Max Level Newbie

Chapter 166

The Fire-Thunder sword was swung at the Demon King, as fast as a meteor falls from the sky!

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Maramgang felt his life threatened for the first time since the battle began when he saw Vulcan coming in with the blade shimmering with terrible energy.

Until now, he had never thought he would lose, even if he was somewhat behind.

However, as Vulcan’s best technique revealed its form, the alarm went off noisily in the Maramgang’s head, and he knew it couldn’t survive this.

He had to do something!

For a moment, Maramgang seemed to be anguished.

He had to use his hidden Trump Card, that would put a considerable strain on his body.

Of course, if he use it, he would boost his power strong enough to guarantee a victory with a chance of more than 90%, but…….


‘Those who would pull me down to take my place would be given a chance to strengthen their powers after the battle, when I’m weak….’


Considering the aftereffects of the technique spans more than 100 years, he wanted to avoid using it if at all possible.

But there was no other way.

If he was hit by that sword of enormous power that was targeting him now, he would certainly be deprived of the opportunity to contemplate the future like this.

With his back against a wall, he stopped hesitating and tried to use his best technique, “Mashingangrim (The demonic defeat technique)”


In that short moment.

There was a slight gap in his defenses created by the moment’s hesitation.

Vulcan, who had the instincts of a beast, instinctively struck to stop Maramgang, as his senses screamed “Danger!”.


‘Gehenna ’


Gehenna was the mythical-level fire skill that he had acquired a long ago, when he was still level 99.

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It was low-level magic, but his Gehenna, which grew with the Vulcan, had already become a magic utterly unrecognizable from that time.

Flames that grew into a conflagration under the lashing of Gehenna surrounded the thunder-lightning sword like a brilliant corona.

But that was only for a moment, and the flames and lightning corona expanded enormously, the intensity diminishing with the growth in size, to which Vulcan frowned.

No matter how fast he moved, he couldn’t join the Fire and Lightning together until he reached Maramgang.

However, if Gehenna is used as a ranged attack, it will be significantly less powerful than infusing his sword.

In the awkward situation, the Vulcan smiled faintly and used the Spirit of Fire.




Vulcan shed his body, and turned into flame.

He smiled even more after confirming the blaze of Gehenna had inensified.




As if he had used the Blue Dragon’s Land Folding method, Vulcan appeared in front of the Demon King in a flash.

The bewilderment and shock of  Maramgang were visible in his eyes.

There was the putrified stench of demonic energy coming out of his swelling body, as if he was trying to do something.

It must be a technique that reaches the extreme of absurdity, which seems to borrow a great deal of power from somewhere.

But it’s too late for that to happen.

Without hesitation, Vulcan thrust the Fire-Thunder sword into the chest of the Maramgang.



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With a shocked look in his eyes, Maramgang stared down at the sword that had pierced through him.

His trembling eyes managed to turn towards Vulcan, and his mouth opened slightly.

He was about to say something.

But he passed away with his final words unsaid.




Maramgang exploded out in every direction, like a meat balloon that had been greatly inflated then pierced with a needle.

Demon King limbs were flung everywhere and one even slapped Vulcan in the face, and a disgusting demonic energy was released.

Vulcan who had overused his powers and overboosted his strength, was affected by it.

He felt dizzy, and the body felt heavy as if he was bogged down in a swamp.

He barely managed not to throw up, his insides feeling like his blood was boing, and he quickly took the potion that Powell had made for him.  He then thrust the Thunder-Lightning sword into the ground.

Then he put his hands on it and raised his chin with an arrogant expression.

It was like a performance to let the public know who the winner is, and who lost.

In fact, he was only bluffing to conceal his bad condition, but none of the demon who were watching him from afar could discern the condition of his body.

They couldn’t even keep their mouths shut, and they just blankly stared at Vulcan, who was standing tall.

Shortly after a demon soldier ran away screaming, they came to their senses.

“…Th, the Demon King has lost! Aaarrrgh!”


A little demon was overwhelmed with fear and ran away from Vulcan.

Normally, he would have used his sword to slice its head off, but for now Vulcan couldn’t.

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They were also overwhelmed by the triumphant, mythical image of Vulcan.

Countless demon soldiers started fleeing Vulcan, after the first one started the demonic stampede.

After a short period of time, there was no living creature left on the plain where Vulcan was standing.




Finally, Vulcan recovered 90% of his condition.

Slowly he moved his hands and feet, looked around, and recalled the fight that he had just fought.

He’s had a lot of dangerous moments, and he’d been lucky, but….

In any case, it was the best result from the impulsive action that he even risked his own life for.

In addition, he loved the way the fight went through.

He went by his instincts, as he wanted.

He strongly cornered Maramgang using the violent savagery of thunder and flames, without considering his own safety, which allowed him to win.


‘The problem is…I don’t think I can do this again…….’


What just happened was quite accidental, which took place in a state of heightened emotions after sparring with Powell.

It was a moment in which he had given 120% of his power.

He still had a long way to go, compared to Powell who was confident in her ways and showed instant violence at any moment.


‘……It’s really not easy. To not be unflinching.’


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Although he had got good results, Vulcan was still not satisfied.

As he closed his eyes for a moment, he cleared his thoughts and then slowly rose into the air with his flying magic.

He never thought it would be easy anyway.

100 years, 200 years, or even more.

It would perhaps be impossible to increase his proficiency with thunder and flame, even if he combined all the years he had lived.


But it was okay. Vulcan thought it would be okay.

Unlike in the past, he had no burden on his shoulders, and was living his life only for himself.

If only he could use all his time, talent and concentration on fighting alone, and not to anything else……


‘Eventually, I would be able to get to the place I want.’


Of course, he couldn’t figure out where the place was yet.

For now, he would just go forward.

Vulcan laughed a little as he thought of Powell, who was running fiercely ahead of him.


“Now that I’ve completed my first goal, I should go towards it.”




Vulcan ripped the atmosphere apart and flew through the air at an absurd speed.

The lightning that covered his whole body shone like another sun in the sky of the Demon World, and the demons of Moruko dimension had to suffer that day.

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