Chapter 14. Eastern Gray Citadel.

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Demi-human. Different from humans, but similar to humans.
They lived in forests, in fields, and in mountains, valleys, rivers and seas.
Sometimes it did not overlap with the human realm, but sometimes it overlapped significantly. This is because if it was a good environment for humans to live in, then it was a good place for other races to live in.
Elves who do not usually leave the forest or dwarves living in mines avoided contact with humans at all or responded by interacting in part, but the militant ones did not.
There is a land where milk and honey flow. Should we give it up because we are scared of humans and be pushed out to barren land?
They simply couldn’t give it up. They chose to fight and win.
Goblins, orcs, trolls, and a few races with whom they shared their will.
They united and called themselves the Blood Alliance, and humans called them the Green Skin, the people with green skin.
“Looking at their outfits, they are not the soldiers of the Blue Rain. They are probably the garrison guards guarding the border. It seems that they had a big fight with the Greenskins nearby and retreated to the nearby Blue Rain.”
“It doesn’t look like they won, given the situation.”
“That’s right. It must be quite strong if you face the border defense, but the momentum of the Greenskins these days is scary.”
Emin’s expression changed seriously. The battlefield was expanding to the vicinity of the Blue Rain, so he could not feel at ease.
It was unusual for the garrison at the border to retreat, and the disturbance near the gate quickly spread throughout the blue Rain.
It was not a situation to listen to the lecture quietly. Ivan, who covered the thick wizard book, looked out of the gate.
‘The filthy orc cubs are running rampant.’
Paladin and the Dark Knight, the Republic of Zeon and the Earth Federation, the Horde and the Alliance, the Free camps and the Communist camps, the Northern and Southern armies.
Because of the system that divides the camps and competing with each other, Ivan has not liked Greenskins much since he was a game player. For him who chose humans, most of the green skins were enemies and a nuisance.
Even when it became a reality, it was the same. When I was working as a mercenary, I often had to cut Green Skin’s throat, so I couldn’t like it.
Harmony beyond the race, beautiful friendship, and steps toward a constructive future.
It’s all good words, but I couldn’t say anything lovely when I saw them running to stab your stomach with spears in front of me.
Damn, a place of dialogue for peace on the continent, will be handled by someone with a great intention.
Ivan was not Gandhi. He didn’t have the guts to turn the wheel in front of the spear with a humble expression.
“I thought I’d take a break while reading a book, but the situation doesn’t support it. I’ll have to work soon.”

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“Are you going to leave?”
“Seeing how it works, I think I should be. The active combat means that there are many places where mercenaries are needed. Damn it, I don’t even want to.”
Some incidents broke out one by one just after taking a break. As the time for the story to progress in earnest is approaching, more will be added in the future
[Quest: The tension is rising]
Recently, conflicts with Greenskins on the eastern border have become more frequent. Prove your bravery there]
[Reward: Large amount of experience, unsealing the lost spear (growth type)]
A message that came out of the blue.
Ivan looked at it with a dissatisfied look.
‘These days, there are many quests. Now the main scenario is in progress. It releases the seal of growing weapons, and the reward is excellent. There’s no reason to avoid it.’
It’s obviously a growth-type weapon, but how come there’s no response and it’s sealed? Originally, it was an item for new user growth, but it’s sealed, what kind of nonsense is it?
Ivan felt very shaky. He couldn’t shake the thought that he was playing on someone’s palm.
It felt like the quest was dragging him to the center of the story. It was clear he was manipulating him by slowly turning and helping him grow with great rewards.
‘Is this world going to make me the main character?’
A hero who defeated countless crises and finally saved the world.
It was normal in the game, but now that it has become a reality, I can’t even imagine how terrible it is.
Nevertheless, it is a sad fact that you cannot avoid or escape.
“.. Damn it.”
If growth slowed down due to avoiding quests and refusing rewards, I was not confident to survive future disasters in a weak state.
The path the quest pointed to was obviously a thorny road, but ironically, there was hope only by entering into such a difficult climb.
Quest and those divine gods over there will constantly drive him into the abyss of trials and tribulations, and he will only survive if he overcomes them and becomes strong.
It was a very bloody and dirty job.

