Chapter 6

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On saying that word, her heart was filled with lots of emotions. Its been years since the last time she talked to her mother. To her surprise the voice she heard was not her mother.


It is dad", She pinned her mouth. She was shocked by these sudden words. Her father was furious at her and she never thought he would take the initiative to talk to her. She was also angry at her father. She replied, "Mmmmm"

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On hearing her response the lips of the old man curled up for a second, without delay he said, "Don't cut the call. I'm really sorry for what I said and what I did. Come back my dear. Please" His words showed his worn out voice. Ria felt pain in her heart but she can't go back no matter what.

The moment she left India, she said to herself whatever might happen this will be the last time she resides their. She was hurt deeply during that time. She replied coldly, "If there is nothing else, goodbye.." Before she could hung up the old man hurried his words, "Wait! Your mother had an heart attack yesterday. Doctor said that she is physical weak and mentally depressed.

She keeps asking for you since the moment she opened her eyes. I can maintain her physical strength but only you can fix her mental strength. Understand dear." Ria couldn't hear her brave father pleading to her like this. The thought that she is responsible for her mother's sickness hit her hard. Her eyes soon became watery. Ria is a sensitive and childish girls within a brave and cold shell.

She replied, "Give the phone to Lucy." The old man shouted the name of lucy which was audible to her through phone. Lucy was her younger sister who is a pure yet naughty girl. Lucy talked in the phone, "Sister? Rianna?.... How are you Rianna? Are you fine? You haven't talked to me in three years. Answer me!" Ria smiled a little hearing her sister's voice.

"I'm fine. What about mom?" Lucy replied, "She out of danger for now. She always thinks about you. She works hard at office and worried about you too. She always talks about you, what are you doing right now? where are you right now? did you eat? did you sleep etc., etc. Come home Rianna....

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Even..... Ren's brother calls me regularly to ask about you. Have you said anything? How are you? Is your health fine. Looks like Brother-in-law told him to ask me. He still loves you as he always did Rianna. Give him a chance."

On hearing no response on the other side, Lucy continued, "Come home Rianna. Parents will accept you guys now. He is a big company's CEO now. He has achieved a lot now. I will talk to him, Please come back." Ria became unstable on hearing Lucy's words her tone became more cold, "I didn't pick the call to hear about him Lucy. Just tell me about mom."

Everyone in Raj family know about Ria's temper. She is most kind girl but has short temper. Lucy on hearing her voice, changed the topic, "Mother is physically weak. Not severe but she so depressed. She had a mild attack. Company had an emergency so she worked hard along with dad. She skipped the tablets it seems. But She is fine now, only your return can reinstall her health. Try to understand."

Ria became more angry on hearing Lucy's words. "It seems? What the hell are you doing? Aren't you a doctor Lucy? How can you be so irresponsible? She is a Heart patient Lucy. Don't you know that? What her own work? Aren't you always with her? Can't you check whether she took her tablets or not? I seriously can't believe what did you study?" Ria shouted like crazy, the kids beside her woke up and looked at her with wide eyed.

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Emma was also shocked on looking at Ria's storm of question. How much angry she may be, she will freeze others with her words and eyes. This is the first time she is bursting into anger. On the other end of the phone Lucy didn't know to cry or laugh. She heard her sister's angry words after a long time yet she was scolded a lot.

She said in a low tone like a guilty kid, "I was out of town. I was attending a conference when I had a phone call saying mom had an attack. I ran from the stage and caught the first flight and returned home. You can't blame me Rianna. You are not even near mom now. I'm doing what I can to take care of her. Stop your rebellious kid act and get home now."

Lucy felt happy with the last words. Because she never had the chance to talk to Ria this way before. But to her utter surprise Ria's reply was "(beeeeeep)(beeeeeep)". Ria hung up the phone without replying to Lucy. Lucy felt lost at Ria's action. she thought, "Now what will I tell to dad? Rianna why are you always putting me in a tight spot!"


In Raj mansion,

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Mr.Raj who was standing near Lucy looked at her while opening his eyes wide like a kid expecting candy. When lucy took the phone from her ears, she simply shook her head. Thus her daughter has refused to them again. The sad Mr.Raj walked away from her went to their bedroom.

In which his wife was lying in the bed connected to machines and trips injected in her hand while a nurse monitering her. He felt bad for slapping her daughter on that fateful day. After that day she became distant to his father. He remembered the day he first holded his daughter in his hands. At that time he was a nobody no corporation nothing was their for him.

Only his wife and his newly born daughter yet he was the happiest man. His daughter born by surgery without crying because her head was pinned with umbilical cord. After sometime doctors massaged her back she started crying. When the nurse called him and gave him the baby girl in his hands he body shivered a bit.

He had a beautiful rose chubby baby girl with a three line as reference showing that was her two eye and mouth in his arms. Mr. and Mrs. Raj has Dusky complextion but the baby girl inherited her maternal grandmother's gene. A tear drop came from his left eye while thinking his own little girl.

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