Episode 5. The Blind’s Choice

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“Ready for battle!”
As soon as Ivan shouted, the party members threw away the luggage they were organizing and lifted their weapons. They didn’t decide it before, but they naturally found their place and moved.
Now the undead were so close that even the dull could notice.
“Damn! Do I have to block the entrance to the cave?”
“There are too many! Then you’ll wither to die!” Even if it’s dangerous, you have to get out of this to live!”
After a short exchange of opinions, the party members all ran out of the cave. Fortunately, the speed of the undead was not fast. I thought I could get out of it if I attack only the enemies in front of me.
“I’m opening the way! Stay close so that you don’t fall behind!”
Ralph, who shouted like that, took the lead in the group. He hide his arm with a sword behind him and stared forward in a strange posture with a shield in front of his body, and rushed toward the undead.
[Shield charge!]
Tanker’s basic skill of sticking to his opponent and pushing him with a shield after a short leap.
The shield technique, which was clearly different from before, unfolded properly in Ralph’s hand.
With a powerful shock wave, enemies ahead are pushed out at once. After a short gap, Julia ran out and finished them.
Strong progress, explosive speed from there, and the fighter running forward.
Crack, crack! Crack!
The blue lightning emitted from Julia’s body bounces in all directions. Every time I punch, I hear a roar as if thunder bursts and the undead collapses.
[Thunderbolt Fist]
The bodies of the undead, which were half rotten and dripping with water, burst out. They were already dead, but when the main nucleus, which made them able to move, broke, they collapsed in vain.
“Hurry up and go! It’s not a technique that I can use continuously!”
Ralph, who is leading the group from the lead, did not look good.

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The use of large technique inevitably caused a rebound. He couldn’t overdo it without preparation time, so if we can’t get out of here quickly, we will eventually be surrounded.
Whoosh! Whooshook!
“Damn it! Undead. We are a bad match!”
Sven, who was shooting an arrow toward the back, cursed. Undead were already dead, so the wound didn’t mean much unless they attacked the vital point and broke the nucleus at once.
It was very difficult to put all the arrows into the head or heart while moving. The number of arrows is limited and cannot be recovered.
[Magic missile!]
Several projections made of transparent mana flew away and hit the zombie’s body. He fell on the floor.
“Right! That’s it, wizard! If it’s a bit more… Damn!”
The zombie that fell down stood up again. His flesh fell and his dangling wrist flew away, but he began to run the same way as before.
“I think it’s lacking in power, but there’s no stronger magic…”
Sven, who was talking, soon shut up. It’s because he realized that he was not in a situation to say that.
Emin, the wizard of the blue tower, was panting and running as if he was about to die. Even so, he shot a magic missile a few times.
Magic required extreme concentration and precise control of mana. It was unreasonable to use magic while moving the body violently unless it was a mage that was originally studied for that purpose.
Emin should not be blamed for this. This is not how magicians were used in the first place.
Ivan swung a sword. The zombie wolf’s head, which was about to rush from the side, is cut off and rolls on the floor.
“Thank you…”
Ivan replied in a low voice to Emin, who was trying to express his gratitude.
“Save your breath. We have to run for a long time.”

Every time Ivan swings a sword, an undead falls to the floor. Extremely efficient sword movement aiming only at the main nucleus. But his expression was not good.
‘We move slower than I thought. They’re catching up.’

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All of the party members were talented, but they were inexperienced in dealing with the undead. Now we were pushing with strong force, but we’ll get tired soon.
Emin’s physical strength was the most problematic right now. I already felt that his speed was getting slower.
‘There must be a leader…’
They were not naturally occurring undead. There must be an intermediate boss-class leader nearby that controls these guys.
Ivan looked around with sharp eyes. His eyes, full of mana, could look around brightly like daylight even in the dark.
‘Not this guy, not that guy, that guy… Yeah, it’s our guy.’
Ivan, who confirmed his goal, smiled fiercely and clenched his hand. Blessing with a throwing hand axe in your right hand.
“Thor, Thor. Damn it Thor. Thor. Please lend me your strength to break the head of my enemy.”
Far, far, far away. At a corner of heaven that the mortal could never reach, I felt a transcendent being looking at me.
A power that was never his rose inside Ivan’s body. The god of ruined thunder lent his strength for his warrior, who had no faith.
Break the head. Break the enemy’s head and hold the festival with rotten blood.
The violent, destructive, and ignorant god of thunder blessed him as if he was satisfied with it.
As if to watch out for his words, he raised a prickly hand axe and Ivan threw it at his enemy.
The white lightning cut through the rotten troll’s body and stuck in its head. In the middle, a black shield blocked it, but the axe, blessed by God, broke it and finally settled in the middle of the pain.
When such a cheeky warrior pointed at his enemy, the arrogant god of thunder laughed. He personally hit the hammer for his warrior.
Boom boom! Coo!
For a very short time, the night turn into day. A ray of lightning came down from the sky and smash the rotten body of a troll on the handle of a hand axe. Not only that, but it also scattered the undead around him.

