219. Kohaku fights back

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Kohaku flutteringly approached Hibiya, but right before they met, Kohaku fell to the front, leaning against Hibiya.

Perhaps Hibiya hesitated to attack Kohaku who leaning against him, he just pushed Kohaku to the side annoyingly. Kohaku who was pushed fell as it was. Kohaku’s team members who saw it tried to approach him, but …

“I, I… I haven’t lost yet …!”

They were stopped by Kohaku. Kohaku was breathless, but he hadn’t lost his fighting spirit and was trying to get up. And Minori, Serina, and Miu who saw the figure cheered with tears in their eyes. Not only Kohaku-s team members but also other girls had already stopped fighting and were fascinated by the fighting spirit of the boys.

“Alright. I’ll beat you as many times as you like until you feel like it.”

Seeing Kohaku’s desperate appearance, Hibiya said so while squinting.

“I-is it okay?… Now… it’s a chance in a million times…”

“I don’t mind. No matter how many times you stand up, my victory won’t change.”

“You’ll… regret it…”

Hibiya ruthlessly declared to Kohaku who managed to take a stance with a breathless appearance.

“…that’s right. I’m sorry, it’s not… many times. I’ll reap your consciousness with the next blow. I don’t have a hobby to beat others over and over again.”

Kohaku looked so exhausted but still said with a fearless smile.

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“Try it… if you can…”

Hibiya smiled slightly when he heard the reply, and muttered a little, ”That’s more like it.”. 

Then Hibiya clenched his fist and attacked Kohaku, which was full of wounds.

At the next moment, Kohaku would fall down for real… that was a future that was obvious to everyone. In fact, Kohaku’s team member closed their eyes and turned their faces down because they didn’t want to see the scene, while Hibiya’s team members had shining eyes in the glory of their Young Master.

But what actually happened was the opposite. Everyone who was watching it said, “Huh!??” as they were so surprised. This was because Hibiya, who launched the attack, collapsed.

“Eh? What? Why?”

“Young Master… sama?”

“Young Masterー?”

Hibiya’s team members made a confused voice, but Hibiya didn’t seem to stand up at all. However, it seemed that he hadn’t lost consciousness either, his face was dyed bright red, and his body was shaking.

“Hatano~! Youuu!!”

“Well, even if you see me with that kind of eyes… that, umm… I don’t know what to say…”

In front of Hibiya’s angry eyes, there was Kohaku stood firmly as if the wounds on him were a lie.

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“You! Was that all acting!?”

“Yes, that’s right. Have a problem?”


When I answered the angry Vice-President Hibiya’s question obediently, he seemed to be even angrier. 

Well, I understand your feelings.

“Young Master! What happened!?”

“Young Master-sama! I’ll help you now!”

The team members, who noticed that I had done something to Vice-President Hibiya, tried to help.

Do you think I’ll let it happen?

“Stop, if you move even one step, I’ll do something terrible to the Vice-President Hibiya, you know? I think I’m faster than you guys.”

“Hatano-kun! What did you do to Young Master?”

“Eh? Nothing special… I just had his legs tied up with a wire.”

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Yes, I pretended to be blown away and borrowed the rope from the girl of Ouza’s team. I set it up when I leaned against Vice-President Hibiya, and when he came to attack me when his legs were off the ground, I tied it up all at once. I didn’t have any pickpocketing skills, so I had to perform a little troublesome performance.

Well, I’m glad that everyone was deceived.

“Urgh…! Was that all just an acting!?”

“No, I was really surprised that Vice-President Hibiya was unexpectedly strong.”

I said so, remembering the Vice-President Hibiya’s attack.

“You! Didn’t you boasting yourself saying that you’ve been trained by a maid!?”

“Well, that’s right, but… Even if I say that I’ve been trained in the first place, it’s only about a few months now. My skill is not as good as you who has been practicing for years.”

First, the maid of my house is not a martial artist. She said that martial arts are just a means, and if the purpose can be achieved without it, there’s no need to be really that good at it.

“And one of the maid’s teachings is that “you should use anything you can use”. That’s why I remembered the wire that the girls of Ouza’s team used until a while ago!”

“S-something like this…”

“Well well, why don’t you give up now? You can’t do anything in this position. If you don’t admit it, I’ll strip off your clothes one by one. Do you want to show your naked body to everyone in this country?”

“Hmmph! You vile!”

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Vice-President Hibiya wanted to untie the wire, but of course, I didn’t let him do it. Instead, I advised him to admit defeat.

“I’m still here!”

Seeing Vice-President Hibiya’s situation, Daikuji came to attack.

“Hmm, I haven’t forgotten you, but…”


“With that speed of yours, it’s not enough.”

I avoid the attack of Daikuji while holding down Vice-President Hibiya with my feet, and used the other’s legs to trip Daikuji. Then drop Daikuji on top of Vice-President Hibiya.



And I also tied Daikuji’s legs while they were groaning. Then I sat on top of the two who were lying down, and opened my mouth again.

“Well, no one is coming to help anymore. Just admit your defeat. It’s okay if you want to struggle a little more, but… maybe the results won’t change.”

” “Shiiiiit!!!!” “

The answer I got from Vice-President Hibiya and Daikuji was only cursing words.

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