Chapter 81. The Frozen Land

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The elf who spoke to them, saying they were young, also looked very young, but it was really difficult to guess the age of the elves just by looking at their appearance as they were originally a long-lived race.
If Iraine is not complaining about it, he must be of a good age. Looking at his deep eyes, he could feel that he had lived for a long time.
“I have nothing to talk about here, so let’s go to our place. I will serve you hot soup and vodka.”
Guided by the Frost Elves, Ivan glanced around. It was like a snowy coniferous forest.
After walking for a long time in such a pure white forest, they were able to arrive at the realm of the Frost Elves. Contrary to the chilly weather outside, it was quite warm. This is because the barrier surrounding the entire village has moderately controlled the temperature.
In an instant, a hot soup and strong vodka table were served. It was a little embarrassing, but it seemed that this elf originally lived with alcohol.
Ivan drank a glass of vodka. The strong taste of alcohol that passed through the throat was enough to allow you to check the feeling of the intestines yourself.
Now that he had a superhuman body, it was Ivan who did not get drunk with any alcohol, but this vodka gave him the feeling of drinking quite a bit.
In other words, it meant that the alcohol content was high enough to be close to alcohol mixed with water.
Anyway, when Ivan drank alcohol like that, the Frost Elf smiled very satisfied.
“That’s good. After all, that should be enough if you are a warrior from Asgard.”
The Frost Elf, who drank his bottle as if he would not be defeated, introduced himself as the leader of this place. So, it is said that he is the head of the Frost Elves.
“Baltimore Iridin, call me comfortably.”
Iridin was one of the seven ancient fairies that came down to the material world by creating a body for themselves. Like Irene Palacion, Ivan could tell that he was also a direct descendant of the Seven Fairies.
Even though he was such an important figure, Ivan had never heard of him. It is probably because he disappeared from the original flow that Ivan knew. Just like how he didn’t know Irene was a Palacion.
‘Maybe he was destined to die in this giant incident.’
Even though Ivan thought so, he struggled to scatter his thoughts. A lot has already changed. Now, it didn’t mean much.
“The old giant wakes up and puts his hands together after his downfall. When enough power is gathered, they will begin to move. So we have to buy time.”
The Fairy Legion was ready to move at any moment, but not the others. Even if negotiations with Sanctus Populi went well with the heart of the sea god Ivan gave them, it would take quite a long time to get here.
They couldn’t move across space via the fairy forest as Ivan’s party did.

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The party had gotten used to it easily, but the original fairy forest was a very secret space. Since it was the heart of the elves, it was impossible to expose the coordinates freely.
“We circle around him and hunt down those who are joining him one by one. Shall we do it together?”
At Baltimore Iridin’s question, Ivan nodded his head coolly.
“If we aren’t going to fight, you wouldn’t be here.”
“great. I will call you tomorrow morning.”
Baltimore Iridin, who had made that decision, glanced at the group. It seems that he cares about their clothes, which are very light compared to the weather.
“I’ll give you winter clothes that fit your body. Please dress tightly and come out.
Ferocious Tooth hit his chest.
“A warrior does not succumb to the cold!”
“This is the place where such warriors freeze to death. Left the bluffs in your land, young man. If you want to survive here, you must follow the rules of this place.”
He said with a strange smile.
“The cold you will experience tomorrow will be beyond your imagination. I promise that.”

The next morning, it was dark, and the sun had not yet risen.
The group went outside armed with the winter clothes that the Frost Elves brought them last night. And they looked at each other and smiled.
They wore at least a couple more layers than usual, so their body looked bloated and dull. The thick fur coat was warm, but frankly, it was not very comfortable.
As the party was talking about it, Baltimore Iridin suddenly appeared and shook his head.
“You don’t know the fear of the cold. Once you’re out, you’ll appreciate my consideration.”
Starting with Baltimore Iridin, dozens of Frost Elves and Ivan’s party began to move together.
As we left the Frost Elf’s residence and entered the snow-covered forest, the temperature dropped even more.

