Marvel Happy system

Chapter 12

Chapter 12: Trident headquarters

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The next morning, Lyon climbed up from his soft bed early.

After a simple wash, he bit a homemade sandwich and hurried out the door.

His residence is a single apartment in Queens, New York.

This is the accommodation that SHIELD has arranged for him.

Although not large, but all kinds of things, are available here.

In particular, the private garage on the first floor of the apartment alotted to Lyon, a young man with a special career, to place his equipment and transportation.

On the second day of joining SHIELD, Lyon plans to drive to Washington today.

There are two reasons why he have to go to Washington more than three hundred kilometers away.

First, go to the Trident headquarters and hand in the report of yesterday’s mission; second, find a place to test the extraordinary skills that he has just learned.

Yes, before he separated from Hawkeye last night, Lyon gritted his teeth and choose Hawkeye’s extraordinary skill [Spirit Sensitive Officer] to learn!

At that time, with the dissipating of 10,000 experiences, the purple light ball of Hawkeye’s name, like a supernova explosion, turned into a starlight, and then slowly entered in Lyon’s bady.

At that moment, Lyon immediately felt the huge changes in his senses:

Hearing power is better, he can hear the whispers of the upstairs guests across the ceiling; the dynamic vision is stronger, and even captures the fast-moving action of the flies’ wings; the sense of smell is more sensitive, even the Mexican tortillas sold outside a block its taste can also be smelled.

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The whole world seems to be suddenly open!

Lyon feels that if he comes to play with Hawkeye again, he may be able to defeat him by relying on the genre fighting techniques that are all in one!

Of course, it is still necessary to properly hide the strength.

Otherwise it will be difficult to explain that why his reaction suddenly becomes so sensitive.

However, Lyon, who had the extraordinary skills, still couldn’t resist the impulse of his heart. He wanted to find a place to try his extraordinary skills to know how powerful is it.

Just as the Trident headquarters sent a message to Clint Barton, he sent someone to Trident headquarters to submit the mission report.

In Lyon’s opinion, this is simply sleepy and someone immediately puts on a pillow.

Going to Trident for sightseeing, and experimenting with your extraordinary skills, it’s just two things!

Therefore, this task was taken over by Lyon, who volunteered himself.

In this way, he opened the 20th birthday gift that Uncle Phil gave him, a newly listed silver Yamaha FZ-6N, all the way to the capital of the United States – Washington.

. . .

After a few hours.

When Lyon took his agent’s badge and stopped the motorcycle in the open-air parking lot through a layered checkpoint card, it was a uniquely designed but magnificent building.

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“Is this the Trident building?”

Trident (), the largest headquarters of the SHIELD, is also the heart of the SHIELD.

The entire Trident building is located on the central island of the Potomac River in Washington, DC.

This island covers an area of ??about one square kilometer, and all of it is belongs to the boundary of the SHIELD.

Lyon don’t know if it is his first time in Trident’s headquarters. He always feels that everything here is very fresh.

However, the patchwork of plants and the full-featured road monitoring seems to be saying to everyone who wants to do things here: “Hey! Be careful! This is the site of SHIELD!”

Of course, Lyon, the SHIELD newcomer, didn’t care too much, and just silently observing the surrounding environment.

Although it was the first time he came to the Trident headquarters, he didn’t know where to go. “However, I’m not a fool, I will not ask!”

After asking a few passersby of the SHIELD on the road, Lyon soon came to the main entrance of the Trident headquarters building.

He took out his agent’s badge and brushed it on the detector of the gate. The automatic door was opened immediately.

As soon as he stepped into the building, Lyon found his own dress out of place with the people here.

In the spring season, he just wear outside a white T-shirt, wrapped in a thin windbreaker, he looked like a tourist who came to play.

In stark contrast to the staff wearing formal attire and rushing faces.

As the public headquarters of SHIELD, it is also the most defensive headquarters. The number of people working in the Trident headquarters is almost one-third of the entire SHIELD!

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However, this does not mean that the workers working in the SHIELD are agents like Lyon and Hawkeye.

Researchers, logisticians, and even ordinary electricians and cleaners are all contributing to their own strength in this huge building.

With the support of hundreds of thousands of people and decades of development, the SHIELD has truly become the shadow of the world, the most mysterious but most powerful intelligence agency.

Today, Lyon is also one of them.

However, Lyon is not too excited.

He is now thinking about it. After he has handed in the report, he will find a shooting range and test the extraordinary skills he has learned from Hawkeye.

Sensitive senses, can he make his shooting skills reach a hundred?

He is eagerly looking forward to it.

Facing a few gaze with various meanings, Lyon came to the consultation office and showed a charming smile to the front desk lady. “Hello, I am agent Lyon. How can I find the intelligence department to go?”

Miss Brunette is fascinated by his smile. She pointed a little at two o’clock, and consciously replied: “Well? Go over there, go up the elevator, the 8th floor is.”

“Okay, thank you.”

Finished, a beautiful turn, Lyon took a long leg and walked in the direction of the elevator.

A beautiful brown-haired woman standing on the second floor walkway saw all of this while leaning against the glass fence.

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Lyon came to the intelligence department to submit over the report of yesterday’s mission. Immediately after he turning with curiousity in eyes from the intelligence department, he turned and left.

The brisk pace and the faint smile on the face are all about the inner feelings of Lyon at this time.

He can’t wait to go to the shooting range to see the skill of this [Spirit Sensitive Officer], to see his reaction speed and shooting accuracy reached to what extent!

Pressing the elevator button, not long after, he came to the underground shooting range.

The people at the shooting range are not too many. More than a dozen shooting windows, only five or six people are practicing.

After showing his own documents, Lyon picked up a Glock 17, and found the nearest shooting window, wearing goggles and earmuffs, and started shooting!


The gunshots were connected in one piece and there was no pause.

In just a few seconds, Lyon directly dumped all 18 bullets in a magazine, all of them together!

After taking off the earmuffs and putting down the pistol, Lyon looked at the target that was moving toward him, and an arc was drawn from the corner of his mouth.

18 shots, all in the ten ring!

Just as Lyon was intoxicated with his own gunwork, a slightly cold female voice rang behind him.

“It’s the strongest newcomer…”


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