Chapter 1

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Milan, Italy

At Navigli district, beside the canal there was an three bed room apartment with a hall, kitchen and a big balcony. The apartment has cream colour walls with honey colour coloured floral patterns and white colour ceiling. One master bed room is turned into a study room to work on designs and it had a spacious balcony with a view of the canal.

That room has lots of stacks of fashion magazines, books on fabrics, colour combination, fine arts and other related stuff.Lots of paper with sketches were scattered around the floor, while one paper is being encrypted with pencil.

A lady of around 24 yrs old with black brown long hair upto her waist with curls only at ends, wearing a short jeans upto her thighs and baby pink full sleeves hooded t-shirt standing beside a drawing board. The shorts complimented her long legs which made her look sexier and refreshing.

As ths wind enters through the open doors of the balcony, her hair flutters in happiness. Her pale skin shines in the sunlight that brightens the surrounding while her deep black small eyes that is focused in the paper where she is drafting makes her look more charming.

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She frowns and bites her little rosy lips while thinking, then gave an warm smile when she thought of something and moved her hands.

Her puffy cheeks becomes more puffier when she smiles.


'Who the hell is disturbing me during my work time. You better have something important to talk!', she thought to herself.

She put her sketching pencil in the stand and took her smart phone and went to the balcony. When she looked at her phone it was her secretary Emma. Before the call ends exactly at the last dail, She picked the call.

She uttered in a cold and frustrated voice, "Hello! How many time have I told you? Not to disturb me when I am working with designs."

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Emma is an easy going character and only she can manage her. Even though she felt a chill over her spine she maintained her casual tone, "I am sorry Boss! But it's an urgent matter. I have tell you immediately."

Before she could reply to Emma, "Wait! Wait! I will finish first then you can choose your standing to scold me or praise me. Miss Ria Raj, CEO and head designer of Diva Fashions, your company has been nominated for the Best Fashion setter of the year by the Milan trend Awards.

And the best part is you have been nominated for the Best Fashion designer Category!", Emma finished with an excited tone.

Ria was dumbfounded. She can't process the words, she heard now! She stood still at the balcony with her eyes widened. "Hello?.. Boss?.. There???", Emma kept calling.

After few seconds she sighed and took a deep breath then said, "Seriously? Are you joking just because I shouted at you?"

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Now Emma was dumbfounded, she thought 'My crazy Boss, will anyone play in this field? Even if I did will you let me continue this job?' She opened her mouth, obviously not told what she thought, "God promise Boss! They had called you first. But you didn't pick the call it seems. Then they called the head office, where I received the call. You can watch the TV to make sure about it. They will announcing the nominations tomorrow night."

Ria couldn't contain her emotions anymore, she bursted happily saying, "Oh my God! Oh my God! Emma? If what you said is true, I will treat you to my home cooked roast chicken." She jumped while talking to her. "Then go and buy a whole chicken Boss! We will have dinner at your tomorrow", Emma replied while being satisfied just hearing chicken.

"Of course sweetheart! You are the great girl I ever met! Love you a lot baby!" She kept praising Emma without flinching. Emma who heard her praisals thought, 'yeah, yeah, a minute ago you were cold demon questioned me with knives. Now you are praising me with these words like raining.'

She changed the subject by asking, "When are you sending your finished drafts boss? Before the Award function there is two months, during which we have to capture the audience. We can release a collection to gain the attention."

Ria raised an eyebrow and said, "I don't remember mentioning about finished drafts. How did you know?"

Without a pause Emma answered while chuckling, "Look at your east there is camera fixed at your balcony."

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Ria never expected this and never heard anything about it, when she turned east to look for the camera she found nothing. Then she took a stroll holding the phone in her ears, over the full balcony eyeing each nook and corner still she couldn't find anything.

Examining the silence on other end, Emma started to laugh loudly, "Boss don't tell me you checked for real!"

Ria frowned hearing her laugh. As Emma sensed her Boss's change in attitude, she holded her laugh back and said, "I have been with you for two years Boss. Even though I call you Boss, you treat me like family. I know your actions like the back of my palm.

Except your two companions, no one can break your concentration. You should have picked my call only after you have finished the designs. More than pick, you might have heard the call only after you are satisfied with the designs."

Ria felt satisfied with the answer of her one best friend, as the emotions welled up inside her she replied, "Hmmm.... By noon I will come to the company. Arrange a meeting with all the other designers and craftsmen. At the evening make an appointment, at Shen corporation I need their beads and stones for the dress. And one more all the designers should bring five designs based on the theme autumn flowers. I have notified them a month ago. Then the collec..."

Before she could finish, she felt a bubbly, warm sensation emanating from her leg....

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