Master of Time

Chapter 143: 143

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Time always reverses when I am killed.

It is done automatically without any input from myself, consciously or unconsciously.

Therefore, it is quite impossible to actually kill me without nullifying my aspectual power first.

That is easier said than done. Even Terra herself was unable to nullify or suppress my power full since I could still feel it within me when she did.

This means that those who have succeeded in killing me and forcing me to be reborn are truly worthy of my respect.

I will pay respect where it is due even to those who I have considered as my enemy.

The objective word here is 'enemy'.

Zeus and his buddies aren't really my enemy. I think of them more as obstacles than enemy since they aren't really going directly against me and my interest.

If they did, the originals should be here in person, trying to stop me from saving humanity. Even if they are temporal clones, they would still do the same.

But so far, they have not.

They don't care about humanity one way or another. They just want to recruit a new member to their little interdimensional gang in order to somehow kill me, the Aspect of Time.

I am more flattered than being offended by that, to be honest. And I really want to meet the boss-lady to learn the real reason to why she wants to kill me.

The boss-lady must have known about the consequences if I die permanently. She must not care, so I guess I did something terrible to her.

Did I break her heart?

It seems most logical, considering the unimaginable powers she is likely wielding as well as those who are working for her. She could be anyone she desires in any reality, yet she is determined to kill me.

Only being dumped would do that to someone as powerful like her.

Seems likely, for hell has no fury like a woman scorned.

I shiver slightly at the thought.

Note to self. Don't break any more heart.

But if I did break her heart, I can probably put it back together again with my charming self if I haven't figure out a proper way to destroy a soul. Since the boss-lady has a ghost under her command, I think killing her physically will do squat.

I need to actually destroy her soul, so she doesn't come back and haunt me.

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See what I did there?

As for killing me as I am right now, it wouldn't take much effort, considering my soul is very vulnerable to spiritual or supernatural attacks. How many types of attacks are there?

It feels like I will discover more as I wander the multiverse.

Defending against all type of attacks is going to be a real pain in the ass, but I have no choice.

And since the boss-lady is bothering with scouring the multiverse for Power Users to help her in killing me for something I have no fucking clue about, I can safely assume that the boss-lady is not responsible for my death and subsequently rebirth.

I am calling Zeus and his buddies as Power Users since they all wield Powers. That is a capital 'P' instead of normal powers. I will differentiate from them.

Powers are not magic. It is also not spiritual if I think more about it. I wonder what it is exactly.

It must be exceedingly powerful to affect an entire universe like this. Obviously if the boss-lady is trying to seek them out.

And when being wielded properly, it is devastating as demonstrated by Zeus in his preemptive strike against me from half way across the world. That is quite a preemptive strike.

In order to kill me as I am right now, an enormous amount of raw destructive power is required. Thanks to my augmentation, I am pretty much superhuman level at this point.

I did release all my biological limiters as I impersonate the Ori and spreading Origin. There is absolutely no need to hold back when I am playing as a God.

Gods do not hold back.

As such, Zeus didn't either when he smites me. That is quite a smiting.

A lightning bolt with the excess power of a billion volt wouldn't even able to damage me, not because the lightning bolt isn't powerful. It is just too brief to hurt me thanks to my regenerative power.

I can regenerate pretty much fatal wounds now. It does take a bit of time, however, so still shitty when compare to my time manipulation.

Besides, any lightning strikes would actually supercharge me instead due to the nanomachines floating within my bloodstreams and making a home for themselves in all my organs.

They have also upgraded themselves to continue my augmentation.

Even Selene is unable to tell me how they are doing that, meaning she has very little control over their core directives. She has administrative access, but she still unable to rewrite their programming.

Only the eccentric doctor can.

He is brilliant in their design. These nanomachines are lightyear beyond anything available in the 31st century, and even I am unable to replicate them without resorting to temporal duplication.

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Honestly, if humanity didn't end up bombing each other into oblivion, I am certain that Gods will truly be born from the human race.

Maybe Zeus originated from the human race. He is a lot more powerful than from the myths. If myth-Zeus attacks me, it would be a shitty lightning bolt instead of a pillar of space lightning that rips through the megastructure enclosing the entire planet to simulate day and night cycle.

That same pillar of lightning also destroys the coliseum upon impact and glasses much of the surface of the planet. It is more than capable of vaporizing me, augmentation or not.

As a matter of fact, I didn't realize that I had died until I found myself watching the Queen of England trying to pull the sword out of the stone again. People who are watching and cheering her really have no idea what had happened a minute later.

But I do.

I remember everything that happens to me in death regardless whether I want to or not. While I have the ability to erase my own memory, I prefer not to regardless of whatever I suffer.

Pains and sufferings have shaped who I am, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Although, I wonder what I am like before I was reborn again. I was powerful enough to strike fear into everyone, including those who have only heard of me like Zeus.

Speaking of Zeus, he remembers what happened like I do, somehow. It is displayed on his expression even if he tries to hide it. The cloaked drone can pick up the slight changes in facial expression, as it is used to detect lies amongst other things.

