228. Having a talk with Minakatain

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The lonely face of Minakatain-san made me feel lonely too.

“W-well, I don’t care about that anymore. Kohaku-kun, as I said, I don’t have a boyfriend right now.”

“I understand that …”

I get it that you don’t have a boyfriend, but that doesn’t mean I’ll be your boyfriend. In the first place, how many people accept a proposal, at their first meeting?

“Minakatain-san. As expected, I think it’s difficult to accept a proposal from the person you meet for the first time…”

Maki-san raised concerns, perhaps because she thought the same thing as I did.

“Of course, I think so too. I want him to be our family’s son-in-law, but it’s not so soon. It’ll be something in the future. I don’t mind getting to know each other gradually first. No, let’s do that. Don’t worry, I won’t take your freedom.”

After Minakatain-san said that,


She snapped her fingers.

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Hearing the sound, a woman with maid clothes who stood quietly behind her moved.

Maki-san and I were watching it silently.

Then, the attendant handed an attaché case to Minakatain-san and stepped back. Minakatain-san, who received the attaché case, put it on the table, opened the case, and…


Neither I nor Maki-san could speak to unexpected action. Minkatain-san had a smile on her face without worrying about us who was speechless.

“For the time being, if you accept my offer, I promise to give you enough pocket money every month.”

…… Apparently, if I agreed to go out with Minakatain-san, she would give me some pocket money. 

I drank the tea for the time being, while looking at the wad of bills placed on the table. 

But, for some reason, Minakatain-san thought of my action differently, she then said.

“Aaaah, I’m sorry. One million is not enough for the “King of Boys”.”

That’s not what I mean…

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“Thatー isー”



Perhaps Minakatain-san thought I wanted to ask for more, before I could even finish my words, she increased the wad of bills.

… Was that lonely feeling earlier just a lie? But, that style of hitting the table with a bundle of bills… I don’t hate it.

Most of the guys in this world like luxury, so it’s a good idea to show them money. It’s not wrong as a way to persuade.

But! Do you think I’m the same as them!? Well, I like money for sure. I won’t reject any present either. No, it’s better. Sure, I like luxury, I also love status and honor. But I’m not going to agree to date you, just because you showed me a lot of money.

I mean, the amount you accept will be your value, right? If I agree with the money offered by her, she’ll recognize me as an easy man who could easily be bought away with 5 million. She’ll think that as long as she gives me 5 million a month, and I won’t complain anything.

On the contrary, if I don’t agree, she’ll make various efforts to turn me to her side somehow. This is exactly what you can gain, if I let go of the money. That’s why the action I should take here is to tell her that “Love can’t be bought with money”… Alright!…. Lo-

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“Minakatain-san. Perhaps the boys you met up until now could be bought with money, but Hatano-san won’t, he’s not that easy.”

For some reason, Maki-san answered without permission before I could even say anything.


“It’s true that Hatano-san is particular about his own value, I mean, he is always doing his best so he deserves it. Actually, when I recruited him, I was faced with strict conditions, but for sure the reward was great.”

Maki-san spoke to Minakatain-san as if to remind her.

“But what Minakatain-san just said, it was on a different vector than ours…. I’ll say clearly, so listen. Hatano-san’s love couldn’t be bought with money.”

Maki said with a serious face.

 …… That’s true, but why are you the one who says it? Isn’t it supposed to be me? I mean, if it’s a drama, it’s a scene where the protagonist saying something cool! Right?!

“… I see, sorry for my rudeness. I thought of Kohaku-kun the same as the boys I’ve been with. I’m really sorry.”

“Ah, you don’t have to apologize…”

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“Fufu… but I’m a little happy. The fact that I wasn’t turned down immediately means that there’s still hope for me.”

Minakatain-san stared at me with a happy smile.

“But, I’ll stop here today, it’ll just be a nuisance if I keep you here too long.”


Minakatain-san snapped her fingers and the attendant took away the money on the table, and put it back in the case.

“Next time I’ll invite you to a meal.”

Minakatain-san said that and kissed my cheek.

“See you.”

Leaving that word, Minakatain-san went home. 

I touched my cheek, and thought…

I’m 100% sure, other than me, they’ll think of this as sexual harassment…

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