Chapter 213- "Hide you. Hide you." (2)

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The way the man looked at Ning Zhi was a bit love sickened. There was a hint of shyness on his cute, fair face. “Hi, Miss… Miss Ning. It’s nice to meet you.”

Ning Zhi smiled and nodded politely.

Another male guest walked over. He was in a black suit and he was handsome. “Hi, Miss Ning. I am from the Qin family……”

Meanwhile, a tall and eye-catching person walked inside.

One of the girls touched Ning Xiaomeng on her elbow. “Who’s that? I don’t remember ever meeting him here in City Nan before.”

Any outstanding men in the upper circle would be known by the other families. There was no way that this man, who just showed up out of the blue, was not known to the others.

Ning Xiaomeng looked over and noticed that the man’s looks was very outstanding. His clear brows were much nicer than the others in the upper-class circle.

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More importantly, he had on a red suit with a very colorful shirt. He looked like a butterfly and a player.

They must, however, admit that his handsomeness was still unaffected by the way that he dressed.

The man, walking in with his two long legs, walked inside the lobby and attracted the attention of the guests.

It was noisy and crowded there. Lu Jue’s lips were pinched shut tightly and his brows furrowed. He seemed to be nervous.

The butler, following behind him, observed Lu Jue closely. He worried that Lu Jue would have an episode.

Lu Jue looked around quickly and he spotted Ning Zhi in front of him who were surrounded by a few other people.

His lips were pinched shut even tighter, almost pale, as was his cheeks.

Ning Zhi had spotted Lu Jue since the moment that he had stepped inside. After all, all of the other male guests were in black, white, or even grey suit. He was the only eye-catching one there.

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She was stunned. When did Lu Jue arrived in City Nan?

And why didn’t he tell her?

So, this was the reason that he didn’t tell her where he was when she asked him about it the night before?

Ning Zhi’s eyes curved. Did the little fool want to give her a surprise?

Unintentionally, Ning Zhi’s eyes met Lu Jue’s. Smiling, she watched on as he walked toward her.

All of a sudden, to Ning Zhi’s surprise, she saw a little black cloud with lightning inside of Lu Jue’s indicator over his head.

He was upset?

Then, a second little black cloud with lightning popped out.

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He walked toward her.

A third little black cloud with lightning.

A fourth little black cloud with lightning.


Ning Zhi was stunned. What was going on? He was getting progressively angrier?

“Miss Ning, can I have your contact information?”

“Miss Ning, I……”

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The male guests surrounding Ning Zhi were still talking but Ning Zhi didn’t care about them. The only one in her eyes was Lu Jue and his little black clouds with lightning that kept on increasing.

By the time Lu Jue got in front of her, she counted a total of 8 little black clouds with lightning and more were still popping up.

“How come you are here, Lu Jue?” asked Ning Zhi.

The male guests next to her also looked over at Lu Jue. They sized him up and looked resentful. Why would a man dress in such a colorful way?

Lu Jue, with the little black clouds with lightning still popping out, lowered his head slightly. His lips pinched shut, he walked over to Ning Zhi and picked up her hand. “See you.”

He was here to see Zhizhi.

The other male guests were stunned. What was with this man in red? The rest of them were only greeting Young Mistress Ning politely and he just want and grabbed her?

Across from them, Ning Xiaomeng, who had been studying Lu Jue since he had gotten inside, her eyes widened. Oh boy, the man who was, just a minute ago, distant and cool like an attractive demon had turned into a little puppy instantly after he had walked up to her and grabbed her hand with his head lowered.

No, wait. Ning Zhi didn’t pull her hand back. She knew this man?

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