Chapter 11: Nothing to do with the leisurely life of the secretary

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“Tony, I think that the two of us need to talk. The decision you made today is too hasty.”

Tony had just returned to the Stark Tower when Little Pepper came running.

Little Pepper had been waiting in Tony’s office for him to return ever since Tony made that decision.

“Yes, I think you’re right. The decision I made today was too hasty. I should have done it more seriously.”

Happy, immediately inform the public relations department that I am giving them an hour to organize a press conference.”

“Yes, sir.”

Happy had always carried out Tony’s words unconditionally. After all, his salary was given by Tony.

As Tony’s bodyguard, Happy’s salary could be said to be the highest in the industry.

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Although his salary was the highest in the industry, Happy’s work could be said to be the easiest. Because Tony never liked bodyguards following him, so he spent most of his time in the company.

“Tony, don’t you understand what I just said? I mean, I’m not good enough to be the CEO of Stark Group of Industries. After all, I don’t want people to think that I got this job because of a physical relationship.”

When Tony heard this, he instantly realized that Little Pepper’s words were indeed right.

“That’s right, that’s right. Your words just now reminded me that I don’t have your body yet. Since you’re afraid that others will think that you’re relying on your body to get to the top, why don’t we just do it right here?”

Tony felt that his idea was very good. After all, he had nothing to do in the office. In the past, this idea was just a casual thought. Now, he really had a chance to do it.

“Tony, that’s not what I meant. I just think ……!”

Before Little Pepper could finish speaking, Tony had already rushed over and picked her up.

“Friday, close all the curtains in the office and lock the door.”

“Understood, master.”

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As soon as Friday’s words fell, all the curtains in Tony’s office were closed in an instant. At the same time, the office door was also closed.

“Tony, listen to me. I think we need to talk. I mean…!”

Tony did not intend to continue talking to Little Pepper. He immediately kissed her on the lips and walked towards the table beside him.



“Mr. Tony, the reporters outside have been waiting for you for half an hour.”

When Tony walked out of the office, Happy and the person in charge of the public relations department were already waiting for him.

According to Tony’s previous instructions, he was going to hold a press conference in an hour. The reporters had been waiting for him there for half an hour. This meant that Tony had been inside for an entire hour and a half.

For Tony, who was injected with Super Soldier Serum, this hour and a half was not a big deal for him.

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If it wasn’t for Little Pepper to be weak, Tony would have been able to continue.

“Little Pepper, are you ready? We’re leaving.”

After hearing Tony’s words, Little Pepper reluctantly walked out of the office.

At this moment, she was unable to walk properly. Moreover, there was a red bloodstain on her professional suit, as well.

“Well, I think I need to change my clothes.”

“Okay, then go ahead and change. I’ll wait here for you.”

“But those reporters down there have been waiting for you for half an hour. It’s a little inappropriate for you to continue to keep them waiting, right?”

“I didn’t beg them to stay either. If someone wasn’t willing to wait, they would have left long ago.”

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Tony knew that these reporters should have racked their brains in order to get a chance to enter.

Now, let alone waiting for half an hour, even if they waited for another half an hour, these people would definitely be very willing.

Seeing Tony sitting down on the chair next to her, Little Pepper ran towards another office.

Although Little Pepper was Tony’s personal secretary, she spent most of her time in Tony’s seaside Villa.

However, she also had a post in Stark Industries, and she was trusted by Tony, so there was naturally an office for her on this floor.

Tony had only waited for less than ten minutes when Little Pepper walked out of the office after putting on another professional suit.

“Tony, I think we should reconsider this matter.”

“There’s no need to think about it. If you keep talking, maybe I’ll get other ideas later.”

Upon hearing Tony’s words, Little Pepper stopped talking and followed behind him towards the press conference venue.

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