Chapter 3: It’s just two jet planes, just compensate them

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“The UFO is escaping, requesting permission to attack.”

When the two fighter jets watched Tony’s Iron Man armor fly off, they immediately picked up speed and chased after him while asking for permission to attack him.

“Permission granted!”

After the command center allowed Tony’s Iron Man armor to be attacked, the two fighter pilots locked onto the armor and pressed the missile launch button without hesitation.

“Master, we’ve been locked on, and two missiles are coming this way.”

Friday, quickly informed Tony as soon as he was locked on.

The moment she spoke, the two missiles were already flying toward him.

Friday didn’t need to say anything because Tony had already felt the missile coming toward him.

When he saw the missile flying towards him, Tony, who had been flying in the front, instantly stopped and turned around.

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The instant he turned around, Tony raised his right hand and shot two beams of light from his right hand.

“Boom, boom!”

When the pilots of the two fighter jets saw that their missiles had been destroyed, both pilots immediately tried to search for his trail.

Beep, beep, beep……!”

“Not good, my fighter jet is under attack!”

“Mine too, jump out quickly.”



As soon as the two fighter pilots pressed the jump button, they flew straight out.

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The two fighter pilots who just jumped into the air saw that the fighter jet they were driving had turned into flames and crashed on the ground.

As for the unidentified flying object, it had already disappeared.

Countless people were already busy at the Air Force Command Center in New York.

“Find him immediately. You must bring him to me.”

As the air force commander roared, all the technicians in the command center became busy. They used all the military satellites to find the unidentified flying object.

But the technicians soon realized that everything they did was in vain because they couldn’t find anything.

Tony, who caused all this, had now returned to his ocean-view villa with Pepper in his arms.

“Tony, are you crazy? You just destroyed two fighter jets of the military.”

“If they know that you’re the one who did this, the military will come after you.”

The moment Little Pepper touched the ground, she reacted.

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She knew that Tony had just destroyed two military fighter jets. If the military knew about this, they would definitely come looking for Tony and cause trouble.

“What’s there to be afraid of? At worst, I’ll just compensate them for two fighter jets.”

By now, Tony’s armor had turned into nanoparticles and left his body.

Tony did not have that reactor in his chest right now, but he already had an Iron Man suit, so he did not need to worry about anything.

“By the way, do I have any plans for today?”

Tony knew that he was now the CEO of Stark Industries, so he had to go to work after he was done playing.

As Little Pepper was his personal secretary, he had to ask her about his schedule.

“Yes, you need to go to headquarters today to sign some necessary documents and today is also the finalization day of the Stark Industries ace product – Jericho missile, you need to personally host it.”

Tony knew that the Jericho missile was entirely his research.

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A large part of the reason Iron Man was kidnapped was because the terrorists who kidnapped him wanted to obtain the method to make the Jericho missiles. Otherwise, these terrorists would have already killed Tony Stark according to their deal with Obadiah Stane.

If these terrorists had killed Tony Stark, there wouldn’t be any Iron Man.

“I see. Bring me a suit. I’ll take a shower and go to work.”

Tony took off his clothes as he spoke and walked into the bathroom.

Looking at Tony, who had already entered the bathroom, Little Pepper had nothing to say. She ran to find Tony the most suitable outfit for today.

As a personal secretary, she naturally knew what kind of dressing was best for the work environment.

Soon, Little Pepper arrived at the door of the bathroom with a pure black suit.

But before she could react, a hand that come out of the bathroom pulled her in.

“Scrub my back for me.”

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