Chapter 319 - She saw Lu Shenyuan walking into a bar. (3)

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“I am talking to you. Are you mute again?” Song Dahai’s face twitched from pain. Seeing that Song Song did not respond to him, he was angry all over again. He pointed the wooden dowel at little Song Song, threatening him.

Ning Zhi said to Lu Jue. “Hurry up and call the cops. There’s child abuse going on here.”

Lu Jue pulled out his cellphone docilely and Ning Zhi made the call holding his hand.

Someone picked up on the other end quickly. Lu Jue handed the phone over to the bodyguard next to him and said, “Call cops. Child abuse.”

The bodyguard was taken aback a little but quickly understood what Lu Jue’s meaning was. “Comrade Cop, someone’s beating up a child here.”

Song Dahai’s face was swollen from the earlier beating. He wanted to assault little Song Song again except that he was stopped by the bodyguard this time.

“And who the heck are you?” Song Dahai was infuriated. He was just beaten up a while ago and he was stopped again now. There was no way that he could not teach that little mute boy a lesson today.

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“You are beating a child in the middle of the street and I have already called the cops.” Having said that, the bodyguard even recorded Song Dahai’s vicious look with his cellphone.

Ning Zhi was pleased with that.

Ning Zhi’s plan was to help little Song Song locate his mother and perhaps that would improve his situation. Having witnessed how Song Dahai had raised the wooden dowel at little Song Song, she regretted about her earlier decision.

Another day of little Song Song being with Song Dahai meant another day of suffering for him.

As such, Ning Zhi had a change of heart and had Lu Jue called the cops.

Song Dahai was stunned beyond words. Did the guy say he had just called the cops?

The cops came quickly. They handcuffed Song Dahai, who was still holding onto the wooden dowel, and took him to the police station with them.

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One of the cops went over to little Song Song and tried to hold his hand. “Don’t be afraid, child. Mr. Police will protect you.”

Little Song Song avoided their hand and dashed over to Lu Jue on his two short feet. He threw his arms around Lu Jue’s long leg.

He lifted his head and looked up at Lu Jue. His big eyes blinked. As though he was unfamiliar with the act, he said in muffled voice, “Bie bruder.”

Ning Zhi chuckled. The little boy was really fond of Lu Jue.

Ning Zhi accompanied Lu Jue and little Song Song to the police station.

Song Dahai, inebriated, complained. “I was the one beaten. Not only are you not investigating that, you are arresting me? Does that make sense?”

“We looked into it. There are no surveillance cameras in the area.”

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“Then you go looked into and arrest the person who had beat me up. What are you arresting me for?” said Song Dahai as he slammed on the table.

The bodyguard testified. “We only saw this man holding the wooden dowel when Young Master and I arrived at the scene. He reeked of alcohol. It was very likely that he was the one who beat himself up.”

“Bull crap. Why would I beat myself up?” rebutted Song Dahai.

The cop drummed on the table. “Control your volume. Our colleague had already examined the wooden dowel. Yours were the only fingerprints on it.”

Song Dahai was stunned. “How was that possible? Have I gone insane?”

Cop, “No, you are not insane. You were just so inebriated that you hallucinated and beat yourself up. We brought you here to investigate the child abuse complaint.”

The cops acted very quickly. “From our investigation, you are not the child’s real father and the two of you are not related.”

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Song Dahai said angrily, “He was brought into the marriage by my wife!”

“We’ve looked into that as well. You are single.”

“My wife and I did not register officially. All we did is a banquet.”

“Where is your wife now then?”

Song Dahai looked impatient. “Gone. She left the child behind and took off.”

“We will need to verify that but we have received the medical report for the child. He has several injuries on his body and you had been abusing him.”

“I am his father now. So what if I had to discipline him when he did not listen. What is wrong with a father beating up his child?” Song Dahai raised his voice arrogantly. “I feed him and put a roof over his head. So what if I administered corporal punishment when he’s naughty?”

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