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Upon seeing the destructive sight, the group shut their mouths at once.
I didn’t understand exactly what happened, but when I threw the axe, lightning struck and swept away the undead was enough to make me speechless.
“… If I had left it alone, you would have been able to sweep it all away.”
When Ralph asked with a sick and tired look, Ivan replied with a shrug.
“Do you know how many more enemies are there? It’s not like I can do this every time.”
“Well, I’m sure that’s…””
“Don’t say nonsense, just make a way on the road. I have to get out of here as much as possible before the night is over.”
After the next shield charge that Ralph used, it was strangely weak.

Spin, spin!
The day came. As soon as Ralph, who had been running around all night, found a suitable cave, he threw his weapon and lied down on the floor as if he were collapsing.
“Shit, it’s been a long time since I had a hard night.”
Last night was very exhausting enough for a strong swordsman to swear.
He had to break the heads of the undead constantly appearing in all directions, and again run without hesitation.
Emin, the weakest wizard, was already half out of his mind and his eyes were closed.
The shaking of his legs felt like he was going to lose consciousness if he touched it.
Ivan, who preserved his physical strength, remained in the rear until the end and only entered the cave after looking around.
“All of them are gone. As the sun rises, it must be difficult for the undead to move.”
“That means they’ll show up again at night. I didn’t know this when I accepted the request.”
A sharp gaze was lodged in Emin. It was natural that the client would be criticized first if an unexpected incident occurred during the mission.
It ended up being a stinging glare, so it was a very gentlemanly attitude. If it wasn’t for the high-level mercenaries who were recommended by the Mercenary Guild, at least one of them would have already pulled out a knife and put it on the client’s neck.
“What do you know from the blue tower? Don’t try to hide it here, mage. Under these circumstances, we must know.”
The way of speaking has changed dramatically compared to yesterday. Emin carefully opened her mouth while reading the air.

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“Not long ago, our tower captured the movement of heterogeneous mana deep in the forest. Originally, there was an old relic there, but it was known that there was nothing much. However, since there was a magical reaction and the monsters in the forest became vicious, there was a saying that there might be something hidden in the ruins.”
As soon as the story came out, the mercenaries’ eyes changed. It was a very dangerous place, but it was the ruins where the great success that could change one’s life was hidden.
“There might be ruins, but you’re the only one they sent? I don’t think there are one or two people who will drool. Isn’t there more wizards?”
Julia’s sharp question.
Emin replied with a bitter smile.
“It is a minority opinion that there will be something more in the ruins. It’s already been there for hundreds of years.”
It means that at least the upper part of the blue tower, old wizards thought there would be nothing important.
The only young and adventurous wizard heated up by such rumors.
“The undead that attacked us did not occur naturally. They were obviously created by someone. Is this really related to the ruins?”
“Not likely. If it had anything to do with necromancer, we would have recognized it since it’s already hundreds of years.”
“Isn’t that why you commissioned an investigation because of that ‘if’? It’s hard to tell.”
It’s an old relic of the eastern forest, so what else was there?
Ivan frowned and tried to recall memories. He was very weak in this way because he was not a gamer who likes digging into settings.
“So are you going to go in? Or are you going to get out?”
“Normally, it’s best to avoid these risks. But…”
The fact that it was a relic was on my mind. If it was really an undiscovered relic, it was worth taking a risk at least once, even if your life was in danger.
“But it’s still dangerous to go in right away. There is a possibility to prepare equipment suitable for undead.”
Old magic books, magical artifacts, gold coins and jewels.
Greed crept and began to cover their eyes. Blind courage to turned away from the fear of failure and pointed only to the sweetness of success.
Ivan also did not object. Completion of a linked quest connected to the main story, and its compensation.
The kind was different, but he was greedy.
‘Is it bravery or arrogance?’
Ivan looked up at the sky. Now he couldn’t find the existence of God, which he could feel only when he was dealing with the enemy.

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