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Baltimore chuckled as he saw the group’s expressions change little by little.
“Now is the start. Please be prepared.”
A sharp wind blew. The cold air, tens of degrees below zero, pierced even the fur coat and made their bones shiver.
We didn’t go that far, but the temperature change was too extreme. This cold was not natural.
If it was a simple cold, it wasn’t to the point where Ivan couldn’t stand it. But it had its own magic. Ivan realized that resisting this would take away more stamina than I thought.
Such was the case in a land of extreme cold that threatened survival just by standing still.
“Is it always like this here? I think it’s not normal.”
At Delfino’s question, Baltimore nodded his head.
“It’s cold in the north, but it’s a bit more terrifying here. The magic of this land created a natural barrier. So nothing lives here. It is a frozen land.”
Ivan glanced back. It was all snow, so they had no idea where they came from. The natural barriers and raging snow wind blurred even the sense of direction.
Even Ivan, who had the experience of a ranger, did not have the confidence to find a way in a place like this. Even if he summoned Huginn and Muninn, two crow spirits, and sent them to the sky, the terrain below would not be visible properly due to the snowstorm.
“This place is perfect for getting lost, or you’ll be lost forever.”
“Usually, you will freeze to death before you wander forever. But don’t worry. We’ve lived here for thousands of years, so we’re used to it.”
As Baltimore had promised, the Frost Elf’s movements were unstoppable. They walked forward without worrying about what they should use as a mark.
They walked during the day, dug snow at night, and slept in it. After the Frost Elf summoned the spirit and beckoned a few times, a plausible bed was created instantly. It even got warm when a fire was lit inside.
After moving like that for a few days, the Frost Elf’s movements became very cautious. Seeing this, Ivan realized that the enemy’s realm was drawing near.
“They are lazy. No matter how old the giants called, not all of them would have arrived. We earn time here by hunting them one by one.”
Following Baltimore Iridin’s instructions, the group moved more cautiously. And it wasn’t long before the enemy was found. A yeti with rough hair covering its entire body.
It was a huge monster over 4 meters tall, but Baltimore Iridin frowned.

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“He’s a dwarf, was he kicked out of the group?”
He looked around for a moment, but he couldn’t see anyone but him. It was a little suspicious, but they couldn’t miss this chance, so they started hunting.
First, Iraine pulled the bowstring. Instead of the returned Palacion’s bow, it was the bow she usually used. It was a natural choice because the ancient fairy’s artifact was not something that could be used carelessly.
Iraine’s arrow flew quickly and pierced the Yeti’s chest. It was a very fast and powerful arrow with the help of the wind spirit, but it was unsuccessful in ending the giant’s life. It was because his skin was so thick that it could not even penetrate his heart.
The Frost Elf quickly approached him, as he let out a painful moan. The Yeti smashed the ground, blowing snow and ice, but the Frost Elves easily escaped it, then turned behind him and slashed his leg.
Red blood flowed. As if they couldn’t even cut his muscles at once, he ran wildly, but the wounds were getting bigger and bigger. The Frost Elves were hunting him skillfully.
Then Ferocious Tooth flew off the ground and thrust a sword into the giant’s head. After the head was split, the Yeti collapsed to the floor as if unable to move anymore.
Hunting wasn’t that difficult. But Ferocious Tooth was serious.
“How old is this guy? The bones are too thick. The teeth of my sword almost came out.”
He hunted easily, but that was because he was a relatively weak guy, and his party had the upper hand.
Not long ago, the party fighting the old god’s incarnation and the Frost Elves’ elite gathered. Even then, he couldn’t hit the guy’s head at once. It was rather surprising.
“This one is just a sidekick. He’s not really that stupid monster.”
In fact, the Yeti was not a fallen descendant of an old giant but merely a guy who was drawn to the giant’s magic.
“It’s a real giant. The primordial giants.”
As Baltimore Iridin answered bluntly, Ivan frowned slightly, then nodded his head.

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So the closed race elf reached out their hand to ask for help from other races. Of course, the enemy will not be formidable. It wasn’t that surprising.
‘Tsk, the giants usually sleep all the time, so why are they waking up and playing chess now?’
Primordial giants were not demons. They could not be called evil being from birth. However, the risk was the same since they were so faithful to their desires.
Just like an innocent child who tears a dragonfly’s wings and pours hot water into an ant’s den.
“We were noisier than I thought. We should move quickly…….”
Ivan, who was talking, suddenly looked somewhere and pulled out a spear from his inventory. And quickly threw it away.
Ivan’s spear ripped through the space and pierced a large rock that had fallen from the air. So it shattered and shredded finely.
“Hahaha! How can you stop it! What a brave warrior!”
A man appeared in the distance. He wore ragged armor made of several small hides and carried an ax of stone on his shoulder.
They could see him very well, even though he was very far away as if he was close. He had a much larger body than the Yeti they had just hunted.
Unlike a primordial giant who was no less than a god, he inherited only a large body and a strong body like a monster, but that alone is enough for a modern-day giant.
Everyone seemed nervous when he appeared, following the call of his great ancestor. Because it is an enemy that cannot be compared with a yeti.
-Ha ha ha ha ha!
Then someone chuckled. He got up from his seat and shouted as if he couldn’t stand it because it was so much fun. (TN: who else but the battle junkies)
-Blood and battle, death and glory await!
As the thunder god struck the hammer, an explosive power erupted from Ivan’s body. The Megingjord he was wearing, the belt of strength was dyed red. Lightning gathered in his hand and turned into a hammer.
Ivan realized what he had to do. And he didn’t hesitate.

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