Chapter 38

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Ria's glare became intense and she shouted like hell, "F*ck you, Ren. You had the nerve to ask my opinion? You f*ckking raped me 10 times, you demon.

Yet you are asking me about it. Get out of here, I don't want to see your face. Screw you!"

Ren thought, '10 times ah? Not bad me!' He pouted his face and said, "I am the one who screws you, baby! What can I do, Anna? You were so beautiful, your eyes were like stars, yours lips were like cherries, your collarbone was as seductive as ever, your breast was so soft like the clouds I couldn't stop.... Ouch!"

Ria hit Ren's head with a brush, she again shouted, "You are a shameless man, Ren. Which part of me saying Get out of here is not understandable to you!"

Ren said looking at her eyes but his expression was unreadable, "A man doesn't have to know shame when he is chasing his wife, Sweetheart".

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Then he winked at her. Ria's cheeks became red but to avoid him seeing her she jolted out of the bed but her legs gave away. She fell on the floor butt naked, even though the floor was covered with carpet she took a heavy hit. She groaned in pain and said with frustration, "Damn it!"

Ren came to her slowly this time and asked her politely, "May I help you?" Ria lifted her head and gave him a glare. Then she looked down and nodded. Ren's lips curled up but he asked again, "I asked, May I help you?" Ria nodded again.

Ren said controlling his laugh, "I can't hear anything!" Ria looked up at him and said with her eyebrows frowned, "You are such a sadist, Ren". He chuckled looking at her, "That makes you a masochist, Honey".

Ria closed her eyes and took a deep breath then she said, "You can go, I can take care of myself". 'Well I can't let you go like that, can I?', Ren thought. Then he came to her and lifted her up without any effort, she also accepted it because her condition was entirely his fault.

"Don't you have any body pain?", Ria asked him as he walked to the bathroom.

Ren lifted one of his eyebrows at her then he leaned into her ears and wispered, "Nope, Baby. Want to go another round". Ria's ears are burning red and she shaked her head immediately. Ren let out a laugh and placed her inside the bathtub.

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Then Ren naturally unbuttoned her first button. Ria shaked his hand off and asked, "What are you doing?" He said as a matter of fact, "Helping you, honey". Ria took a deep breath then she thought, 'If I talk harshly, he will take that as an encouragement!'

She opened her mouth and said politely, "Listen, Ren. Thank you for your help you have done till now. I will forget yesterday's night, you can also forget it. We will become business partners. Whenever you want to see the kids, I will bring them to you.

You also can come and visit them. But us, the concept of us have expired long back. It won't work out ever again, Trust me. Now get out, I want to take my bath alone".

Ren removed his shoes and entered the bathtub, he picked her up and placed her on his lap. She didn't have the strength to struggle from his embrace. She is between his hands and on his lap. Ria started to open her mouth, "Ren..."

Ren immediately made a sound, "Ssssh". Ria kept quiet. Ren hugged her close from behind, he said to her slowly in a low deep voice which made Ria's heart beat rise and small hairs stand up, "Listen Anna, I can see your point here but you have to understand something.

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I kissed you yesterday then you accepted it and kissed me back after that only we did it. I was taken aback by you since the moment you came. I never had a reaction or time to think about sex for three years. I simply didn't like to do it when it didn't involve you. I live by the rule of one for one and you know it.

Even if you have taken some liking to another guy during the times we were seperated you might have given me a chance to give up on you. I love Varun and Diya but they are here only because I love you, sweetheart.

You may shout at me, scold me, beat me, even bite me but don't forget that you are doing this only because you love me.

Your heart beat rhythm coincides with my heart beat isn't it. While you are sitting on my lap you could feel the heat on my body that you created by just being here. I'm not going to lie, I love you, Anna. Your eyes, your heart, your body, I am trapped in every inch of you.

I am doing this the hard way because, when you marry me I won't let you have anything which can remain as yours. It will be mine, you will be mine".

Ria could feel his fast heart beat through her back and his bulge on her butt. His whole body I'd radiating heat, warmth more than the hot water they both are soaked at. He is breaking her resolve very steadily.

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'Yeah, I liked his kiss yesterday, not only yesterday before that too. I liked his touch on me, I want him to touch me. I don't know it is more like lust than love. I liked being with him yesterday, I also like every inch of him.

I may say that I will forget it, but there is no way in hell I can. I can still feel him inside me, my whole body is throbbing at this thought. I love him but I don't trust him', Ria's was self acknowledging some things.

Ren gave her time and just stayed there holding from behind. Ren's head started to ache, he didn't dry himself properly after the shower last night. But he didn't say anything. Ria slowly leaned back and her head was lying at his collar bone.

She said in a low tone, "I will give you one last chance, Ren. Make me trust you, make me feel that you will never abandon me, make me feel that you will trust me even if I'm a killer. I came to you without even you wanted, Ren. Now it's time for you to earn me.

You can call me, touch me, kiss me but everything is under my rules. You don't get to make decisions. If you can go by that, I will give a last chance to us".

Ren was over joyed, he would accept to anything she says if she is coming back to him. Ren said, "Sure, you get to make all the decisions. I will follow you at every request. I want to be with you and our kids".

Ria nodded then said, "Now get out and change your clothes before you get a cold". Ren smiled and said, "If my lady wants, I can stay and help her to take bath". Ria's lips curled up, she elbowed him and said, "Get the f*ck out, Mr.Kozhaksi. I will call you after I take a bath".

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