Chapter 79. The ancient ones

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Long ago, the world before the age of the old heroes. There were old tribes walking through the age of mythology when the life of the continent was just born.
The primordial dragon, the ancient fairy, the primordial giant.
One by one, they reached the Transcendent and had a level of power not much different from the divine. In today’s world, they are called the Master race.
In the beginning, the dragon was the creator of the continent and the prototype of all beasts. It was said that they, who had the power to call them gods without worshipers, built the foundation of the continent and moved on to another world.
Today’s dragons were clones made after them. Dragons in such a degraded state reigned supreme as the strongest creatures on the continent, so they were truly great.
Ancient fairies were the incarnations of nature. Their birth was similar to the Godhead’s, but they left the spirit world, made their own bodies, and settled in the physical world.
They, who had enriched the life of the continent for many years, abandoned their bodies again and returned to their distant hometown. The descendants they left behind were the present-day elves.
The primitive giant was a great deity and a great enemy of the gods. With their endless greed and spirit of improvement, they became gods themselves, the most powerful opponents who sought the place of the gods.
Everything that divides the underworld, the earth, and the heavens was decided in the battle between the gods and the giants. Therefore, the first myth recorded on this land started with the opening of the giant’s eyes and ended with the last giant’s closing.

It is said that the gods tore the body of a giant and made the world out of it. To put it bluntly, humans are creatures of God and descendants of ancient giants.

“So the Lord of the radiant light is merciful…”
Delfino, who had been explaining the old myths and the ancestor race, suddenly came to his senses. He realized that the others were listening with a blank expressions on their faces.
Since he doesn’t usually have anything to talk about, it’s been a long time since he has been involuntarily addicted to the story. Reflecting on it, he hastily finished the story.
“Anyway, that’s it.”
“Thank you, that was helpful.”
Nodding, Ivan glanced at Philaine Greywood. He was drinking tea in an upright position.
Elves who have been disconnected from the World Tree and come out of the forest usually experience dramatic emotional changes, but he was still calm. Ivan couldn’t read his thoughts just by looking at his eyes or facial expressions.
“There are only a few native races left on this land, but are you really saying that a primitive giant has appeared?”
“That’s right. The giant, who had been sealed for many years, has awakened and is gathering his fallen descendants.”

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Everyone hardened their faces at those words. Because they realized the seriousness of it.
Primitive giants were not merely large humans but transcendent beings compared to the Godhead. In other words, Jotun in Norse mythology, Titan in Greek mythology.
The tyrant of the deep sea suffered only a brief waking, and it was much more than that. In terms of severity, it was not much different from the summoning of a Rotting Grasp level demon.
“No one knew until the giant woke up. How could that be!”
Delfino shouted in shock, and Philaine nodded slowly.
“There have been too many incidents recently. It must have been that the dimensional barrier was shaken.”
Hearing those words, Ivan fell into his thoughts. He couldn’t quite figure out the situation.
‘Is it the time for a giant to pop out now?’
It was difficult to keep up with the flow as the events were taking place in so many places at the same time. Since it was different in many ways from the progress that he was aware of.
Ivan, who had a frown on his forehead and worried, opened his heavy mouth.
“No matter how big giants are dealt with, primitive giants are not easy opponents. What do you think the elf will do?”
“The fairy legion is on standby. The Guardians are ready to go too. No matter how strong the primal giant is, it will be unable to generate its original strength due to its long seal, so it can be dealt with sufficiently.”
“But if you concentrate like that, you won’t be able to defend the Fairy Forest. If the defense is weak, enemies can attack at any time.”
“…that is correct.”
The power of the race of elves is great, but it was not a situation where they could use all of them. He had to maintain more than a certain level of troops to protect the World Tree.
“If a giant appears, it’s not just the elf problem. We need to focus our power on making this as public as possible.”
As Delfino said so, Philaine Graywood nodded his head.
“The messenger has already gone to the other side. The kingdom of humans, Sanctus Populi, the Great Forest, and even the Alliance of Blood.”
“Blood Alliance?”
“They are no exception.”

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The elves were extremely closed-minded, but this was not an ordinary event. As an exception, it seems that they sent envoys to various powers to inform them of the danger and to ask them to join forces.
But Ivan knew it wouldn’t work out. He didn’t even think deeply.
“There are already many incidents happening across the continent. He must have declined because they were busy fixing it. Either he procrastinated and didn’t answer.”
“…. you’re right. They don’t seem to understand the importance of the giant’s appearance.”
“Humans, orcs, goblins, trolls, and even beasts. Longer lives are no match for us. Unlike the Elves, who have preserved the old story well, it’s just an old mythical story for us, and it’s not realistic.”
The reaction would have been different if it had been a demon rather than a giant. If so, they would have recognized the danger right away. However, to say that a giant appeared did not make much sense to them.
The realms of men forged a union of trust and decided to fight an alliance of blood. In such a war situation, there were many difficult problems here and there, and there was no way to send troops to defeat the giant.
Perhaps a giant would have to advance into the human land and plow up a few places before it could move.
Philaine Greywood did not deny such a gloomy prospect. Instead, he came up with another method.
“If you give us the heart of the sea god, we want to make a deal with the denomination. Of course, I will pay the price for it.”
Although the reasons were slightly different, in the end, it was the same conclusion as Irene suggested. Ivan had no reason to refuse if the elf could pay the price.
Ivan looked into the eyes of his comrades with a glance and then nodded his head.
“If there is a reasonable price, I will accept it.
“thank you. The Fairy warehouse will not disappoint you.”

