Chapter 20

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The hall was completely silent on hearing Ria's words for few seconds. Ren wanted say something in return but Mrs.Violet holded his hand and said, "If that is what you want, you can. But we want to see our grandchildren frequently."

Ria smiled with relief and replied, "I promise you aunty, Whenever you want to see them you can come there or I will send them here. Thank you so much." Ren gave Ria a glare but Ria walked past him to the parking lot. Brent ordered the servants to bring Ria's luggage to the car. Ren was so irritated to know that his wife and kids are not going to stay here.

Mrs. Violet understood her son's thought and whispered in her ears, "Where she will go? One day or other she will come back to you. If she didn't have any love for you will she be a single mother still now? or would she come here with you today? Give her some time." Ren nodded to his mothers words.

Ren, Ria and their kids took one car, Mr. and Mrs. Brent Kozhaksi with Emma took another car, Darron and Nash took another car. They all headed towards Raj mansion.

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Inside Mercedes-Maybach, the atmosphere was heavy. The kids were feeling sloppy as they both completely filled Ria's hands. Diya was asleep, the driver felt suffocated by the silence and cold temperature. Varun was half awake while staring outside. Ren was not in good mood as Ria is not staying with him anymore.

Varun suddenly moved and hugged Ria tightly and buried himself in his mother's embrace drifting into dreamland. Ren's gaze fell on Ria who was holding the little kids on his left. Ria tied her hair loosely with bobby pins, leaving her remaining hair flow. Her flickers covered her right eye making Ren unable to see it.

Ria looked like a lovely house wife with her two little kids who is waiting for her husband. Ren's eyes passionately measured Ria's body, everytime he sees her he want to devour her. Ren found Ria's rosy lips so inviting as she licked her dry lips to make it wet.

He felt a bit jealous towards his son who was currently in Ria's embrace. Diya was his angel and a girl so he doesn't mind it.

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Ria causally turned her face right, her eyes met with Ren's hungry eyes. She immediately turned her face to look away, her heart started to beat fast. She wanted to know whether his eyes are still upon her. She slowly turned to meet his eyes, and found his gaze staying still. She felt her ears and cheeks burn up.

Ren suddenly approached Ria, the eye contact between them was intense. Ria lost herself in his eyes, Ren can't look into Ria's eyes that easily. He only does that when they are in bed, so Ria was a bit curious on that part too. Ria blinked, when she opened her eyes Ren's lips were close to Ria's with a minute gap.

Ria instinctively moved her face forward to kiss, Ren pulled his face back smiling mischievously. Ria's cheeks started to blush and then she faced the window. She thought, 'Every second next to him is dangerous'. Diya moved in her hands to a more comfortable position.

She looked down at her daughter, that is when found out Varun is missing in her arms. She turned her face left to see him sleeping soundly in Ren's embrace. 'So he came closer to pick Varun! Shame of you Ria!!!', She thought. She hit her head in the window and smiled looking outside.

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Ofcourse Ren saw her entire change of reactions and he smiled at her satisfyingly. He thought, 'The moment you came back, you are mine!' From driver's point of view, the couple had shared a liplock. The driver was stunned when he saw the scene through rear view mirror. He didn't dare to use the mirror for the rest of the way.

When they reached Raj Mansion, brightly light up mansion looked more majestic. Ria felt something was not right, it doesn't look like a simple dinner. When they reached the grand entrance, a gang of girls rushed to the car door. It was her cousins, waiting for her at the entrance.

As soon as the car stopped, Ria lifted Diya to her shoulder. Diya was still sleeping in Ria's shoulder. Lucy opened the car door, Ria exited while holding Diya's head on one side shoulder and her side bag on the other. Lucy immediately took the bag from Ria.

Ria's cousin were all in uproar, how much she may scold them she is still their big sister afterall. Apart from her maternal cousins, her paternal cousins were also present. Ria was stuck in front of them.

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A sound came from behind, everyone became silent. Ren was holding Varun in his right hand and pulled Ria into his embrace with his left hand by holding her waist. Ruth started to giggle looking at them and everyone stepped back.

Damien and Valerie came to entrance and welcomed them. They all went inside the mansion. Damien looked helplessly and told Ren and his parents, "We initially thought of a normal dinner only. As soon as everyone heard that Ria is back they all came to meet her. I hope you guys don't mind."

Ria opened her mouth to say, its alright dad but Ren said it fast. "It alright Father-in-law. As long as Ria is happy we don't mind." Brent and Violet nodded as they heard Ren. Ria gave him a look saying 'Who is your Father-in-law? Idiot'. Ren winked at her.

"Ayioooo... The kids are so tired. Why don't you take them to the bedroom?", Ria's maternal grandmother said as she approached them. "How are you Granny?", Ria asked her while smiling. She replied lovely, "I'm good sweety. How are you and your husband?"

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