10:07 PM]

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Standing in a row, and warm-up exercise, it should be Miina’s first time.

[10:08 PM]


Since we have the same family name, our attendance number only has 1 number difference too, I can just lead her by hand on what to do.

[10:09 PM]


During the warm-up exercise, and also during just lining up, the gaze behind, I just end up getting curious. Still, having Miina behind me, my body is not yet used to it.

[10:09 PM]



[10:10 PM]


It had become in pairs, doing the passing with balls, as if its normal I’m doing it with Miina.

[10:13 PM]


Even though the balls I kicked couldn’t be more than 3 meters which weakly goes towards Miina, and the balls Miina kicks are, it takes my all just to not make it go behind me.

[10:13 PM]



[10:13 PM]


「Geez, just how can you kick the ball so fast?」

[10:14 PM]



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[10:15 PM]


my legs are already starting to hurt. Miina who is still energetic was curiously thinking.

[10:15 PM]



[10:15 PM]


「hmmm……you kick from below your knee, I guess…..?」

[10:16 PM]



[10:16 PM]


「I see? I’ll try it it out okay」

[10:16 PM]



[10:18 PM]


I focused more than earlier on the turning of my knee, and taking a bit of distance from Miina, and kick the ball with my all.

[10:21 PM]


The surface of my foot felt numb but, the ball that was properly kicked went towards Miina in a blink of an eye.

[10:21 PM]


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[10:21 PM]


「Kasumi, that’s great!」

[10:21 PM]



[10:21 PM]


「Thanks, but my foot hurts…」

[10:21 PM]



[10:22 PM]


As i stooped over and rubbed my foot, Miina was away from me, before I knew it our distance was 0.

[10:22 PM]



[10:22 PM]


「You did your best, good job」

[10:23 PM]



[10:24 PM]


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I reflexively stood up, and was embraced. My foot which wasn’t able to move that well from the pain, my body chose to leave it be and entrust itself to Miina.

[10:26 PM]


Did she get embarassed, the hands that were embracing me was suddenly separated but, the body that was entrusted to her was left just like that.

[10:26 PM]



[10:27 PM]


「Geez, Miina, its still warm up you know?」

[10:27 PM]



[10:27 PM]


「But, Kasumi, aren’t you tired already」

[10:27 PM]



[10:28 PM]


「I am but…」

[10:28 PM]



[10:29 PM]

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I know the best that I don’t really have the right to protest to that. but, just a little but, since I have lived longer as a human, I just wanted to try being the 「Onee-chan(older sister for normies who don’t understand)」.

[10:30 PM]


But, as i thought, I just kept being spoiled by Miina. When Miina was a cat, she would listen to my rants that i couldn’t tell anyone else, and would comfort me.

[10:30 PM]



[10:32 PM]


But, after so much of that i can’t really change it. To me Miina is what you would call a 『Lover』, its a relationship much more deeper than before, to me it means being my most important person. Having someone like that you wouldn’t want to be spoiled by them, I can’t do that at all.

[10:32 PM]



[10:34 PM]


When Miina was not yet here, the team I would be in would lack one person so, I could be in the same team as Miina. Before the game started, my body was already feeling excited.

[10:34 PM]


I wonder what happened to me? when the whistle to start the game rang, rather than expectations, I felt more anxiety.

[10:35 PM]



[10:35 PM]


Cat Chapter 62 end

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