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It was easy for Ivan, who had chosen to return to his main job after a short break, to obtain a quest.
This is because there were so many places that wanted Ivan, who had proven his skills several times by catching Hydra in the West and solving dungeons in the East.
Of course, finding an excellent mercenary meant that it was a dangerous mission, but Ivan didn’t mind at all. When was it really safe?
Still, Ivan tried to cope with the danger in his own way.
I bought some magic built-in scrolls from the blue tower.
Originally, it was an item that was not sold to people whose identity is unclear. However, it was quite easy to find out if Yorik’s words that he would take care of other conveniences instead of reducing the price of the magic book were true when he made a deal a while ago.
It was so terribly expensive that I doubted whether this was for convenience or just business. damn bastards
Ivan looked at the scroll for a while, then shook his head.
“Honestly, I think it’s better to just get a sharp sword than to use this.”
I was worried that it would only be a hindrance by hesitating because it was a waste of money even in the face of danger.
“Haha, there’s nothing more important than your life. It’s expensive, but the performance is sure. That’ll save Ivan-san’s life at least once.”
“Isn’t there a case where it failed?”
“There are no abnormalities because each of them is inspected with mana circuits. Of course, there may be cases where it is physically damaged or cannot be triggered due to strong mana, but even such cases cannot be prevented.”
When Emin smiled awkwardly and said, Ivan nodded.
“It must be more stable than I thought.”
It was a relief. If it didn’t work properly due to a manufacturing mistake, Ivan would return to split the wizard’s head.
“Then go safely. See you again next time.”
“If that’s our fate. Please take care of yourself too. Try to get that enlightenment or something.”
After saying goodbye to Emin, Ivan carried a heavy backpack and left the gates.

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He bought a few basic magic books, scrolls for battle, and some pretty useful magic tools, and his pockets became thin in an instant. To survive, he had to cut someone’s head off again.
Tub, Tub!
After moving east for a few days, I saw a wall guarded by hard-faced soldiers.
Eastern Gray Citadel.
This was where the headquarters for managing the eastern border were located.
“Stop! What’s your purpose?”
“I came to carry out a mission after receiving a quest from the Blue Rain.”
The soldier who skimmed through the request form Ivan gave out shouted “pass”. The checkpoints seemed to have been simplified because mercenaries were flocking in from all over the country.
It was only after entering the eastern gray citadel several times that I could face a tired operational officer.
“Ivan Esirsson. You got a recommendation from the mercenary guild and the blue tower?
“The mercenary and even the blue tower, you’ve been recommended by those eccentric guys. Even in front of most nobles, they are stiff wizards. They don’t acknowledge others carelessly.”
Ivan just shrugged at the officer who looked at him with quite curious eyes.
“Well, somehow.”
It was an insincere answer, but the officer didn’t care at all.
There were very few talented people who were recommended by the Mercenary Guild and the Magic Tower at the same time. A high-level mercenary with this level of skill and trust was very welcomed.
“Okay. I will tell you which unit you will be deployed to. Three rangers, one knight, seven intermediate mercenaries, and twenty-five skilled soldiers.”
“It’s a pretty strong force. Do you have any special missions?”
To Ivan’s question, the officer answered with bitter laughter and contempt at the same time.
“It’s the usual. Cutting an orc head. However, it’s a difficult and dangerous mission to go directly into the forest and conduct a guerrilla battle.”
“It must not be easy to deal with green skins in the forest.”
“Still, it’s a mission that someone has to do. Wouldn’t it be nice to give you a lot of money for that?”
“You’re right. Then I’ll join you there right now.”

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As he headed towards the unit he was assigned to, Ivan glanced around.
None of the soldiers were in good condition. Dirty clothes, weak hands, a tired expression.
All the indicators were pointing to a bad war situation. It seems that the battle at the border is more difficult than what was known.
As Ivan led his horse into the encampment outside Eastern Gray Citadel, someone asked curiously.
“Who are you? If you come in here, you could be stabbed in the throat.”
“Ivan. A mercenary who has just been assigned.”
“Mercenary? The timing is good. I was just about to leave.”
He sighed and looked at Ivan.
“Can you fight right now?”
“If you get the money, you have to fight.”
“It’s good that you’re excited. I’m Kevin Margray. A knight, at least as long as you carry out the quest, I’ll be your commander. If I don’t die in the middle.”
The knight Kevin, who had introduced himself like that, pointed his finger around and spoke.
“The dormitory is this way, the training ground is over there. Any empty seat is fine, so sit down, organize your luggage, prepare for battle, and come to the training ground right away.”
“I heard you are going into the forest, how much food should I bring?”
Kevin responded with a smirk as if it was funny.
“One day. There can be no more than that anyway.”
“The operation period is too short to be called a guerrilla unit?”
“Guerrilla? Heh, that’s a top-level idea. You’ll soon realize that, but things aren’t so easy to go into the woods for a few days.”
Kevin, who had a frightened look on his face, chewed one by one and said as if swallowing it.
“Those guys in there are monsters. If you don’t pull yourself together, your heart will be ripped off while being played with.”
At that, Ivan turned his head and looked at the forest far away.
Perhaps because he had just heard the story, the wind swaying in the forest felt like a monster with its mouth wide open.

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