As for the others, they did not, meaning they have no defense against my power.

That makes thing easier for me.

I think I can take on Zeus if his power is lightning base. But fighting them all together at once, it will be quite a challenge, especially I do not fully understand their power and ability.

"We are leaving. Now!"

Zeus gives his order.

"Eh? Why?"

The girl with the Power of Ice speaks up. I do not know her name yet.

She is the only one that speaks up.

Jake gives a shrug before waking up his sister as a portal manifests and sucks them both in.

Is that spatial power? That guy has Power of Space!? I wonder what power his sister has. It obviously not Power of Time, since they assume that I have it.

In India, Samuel didn't say anything before submerging into the shadow. The Chinese guy is also gone in China. When did he disappear? None of the drones capture his disappearance.

Aside from the idiot girl, everyone obeys Zeus without question.

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While I could reverse time to before they are gone from this reality, I choose not to, at least until I can make sure they do not escape from this reality. If they do, I will effectively be making more obstacles for me to overcome later, especially when they do not meet with the original version of themselves.

I should stop the rest from leaving. The world comes to a standstill.

To my surprise, Zeus is not frozen like the rest of the people. And neither is the girl when he gestures his hand and mumbles something. A temporal bubble manifests and surrounds her.

"Wow, he can stop time?"

The girl speaks up once she is unfrozen, becoming surprise once more.

"I really underestimate you, Max. But it will not happen again."

Zeus speaks up as lightnings wrap around his body. He vanishes before I found myself flying across the sky. The coliseum explodes outwards, but the debris didn't get very far due to time is being frozen.

Blood erupts from my mouth when I get hammer into the earth.

My bones crack due to the blow.

He is moving faster than I can react even if time is frozen. The fuck!?

"Get out of here, Zephyr!"

Zeus shouts before a pillar of lightning strike crashes against me. Then another. And another. And then another. But unlike before, my body didn't get instantly vaporized, allowing me to restore myself with my power effortlessly.

My attire did get destroy since Legion could not handle that much electrical energy. It simply melts all of his circuits if he tries try to absorb it. And there is no energy shield capable of blocking the lightning attacks.

I decide to deal with Zephyr first and teleport directly to her before she could escape this reality.

Zephyr widens her eyes when I am right in front of her, but before I could strike her to knock her out and capture her, a panel of ice manifests in front of my fist just in the nick of time.

It stops my punch effortlessly, shocking me. It is just ice, right!?

My punch can shatter solid steel!


Zephyr calls out before my arm explodes in gory mess due to the recoil. It is excruciating painful, but I did not give any attention to it. My arm instantly heals before I strike her again, by my body becomes frozen.

Alright. She is not a pushover. And her power is super dangerous.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Instead of leaving the reality like Zeus has told her, Zephyr kicks me, shattering into a million pieces.

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The instant I died, time reverses again, returning me back to when I was flying after sucker punched.

Zeus is shocked at the time reversal, so instead of getting to hammer into the earth and being rained destruction upon, I return the favor. I sucker punch him and then teleport to Zephyr to try again.

Unlike Zeus, she does not remember what happened, I faint the punch to get her form her reflective barrier. Once it appears, I teleport behind her and knock her out with a blow to the head.

"Ouch! How dare you hit a girl!?"

Zephyr calls out, causing me to blink. Her head is harder than steel!?

But a few more strikes to the head send her into the floor, groaning in pain.

Strangely enough, Zephyr is still not knocked out. She is stunned, however. I send several billion volts into her body to make sure. Just in case the concussion didn't do it. She is still not knocked out despite getting shocked.

A trillion volt seems to do it, barely. That is my limit without resorting to Legion.

"Damn it. Your fight is with me, Max!"

Zeus comes just in time to save her from my bullying, but I can't have that.

"I will deal with you later, Zeus. I have a date with a girl."

I response and grab stunned Zephyr before teleporting away. It didn't matter where I teleport to, Zeus will be able to catch up to me and rescue his comrade.

Zeus is adamant about that, meaning he actually cares for his comrades. I had assumed he wouldn't, but his actions tell me otherwise. In any case, I couldn't let him have Zephyr back.

She is mine now.

Once I teleport half way across the world, a spatial portal appears. I quickly jump into it just as Zeus appears and strikes the earth, shattering the ground and driving up huge amount of debris.

He widens his eyes when he realizes he cannot sense me or Zephyr anymore.

"Max. You bastard! Come out here and fight me like a man."

Zeus calls out. He roars as the lightning erupts and rips the world apart. Since there is no one left alive, he is just letting out his anger. He is no longer calm and collective like before.

It seems like I have found his buttons. More like his berserk button. But whatever. A button is a button, I suppose.

"After I finish torturing your friend, Zeus. Wait for your turn."

The drone responses in my stead, for I am now within the spatial dimension. And from the destruction Zeus is wrecking on the planet, I don't think he can get into here.

I have all the time in the world.

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