Me and My Cat (Girlfriend)

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The Aftertaste that won’t go away (Kasumi starts going lewd…)

<<Day 2 Part 3>>


Before I even realized, it was morning already. 

The time was an hour earlier than I usually wake up.

The light from the other side of the curtain was still a bit dark.

Yesterday was…..even though I was asleep in that position, I was properly coverd with a blanket.

This blanket…she covered me with this…Mina sure is kind.

My sleepy head was only able to think about Mina.

Looking beside me, I could see Mina soundly sleeping.

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I hope I saw her in my dreams too, hehe~


Even though it was yesterday, my lips that touched hers….the sensation has been burned inside my mind and won’t go away.

Is it because of that….the aftertaste won’t disappear.

Looking at Mina’s sleeping face, I suddenly thought She sure is cute…

Suddenly, our faces got close, and our lips were about to touch…


Trying to control the impulse, I raised myself from my bed.

The cold air had completely woken me up, but the aftertaste still remains.

My steadily-repeating heartbeats, the warmth of my lips touching Mina’s, I could recall it as if it had happened a moment ago.

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Heating up from embarassement, I felt my body get hotter….it was painful, yet sweet.  

So much so that I could reproduce the feeling of kissing Mina…


「Nnn, Kasumi…..?」

It seems that because I raised my body up that the cold air had woken Mina up.

「sSorry, did I wake you up?」

「It got kinda cold, so….」

Mina raised her body and lightly hugged me…the parts where her skin touched me, her warmth passed through to me.

That heat amplified inside my body so much that it could melt my heart.

Even though I had already heated up, my body still yearns for more of Mina’s warmth.

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I think I have turned weird. I’m sure it was when I kissed Mina.

Embracing Mina’s body closer, I thought that compared to when she was a cat, she is heavier now. 

「Kasumi, what’s the matter?」

「……Nn~, it’s nothing.」

Mina’s body…it’s warm and it feels good.

The reason I started yearning for this person’s warmth is gotta be because it’s cold.

If I don’t think of it that way, I don’t know what will happen to me anymore…


「Mou~, Kasumi, let’s eat breakfast.」

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「Yeah. 5 more minutes…」

I wanted to touch Mina more, so I acted like a gradeschooler who wanted to sleep more.

And even though my heart is beating so fast, the warmth of Mina’s skin and her smell just feels too good.

It feels so good that my body feels like it’s floating.

「Just 5 minutes, okay?」

Even while saying that, Mina is cute.

The way she pouts with her mouth and her swelling cheeks was also cute.

Not just 5 minutes–I want to be with her more….I want to see more of Mina.

The me who thinks that…I think I’m sick.

========== Chapter 4 (Kasumi goes full lewd) End ===========

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