Chapter 17

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"Take left at the next signal, we are going to our mansion"

Darron face became bright but he nodded while making it look like he is doing this for Ren. Ria's face burned up as she said, "What our mansion? I want to go to Raj mansion. Didn't I say to you first?"

Ren looked at Ria like he was enjoying it and said, "But I want to be with my wife and my kids". Ria laughed at his words and said, "Yeah! I wanted to ask you about that. Who is your wife and who are your kids?" Ren raised one of his eyebrows.

"Do I seriously have to answer this question?", Ren asked. Ria smiled and sneered at Ren, "They aren't your kids Ren. They just saw your photos in my phone and thought you are their father."

This time Ren laughed holding his stomach teasing Ria and said, "Oh! Ria! Stop joking okay!" Ria's face became more like the bottom of a black pot and she said, "I'm afraid you are the one, who is taking this a joke."

Ren's expression changed he looked terrifying and said, "Is it? Who do you think I am, to be fooled so obviously?" Then a corner of his lips curled up and he continued, "I look myself in the mirror atleast once a day, Ria. They are my spliting image."

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Ria kept silent and thought how to escape from him for the moment. Ren caught her silence and said, "If you are still thinking about refuting, we can go this moment to take a DNA test."

Ria stopped her train of thoughts, glared at him and said, "Whatever!" Ren gave her a big smile then picked up the little kids in his hand and talked to them the rest of the way.

The other two in the front maintained pindrop silence. After they reached his mansion, Ren opened the door and helped the little kids out. He extended his hand to Ria like a gentleman, but Ria left through the other door.

He smiled and thought 'there is plenty of time for us sweety'. Emma stayed with Darron to take care of luggages while the family of four entered the villa. Villa had a touch of heritage of India. Mr. and Mrs. Kozhaksi was in the sofa of living room.

Mr.Kozhaksi was reading the newspaper and Mrs.kozhaksi was doing an embroidery in a piece of cloth. She still does most of the housework herself because she is used to it. Remaining times she does these type of fine art works. They both had no idea their son who left home this morning to overseas is coming with a family back the same day!

The one of servants came to inform Mrs.Kozhaksi that First young master is on the way to living room. Mr.Kozhaksi lifted his head up to look at the entrance but Mrs.Kozhaksi made her way to the entrance, she saw two little kids running to her.

More precisely they ran into the living room followed by Ren who was chasing them. They were playing a game where the one who Ren touch first is out. Ren deliberately ran slower to enjoy with the kids.

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Mother Violet was surprised to her son run around like a little kid with little kids. She was chuckling loud, not noticing Ria who stood at the entrance. Father Brent stood from sofa placing the newpaper on the tea table, he came to the three who were running around the living room.

Ria looked at Ren who was wearing a suit but running around with the kids. She felt warmth spread through her heart and her lips curved up without her consent. Immediately she realised her feelings shift, so she alerted herself not to trust this man again.

In the end Ren caught Diya first. All the three of them laughed out, while taking long breath. Diya was in Ren's hand. Father Brent lifted Varun in his hands and looked at Mother Violet, that is when he realised Ria was standing behind her.

He immediately walked fast towards her, Mother Violet thought he is coming to her but as he walked past her she noticed Ria. Father Brent said with a bright smile, "How are you Ria dear? Haven't heard from you in a long time."

As soon as Varun saw Ria he extended his hands to her and said, "Ma..." Ria took Varun from Father Brent and held him in her embrace. Both of the elders looked at each other for a second and hearing Varun's words. As Ria didn't have their photos she didn't tell about them to the kids. The kids needed some time to relax.

Ria smiled at Father Brent and said, "I'm Fine, Uncle". Ria was so friendly with everyone around her and she easily captures their heart soon. Both Brent and Violet loved Ria to be their Daughter-in-law. But Ren and Ria had misunderstandings so they drifted apart.

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Father Brent felt a bit sad because she used to address him as Father-in-law. Plus Brent and Damien were childhood friends so he adored Ria. Mother Violet hugged Ria and the little one together. She was so happy to see Ria back.

Violet know that this girl was the sole happiness of her son. During the past 3 years, Ren appeared cheerful in the company and attended parties and looked like he was happy. Only Violet know the pain and emptiness he had within. She is his mother how can she not know?

Mother Violet quickly pulled Ria to the sofa to sit. She pretty much had the idea of the kids parents but she wanted to hear from their mouth. So she asked in a low tone, "The children..." Before she could finish, Ria replied, "They are mine."

"Ours", Ren yelled from the back. Ria turned back and gave him a glare but Ren smiled cheekly. Ren walked towards the sofa and sat beside Ria.

He said, "They are our kids" as he put one of hand over Ria's shoulder while holding Diya in his other hand. While smiling at the elders, Ria pushed Ren's hand away from her shoulder. He winked at her and put his hand back firmly.

Then he introduced to them, "This is little angel is Diya and that little hero is Varun".

"Aren't they cute mom?", Ren asked so happily.

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Mother Violet nodded while smiling. Father Brent came next to Ria, he asked at the little guy, "Won't you come to Grandpa?". The little guy turned around and hugged Ria's neck. Ria comforted Varun and caressed his back. She then said, "Its alright sweety, he is your Grandpa. Go.... Go to your grandpa"

The little guy turned his head and looked at him for a minute, then extended his hands towards Father Brent. Seeing his brother, Diya also warmed up to Mother Violet.

Emma entered the room with luggages, she introduced herself while Mr. and Mrs. Kozhaksi gave their warm welcome. Darron walked straight to the little kids and played with them.

Ren said to the servants, "Take the luggages to my room and arrange a guest room for Miss.Emma"

The servants nodded and went towards the stairs. Mother Violet looked at Emma and said, "You must be tired dear, go and take some rest." She asked a servant to show her the room.

She then looked at Ren and said, "Ren... Why don't you take Ria to your room, so that she can take rest. Ria dear, We will take care of kids during the time."

Ria opened her mouth to refuse but Ren tightened his hand on Ria's shoulder and said, "Sure mom". Ria looked at him coldly but Ren smiled at her and said, "Shall we?"

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