Chapter 290 - Ning Zhi panicked and called out, “Lu Jue!” (2) Edited by: Lulu

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Ning Zhi was a little dazed. She saw a street sign not too far from her, and right when she was about to take a closer look at it, she overheard the conversation among the pedestrians nearby.

“A fire seemed to have broken out at Shibo Hotel. I just saw it in my friend's circle. Many people were posting photos of it.”

“You mean the hotel on Luyung Road, just a few blocks from here?”

“Yeah. A relative of mine hosted a dinner event there a little while ago. The place was reasonably pricey and served tasty food. Many like to hold their events there.”

“I’ve walked past that hotel before. They seemed to be an older hotel. I have yet to check it out though.”

“That hotel has been around for decades. The fire is picking up in intensity. I wonder if the firefighters have made it there yet.”

“I hope nobody is injured.”

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Ning Zhi had a bad feeling when she heard that conversation.

She felt that she had traveled back to the year of Lu Jue’s graduation and possibly the day of his college gathering.

She didn’t have time to think much as she hurried toward the direction of the hotel. She looked up and saw thick smoke from afar.

As she was in a state where nobody could see or touch her, Ning Zhi ran through the streets. She did not need to wait for the lights to turn before crossing.

In fact, she passed straight through cars, people, and even buildings. She had arrived at the front of the hotel in less than five minutes, and she wasn’t even out of breath.

Guests continued to pour out of the hotel. Some were screaming, while others were disheveled, having only one shoe on. All of them were running away from the hotel.

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It was chaotic.

The firefighters had not yet arrived, and smoke continued to come out of the building.

Ning Zhi dashed in the opposite direction as the crowd and passed right through them as she entered the burning hotel with no hesitation.

She knew that Lu Jue was saved from the fire, but recalling the little scar that he had on him, it still bothered her how he suffered, even though he could not feel pain.

She wondered how Lu Jue was injured and whether he was frightened by the sudden fire, people screaming and running around him.

Ning Zhi remembered Mother Lu telling her that they were having their gathering on the 7th floor.

As Ning Zhi could no longer use the hotel elevator due to the fire, she quickly went up using the stairs.

She saw people pushing against each other and madly making their way down the stairs, tumbling one after another. Nobody cared about how disheveled they looked. All they wanted was to survive.

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Ning Zhi saw a young man suddenly pushed onto the floor by the crowd. He was stepped on a few times, but nobody stopped to pay him any attention.

Ning Zhi took a quick look at the situation and continued to hurry upstairs as she moved through the bodies. Nobody was more important than Lu Jue to her.

There were shouting, screaming, cries for help, and even noises of fire burning and crackling coming from upstairs.

The entire hotel was just as noisy and chaotic as it was outside, if not more.

In her invisible state, Ning Zhi did not feel the scorching temperature around her.

Next to her were people covering their mouths and noses with towels trying to get out. Ning Zhi did not have to worry about inhaling the toxic smoke as well. As such, she continued to head upstairs without stopping.

Ning Zhi saw the entire hallway enveloped in flames when she reached the fourth floor.

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Nevertheless, she continued to head upstairs.

Fifth floor.

Sixth floor.

And, finally, the seventh floor.

The fire had already reached the 7th floor, and the hallway was packed with people trying to escape. It was a mix of guests from the higher floors and guests who were dining at the current floor.

All of their faces looked anxious and fearful. People were pushing against each other, frantically trying to save their own lives.

Ning Zhi had just gotten up from the sixth floor, and she knew how intense the fire was. Apparently, those around her also sensed the blistering heat from below, which was why they were panicking.

Ning Zhi tried her best to search for Lu Jue among the crowd, but she did not find him.

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