Chapter 1 Shield newcomers

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“Deputy commander of the first battalion of the Rangers, Lieutenant Lyon Coulson, report to you!”

A young voice that is swaying but still calm, accompanied by the breeze that comes with his walk, sounds in a spacious office.

Separated from the heavy files on the desktop, Phil Coulson looked up at the man in military uniform, standing in front of his desk, and suddenly felt a bit gratified.

The close-fitting designed gray-green army uniform made his tall figure more stand out. His slightly warped sword like eyebrows, lined with manicured short brown hair, and his pair of blue eyes giving a feel of deep ocean.

However, at this time, this handsome face is full of horror and seemed to be very surprised by the situation.

Coulson stood up from his chair and said while patting the arm of military man: “Long time no see, Lyon!”

Ignorant Lyon, subconsciously returned to a military ceremony, and then, just as the dream was awakened, he asked: “Hey? Uncle Phil?!”

Coulson just laughed and said nothing, he pointing his hand at the opposite seat and said: “Why are you still standing? Sit.”

“Yes, sir!”

Although, Lyon is very confused and puzzled, but he still reached out and took off his cap from his head, and sat down.

“Welcome to the National Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau, I am a special agent, Phil Coulson.”

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After self-introduction, Phil Coulson naughtily squeezed an eye wink at Lyon.

However, Lyon didn’t react at his uncle’s behavior. Instead, he frowned and his face was full of doubts. “What is this?”

“Uncle Phil, weren’t you working in an accounting firm? How did you suddenly become a special agent?! And working in this super long name department?”

Lyon had long known that his Uncle Phil is an agent of SHIELD, but he still pretended to have a look of “I didn’t know anything and I’m very shocked.”

If this world also has an Oscar awards ceremony, Lyon Coulson would definitely be nominated for the best actor!

Phil Coulson naturally did not know that his nephew, knew his secret identity since a long time.

“Haha.., I am sorry Lyon, I’m doing this job for a long time.”

Phil Coulson smiled smugly, revealing a white tooth and continued to explain: “Because of the special nature of this job, I need to keep it secret, so I couldn’t tell you in advance.”

Lyon continued to show a more surprised expression and said: “Is it true that the person who transferred me to this department is you?!”


Phil Coulson made a snap and said: “And Director Fury is agreed too.”

“Fury also knows?” Lyon glimpsed and immediately let go.

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Also, as an observer of the entire world, and the reason for organizing loyalty, Fury will pay more attention to everyone who joins the SHIELD.

What’s more, he is the nephew of Coulson.

“Right, the new accommodation that was arranged for you in the bureau, is still used to living?”

“Oh, okay…”

. . .

After a brief chat about home, Phil Coulson crossed his fingers and said: “I think you should be very curious about what this department actually do.”

Although, Lyon have long known that this is a special department specializing in dealing with singular events, but still pretending that he don’t know. He nodded with a very curious look and replied: “Yes.”

“The full name of this department is called the National Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau. However, I prefer it’s abbreviation, SHIELD! And this is a secret intelligence unit formed by the World Security Council. It’s history can be traced back to the Second World War.”

After a brief introduction of the history of the SHIELD, Coulson looked in Lyon’s eyes and asked again: “Do you know what the name implies?”

Lyon was feeling boared in his heart but still shook his head.

At this time, Coulson got up from his seat, and went to Lyon’s side. He put his right hand on his shoulder, and said: “This name means that we are a line of defense, resisting any unknown enemy, beyond human imagination. The warrior of things is also the guardian who strives to keep the world safe and not be destroyed!”

It must be said that Phil Coulson can become the confidant of Fury, and he is also a friend of the Avengers. He has his own reasons.

Excellent eloquence and funny personality are important reasons of Phil why he can occupy a place in the SHIELD.

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Even Lyon, who is familiar with this world, has been hailed by his words, and he can’t wait to be immediately involved in the difficult task of protecting world peace.

After talking about some exciting words, Coulson returned to his seat and continued to explain to his nephew.

“I have seen your report. Based on your mission scores and training results during the Rangers. The higher ups decide that you do not need to go to the combat department to accumulate more experience, you can directly go for the mission. So, you are directly transferred to the special Department of Operations, which is the department I am in.”

“Also, your privilege level is level 4, this is your agent ID.” Phil Coulson took out a black badge from the drawer, He handed it over to Lyon and said.

Lyon took a look at the badge, in addition to his own name and avatar, there is a “level4” mark.

“Level 4?”

SHIELD is a hierarchically structured intelligence agency originally established by the US ZF and now affiliated with the United Nations.

There is actually a very interesting special agent hierarchy inside the SHIELD.

However, the division of this level of special agents has little to do with the size of the official title and the strength of the official.

SHIELD will evaluate the security license level based on the work content, work performance, work ability, and file length of each Aegis agent. It also assesses the level of security permission, which also leads to the possibility of some front-line action agents. The leadership of some divisions is as high as or even higher.

However, in most cases, the Agent’s security license level does not affect SHIELD’s chain of command.

This agent level is both the intelligence access of SHIELD and the level of security certification. This means that the higher the level, the more confidential information you know, and the higher the trust of SHIELD.

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Different digital levels correspond to different levels of access permissions. The rating has a total of ten levels, with the lowest level 1 and the highest level 10.

In short, 1 to 6 agents can only know ordinary secrets, and agents above 7 can know advanced secrets.

Among the entire SHIELD, there is only one person of level 10 agent, Director of SHIELD, Nick Fury.

The newcomers who have just entered the SHIELD can only get the position up to 4 levels.

Therefore, when Lyon saw the “level4” on his famous brand, he was also very satisfied.

The higher the level, the more confidential information you can see, and the more helpful it is for him to participate in various major events.

At the thought of those superheroes who are about to appear, Lyon can’t wait to rise from level 4 to level 7.

“Well, come here. Wait until you go to the department to report, the Barton Special Union takes you to familiarize with your work. If you have any problem, you can ask him.”

“Okay.” Lyon nodded.

Phil Coulson just got up from his seat and without anyt reaction to Lyon, he gave Lyon a big hug.

After loosening, Phil Coulson opened his arms and showed the most brilliant smile to him.

“So, welcome to join the SHIELD!”


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