhi could feel that she was being checked out and she looked and met Ning Xiaomeng’s eyes. Her lips curving upward, Ning Xiaomeng immediately turned away, intimidated.

“Old Mr. Ning, you should get some rest.” It had been a long trip. Even though Old Mr. Ning looked like he was in good spirit right now, but his body would still be tired.

“That’s right, Grandpa. You should get some rest.” Ning Zhi worried that he was just propping himself up.

Old Mr. Ning nodded. “Okay. I will go and get some rest. You can wander around some, Xiao Zhi. Let Xiao Jiang know if you need anything.”

“Don’t worry, Old Mr. Ning. I will arrange for everything for the Young Miss,” said the butler.

“Just let us know if you need anything, Xiao Zhi.” Old Mr. Ning stressed that again.

Ning Zhi acknowledged them all. “I will, Grandpa.”

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