Chapter 14

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Ria was wearing lehenga, which is a three piece clothing. The dark red blouse covered her bosom leaving her stomach area wide open. At the bottom was a golden coloured straight long skirt. Over that, a dark red shawl of chiffon material was draped around her body loosely. Her dress highlighted her curves and she looked alluring to begin with.

As soon as they were inside the room, Ren's hands started to wander through Ria's body. Ren didn't give her time to react, she was short of breath and blushing because of Ren's touch. On Seeing Ria struggling and her eyes became teary he released her lips. She took in a deep breath but before she could release it, Ren's lips started to move along her body.

Soon he pushed her to the nearby bed and held her down. He didn't say any word to her but kept increasing his pace. Whenever Ria put up fight while he is making love he would bite at the spot his lips are. As a result she stayed silent and let her loose.

The one thing she couldn't deny was, he was so good at this, she is even willing to forgive him for leaving her the past 6 months.

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When the deed is done he lied down next to Ria. She turned her head and glared at him. He chuckled and holded her in his arms, then kissed her in her forehead. He then whispered in her ears, "I missed you." On hearing these three words she teared up.

Ren looked at the girl helplessly and held her more tightly. She said, "I love you" He chuckled and gave her a kiss in her cheeks. Ria the pushed him away playfully and stood up, she felt her hips and lower part more painful. She thought 'this guy has really did it too much this time'. She cleaned herself up and put her clothes.

"So how is your family and those family members of yours?", Ren asked sarcastically. Ria felt the tone in Ren's voice but she replied with smile, "They are good and doing their own works." He simply replied with a "Hmmm" Before he could start something, Ria stormed out of the room wobbling.

Ren and Ria looked at each other, smiled, winked, even gave each others flying kisses from distance apart. After that day onwards, there relationship will be reinstalled once again or that how it is supposed to be. On that day's night after going to home, Ria found some patches of blood on her underwear.

She freaked out looking at it. She can't get pregnant at a time like this. So she told Ren about, but what can he do? He also has no idea about it. She surfed through the internet to look for the information. She became more frightened looking at it.

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Then she decided to tell her elder cousin, Sylvia from her father's side. She is close to her from childhood. She gave Ria some advices about it. She also told her friend Ren about it, with those two girls help he was convinced that she won't become pregnant this time.

Ria even got her period next month. One day, Ria received a phone call from Sylvia's boyfriend, whom she used to address as brother-in-law. But they broke up, somehow her sister two-timed. As her boyfriend found out she broke up with him. Ria was shocked to hear these revelations. She has heard that Slyvia's boyfriend was a bit ruggard.

She never trusted him untill he told her about her fear for pregnancy. Ria was shaked entirely by him knowing this. He blackmailed Ria that she should make her sister talk with him otherwise he will leak this information into her family. She wanted to die hearing these words. The only person she could turn to was Ren.

Ria told Ren about this matter and told Sylvia too. But she denied completely about sharing Ria's personal. But he has no other way to get this information, Ria thought. Ren solved the problem, but their fight started.

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Ren who was so sweet and caring before this incident, but now he took a 180 degree twist. He was so angry upon Ria for sharing their personal. Ria tried to convince him saying that she was afraid of getting pregnant. Ren hated Slyvia from the very start, he felt that something was not right with her, like his instincts. But Ria stood up for Slyvia most of the times.

When coming to current situation, he played the role 'I told you before ' He opened all the incidents from start, the fights they had. He kept on blaming her for not changing and lying to him that he was her number one.

Even all the evidences point towards Slyvia, Ria couldn't hate her or even scold her. Ren's words became more worse. If he gave her kiss when they were calmed down after the fight, before he leave he will never forget to tell her "Don't forget to tell your sister what and all we did"

At one point Ren became disgusted of Ria, of how she could she still be with her so called family. His words made a Ria's heart crumble. Ria found out that she was pregnant on the day she sent her application to 'Hope' in Milan. She was a bit in doubt since she was late in her second period. She tested with a pregnancy meter she bought in a pharmacy.

Ria was more happy now at the thought of being pregnant, not like the time when she was afraid. During the past two months she read lots of things about pregnancy and pregnant women. She was always fond of kids now its time for her own kids. Even though Ren and Ria was in a fight, she asked him to come to her house.

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After her parents went she called him. She was waiting for 6 hours on the sofa of the living room and kept calling him. He never came though. He didn't come to see her. They both knew, if they meet in person and talk for sometime the problem will be solved. She thought after the problem is solved she can tell him about her pregnancy.

But, he never came in the end. She kept calling him but he didn't attend. The next day she went to meet him in person, the moment Ren saw her he smiled and talked to her as if nothing happened.

She let go of her pride and holded his hand the asked him a gentle tone, "Sweety, Why didn't you come yesterday? I was waiting for you the whole day you know!"

He replied with the same smile, "Why should I?" Not sensing the anger in his eyes she said, "Nothing much, I Just missed you." He smirked and went closer to her face, on this action Ria blused and her breathing became irregular. Then he went to her right ear and said, "Nothing? You thought of bewitching me with your body? Didn't you?"

The brightness in Ria's face disappeared. Tears welled up in her eyes on hearing this but she forced her with a smile and said, "Why are speaking like this sweety? It's not like that"

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