Ivan, Delfino, and Ferocious Tooth entered the Fairy Forest under the guidance of Philaine Greywood.
Irene was not with them. As a wanderer who left her forest, she decided to wait outside to keep her mission from being obscured.
The fairy forest, which they returned to after a few months, was still beautiful. They couldn’t get tired of looking at the huge figure of the world tree in the distance and the fairy-tale scenery where spirits roam.
Philaine Greywood, who guided them all the way here, immediately returned to the fairy legion. In fact, he was very busy. The fact that he moved directly to warn them showed that he was treating Ivan’s party that much.
“The World Tree welcomes you. You have a stronger soul than before.”

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Philaine left, and Elena Evenwood greeted them.
She also had a hard face that didn’t show her emotions much. But at first glance, she seemed to be showing signs of fatigue.
‘Well, there must be a lot of trouble.’
The time when the World Tree predicted its own destruction was gradually approaching. She would be under greater pressure than the other elves if she had high suitability close to that of a shaman for the World Tree.
“In exchange for the heart of the sea god, I will hand over the treasure we keep to you. Please choose the item that suits you.”o
She brought the party to a castle deep in the fairy forest. Treasures collected by the elves for many years were displayed underground here.
It was only after passing through several layers of strict security and complicated barriers that he could enter the fairy’s treasure house.
Delfino seemed to be thrilled at first.
“Rather than the dragon’s cave, dwarf’s forge is better. And the fairy warehouse is even better than that. That’s what I heard.”
It was a proverb that even Ivan heard well. A story mainly told by mercenaries in bars.
‘But isn’t that about alcohol?’
It was said that the wine made by the elves was better than the gold and silver treasures that the dragons collected, and the legendary weapons created by the dwarves. So don’t think about anything else and drink alcohol and die while drunkards are shouting.
Ivan didn’t bother to point it out. To be honest, his eyes were busy looking around.
The fairy’s warehouse was not as dark and quirky as an ordinary warehouse. Rather, it was bright and fresh. Gold and silver were drawn thin like thread and decorated, and the ceiling and floor shone like glass.
It was like visiting a great art gallery or museum because it was decorated with care rather than simply storing unused objects.
The party dispersed in search of what they needed. Ivan also dyed his right eye golden and looked closely at each one. It was indeed a fairy warehouse. There were only great things one by one.
In other words!
Ivan passed by and drew a sword. Even the sound of cutting the air was sharp. Not only was it excellent cutting power, but it was also capable of elemental attacks as it had several spirit stones embedded in it. Seeing that it absorbs magic well, the material was also unique.
Greed rose for Ivan, but Ivan put it down. He had the blood sword Brika. He’d rather find something other than a sword.

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Ivan, who had repeatedly lifted and put things down for a while, suddenly looked at his waist. Because he realized that the belt of power he was wearing, Megingjörð, was responding.
‘Why is this?’
Ivan narrowed his eyes and focused on Megingjörð’s trembling. He moved to see what the hell this would react to.
As he followed, he arrived in front of a certain golden bracelet. As soon as Ivan saw it, he felt a fateful attraction.
As soon as he grasped it, Ivan’s right eye warmed as if on fire. An uncontrollable magic power surged.
Then a bright voice came out and calmed him down.
“Calm down, warrior of Asgard. Are you a man who can be consumed by things?”
Ivan turned his head, and an elf woman slowly approached him. Even by the standards of an elf, she was surprisingly beautiful, not because of her appearance but because of the aura she possessed. Ivan couldn’t turn his head away.
The divine power that flows even when standing still is a transcendent presence.
At first sight, Ivan knew who she was. No, he had no choice but to know.
“…Ciarin Evenwood.”
She is Elena Evenwood’s older sister and the current shaman. The A being who can bring the world’s transcendent to her own body.
She didn’t answer. Instead, she pointed to the bracelet Ivan was holding.
“Do you know what it is?”
“Draupnir, Odin’s bracelet. It’s something that makes eight golden bracelets of the same weight every hour. But this is probably not the one Odin used himself.”
Ivan saw a dimly engraved pattern on the inside of the bracelet. It was exactly the same pattern as the one engraved on the lost warrior’s spear, Megingjörð.
‘Among the three, Draupnir was the most complete. For a moment, I was almost possessed.’
Ivan was fiddling with the golden bracelet and asked Ciarin Evenwood.
“It’s amazing that stuff like this is in the fairy’s warehouse. Can you tell me how you got it?”
Ciarin Evenwood replied with a strange smile.
“Do you really think the dwarf is gone?”

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