Chapter 7 – Questioning of Dao

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As if it were a coincidence, Fang Yuan found this manual again while his mood was at the lowest point.

He was somewhat startled and conflicting thoughts filled his mind.

If he didn’t focus so much on the True Comprehensions of the Way and ignored other subjects, would he have ended up in his current circumstances?

If it weren’t for this manual of the True Comprehensions of the Way being fake, how could he have become a servant at the immortal sect instead of being a famous candidate whose name shook the Yue Country?

The root of it all was this True Comprehensions of the Way!

Logically, he should hate this book. But seeing it again, his mood was quite complex.

After all, this was a tome that he had spent ten years of his life trying to understand!

It was the most important existence that excelled over all else in this life!

It could be said that no matter its authenticity, it would always be a part of him!

The True Comprehensions of the way was popular within the Qingyang Sect and the rest of the immortal sects. Finding this text in the Sutra Hall was not surprising. However, the volume in Fang Yuan’s hands was somewhat different…

The material of the volume was rare. It was like silk but not silk, leather but not leather. The words on it were somewhat blurred. The binding was also broken. The cover had some black stain that could have been dried blood.

In particular, Fang Yuan found a grey colored seal on the lower left corner of the first page that shocked him.

The fact that this volume had a seal meant that it was personal property. Considering the importance of this text and the grey color showing that the owner of the seal had died, along with the four characters within the seal…
“Qingyang Gu Inscribed!”

The expression on Fang Yuan’s face immediately turned complex, “Could this be the original copy that the Qingyang Sect ancestor obtained?”

His life had been ruined by True Comprehensions of the Way. After entering the sect, he didn’t want to think more about it. But with time, he had heard some rumors and knew that its hundreds of years of history contained many turns and twists…

Around a thousand years ago, the world’s experts created True Comprehension of the Way. Every sect and tribe wanted to find it. But when it appeared, there were over a hundred volumes. It created chaos within the cultivation world. Even though it was impossible to decipher a tome’s authenticity, every sect and tribe fought for them with their blood. In this conflict, the Qingyang Sect ancestor had coincidentally encountered this tome. After a bloody fight, he obtained it after fellow travelers in dao perished…

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Since then, this ancestor was obsessed with deciphering the scripture. He focused all of heart on its secrets. Even the immortals exam of every three years was created because of his belief of a diviner’s words about it.

Three hundred years later, no one retained hope of understanding this True Comprehensions of the Way. It was only due to Grandmaster Gu Song’s cultivation and seniority that nobody dared to speak against him publicly.

Therefore, when the Yue Country’s four other great sects started choosing disciples based on other values, only the Qingyang Sect still focused on the True Comprehensions of the Way. Because of this, generation after generation of Qingyang Sect direct disciples have paled in comparison to the other four great sects. Their position as the head of the great sects had faltered with these newcomers.

Some guessed that the reason Grandmaster Gu Song didn’t want to admit the manual was fake was due to the sacrifices of his fellow practitioners. Thus, he lied to himself so that their deaths would not be in vain…

But the sect’s future was worrisome!

The sect left behind many talented disciples and gave direct teachings to those who were simply scholars. They couldn’t bring hope to the sect, nor give the sect any advantage in the competition between the great sects. Weren’t they just a waste of resources?

Because of this, the Qingyang Sect immediately proclaimed the cancellation of the True Comprehensions of the Way right after Grandmaster Gu Song passed away!

The one who was affected the most from this decision was Fang Yuan!

Considering how much the scroll in his hands had hurt him, Fang Yuan remained in silence for a long time.

He wanted to rip it to shreds, but subconsciously opened it to read.

“The use of dao, for no gain. The origin of all that exists…”

Familiar text filled his eyes and returned his mood back to the endless nights before the examination.

This really was the True Comprehensions of the Way that he had read countless times. Not only did he have it memorized, but he was familiar with its related studies from the Qingyang Sect and the other four great sects of the Yue Country from the past seven hundred years. His familiarity of the text surpassed that of his own palm…

But, there seemed to be some differences.

Fang Yuan didn’t notice at first since he had read it so many times, but subconsciously, as he read the text carefully, it seemed as though its contents were appearing within his mind…

This far surpassed reading, but was like talking with an old friend!

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Gradually, Fang Yuan became more absorbed into reading the text.

Reading the True Comprehensions of the Way made him forget everything. This was a special skill he developed over the past ten years.

Other than the text, nothing new appeared before him during these years…

Like this, he entered a mysterious state…

It seemed as if everything around him retreated; only the tome and himself existed in the world. It was unclear if the text had entered his mind or if he had fallen into the text. He felt as if nothing existed except this mysterious power enveloping him. Sounds of chanting that felt distant, yet close, resounded within him…

“The feeling I had half a year ago is appearing again…”

Half a year ago, as he was falling asleep while studying the True Comprehensions of the Way, this mysterious feeling had appeared. Half-awake, half-asleep, his heart was clear. Bells and drums rang while he seemed to have entered the world of the text and enveloped by its mysterious power.

But, after that one time, he could never find it again.

He couldn’t have imagined that he would have the same experience again when he saw the True Comprehensions of the Way this time!

“What is this…”

Fang Yuan wanted to raise his head to figure out if this feeling was real or a hallucination.

But, when he raised his head, all he found was the familiar text…

Unconsciously, he had entered a mysterious world. A world belonging to the True Comprehensions of the Way.

Countless words floated around him!

And behind these words, Fang Yuan would faintly see countless vague and silent figures.

“Where is this place?”

Fang Yuan wanted to find the answer to this question, but realized that he couldn’t move. Or more accurately, that he couldn’t find his own body.

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(tl note: this next part is scripture and can’t be directly translated. They are all principles of dao. The voices ask for Fang Yuan’s solution/interpretation, but the author is copy/pasting scripture.)

“How do you interpret that you can still see despite being blind in one eye, that a crippled can still walk, that a tiger would bite if its tail is stepped on?”

Just then, a voice sounded around Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan subconsciously answered, “He would bite, heinous.”

The voice quickly followed, “Interpretation?”

Fang Yuan instantly answered, “A warrior follows his lord!”

(The above is from a divination text “履卦” )

Another voice followed, “How can heaven and earth exist forever?”

Fang Yuan answered without needing to think, “It does not live for itself, so it can live long.”

(The above is from the “Tao Te Ching”/ “道德经”)

“And interpretation?”

“The heaven and earth are complete, so it lives long. Humans are incomplete, so they perish.”

“What does it mean? What is its heart?”

“The will of the universe, a mortal’s heart.”

“What is it?”

“The heaven and earth do not act, so therefore, it acts; human heart is incomplete, so it cannot act!”


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Instantly, countless voices rang out, asking Fang Yuan countless questions.

The questions were numerous and wide ranging. It was impossibly difficult compared to the immortal examination.

Yet, Fang Yuan answered them all instantly.

These questions were all part of the True Comprehensions of the Way. They seemed to be random, but were not so. Fang Yuan was so familiar with the text, that the answer would instantly appear no matter what was asked!

In a more mysterious way, these questions were not asked of him and these answers were not answered by him. It was more as if these answers have always existed and was taken directly from Fang Yuan’s mind. It were as if a great deity saw straight through Fang Yuan’s soul!

After countless questions, the voices silenced.

The questions were over and within the silence, it seemed to be thinking of something.

After a long time, the voice resounded again, “Young man, why do you practice?”

Fang Yuan was surprised. Countless answers rose in his heart. As he spoke, the other answers became unimportant as the reason that held the most truth came out, “Because I want to be strong. I want to stride across the nine heavens and have the power to change fate. I want people to see me, the world to speak of me, for thousands and thousands of years!”

After these words, the surroundings quieted again with an extreme pressure.

Even Fang Yuan who answered this question was shocked. He couldn’t believe that he said such things.

In this space, every question was directed at his heart and could not be lied to!

After a while, the voice in the dark spoke again, “Why?”

Since he had answered like this, Fang Yuan’s mind became calm. He smiled bitterly and answered according to his heart, “There is no reason! I think like this because I am this type of person. I was born with the desire to become strong. And to want to become strong…”

He paused and repeated, “…To want to become strong doesn’t need a reason!”

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