Chapter 60

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"This is our first date after a long, long time. But look at you! You look like a Demon king, you don't love me at all! I'm so sad, now".

Ren said with a distant look and indifferent voice, "Oh?" Ria lifted her face and looked at him with big sparkling puppy eyes. But Ren looked at her like he was in rage and pulled her closer by holding her waist.

He said in a cold and domineering voice, "Last time I remembered you liked... no... you loved this Demon king. Looks like you prefer flower boy instead".

Without thinking anything Ria smiled instinctively and she inched in. Her breath was on his lips as she looked into his eyes and said, "Are you jealous, Chérie?" Ren raised his right hand and pinched Ria's cheeks tightly as his lips moved, "You think you have the leisure to ask that question?"

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Ria started to shout, "You idiot! Take your hand off my face. I spent an hour with this make up. I didn't even take a selfie!" For a second, Ren's lips curled up. He shook his head and let out a sigh as he abided her words. Then he looked away from her.

Ria slightly kneaded her cheeks as she felt the pain dissipate. After some silence and Ren refusing to look at her, she held his chin and made him look at her. She felt a sharp pin in her chest as she asked him, "Don't you trust me, Ren?"

Ren's pupil contracted and he looked at her with atmost anger. He sneered through his teeth, "What do you want me to reply to that, Ria?" She literally shivered from his tone and the way he looked at her. Her eyes started to well up.

Ren felt how much she was afraid of him now, he closed his eyes briefly. When he opened again, Ria was on the brink of crying out loud. His eyes still had the anger but not as distant as before. He pinched and pulled Ria's cheeks on bothside.

He said in a little pleading and little worried tone, "Don't cry over everything..... It was never about trust, Anna. Why do you always dwell on that topic, I don't understand. If I didn't trust you why would I fall for you in the first place. It is just that, you let your guard down with anyone who speaks nicely to you or treat you well at first. Then later they stab on your back, before you even realise what is happening".

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His voice raised as he continued speaking, "And you had the nerve to talk to me about trust ah? You left me alone for three years without a word. Then you reappeared again without a word, along with two kids who are supposedly my flesh and blood. If you never came back, I would never knew they existed in the first place.

And this guy who knows you for the three years I never knew where you were, suddenly agreed for the partnership which was to be discussed next month. He says that he courted you looking straight at my eyes and I comforted him not knowing that girl was you. I feel so stupid".

Ria mumbled something, Ren said with a sharp glare, "I'm not finished!" She looked at him with moist eyes without refuting. He then continued, "I agree I have reacted so harsh and cold, I broke up with you, I patched up with you, I fought often with you but I came back to you at the end of the day.

It is not like you were the only one with feelings, Anna. I get hurt too. I get insecure too". Ren's words came to an end, even though he was looking at her face the entire time he noticed only now that tears were flowing from here eyes along with her eye make up. He asked hurriedly, "Why are you crying?"

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Ria moved her lips after great effort, "iiiii... rtsss". Ren couldn't understand and he looked at her with a blank face. Ria lifted her hands from Ren's neck and removed his hands from her cheeks. Then she half cried and half answered, "It hurts, you idiot!"

Ren finally understood what she meant as she kneaded both her cheeks which were pink now. He pulled her into a tight hug and his lips curled up. Ria mumbled again, "I'm not a kid, you know!" He replied with a "Hmmm!"

Ria buried her face into his embrace and dirtied his overcoat. But Ren didn't mind it one bit as he caressed her back. Her husky voice was heard, "I never looked at a man other than you till now and I never will". Ren replied again with a "Hmmm".

They both cuddled each other for few minutes until a knock was heard. Ren said a bit loud, "Come in". But he never had the intention to let go of Ria and so did she, afterall her face is messed up now. Josh came in and saw the scene. His Boss was hugging Lady Boss while keeping her in his lap.

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He blushed a little but maintained his business tone, "The dinner is ready, President. When shall they serve?" Ren looked at the woman in his embrace and then at Josh and he said, "Book a room here and send the food there". Josh replied, "Yes, President". He went out after he excused himself.

Ria peeked from his embrace and asked, "Why book a room?" Ren raised one of his eyebrows and his hands moved to her thighs. He caressed her and said, "You should have thought about it before seducing me". Ria pinched his arm and said, "I never seduced you!"

Ren leaned in and whispered in her right ear, "Then why are you in my lap?" He never got her reply but he was content with the silence. He said in a deep charming voice, "Je t'aime". She blushed upto her ears. She raised her head slowly and placed a kiss on his lips.

The kiss was neither a long one nor a short one, it was a sweet and satisfying one. Ren asked with a slight whining voice, "You will never say it ah?" Now, Ria asked with one of her eyebrows raised as if she couldn't understand what he was saying, "What I will never say?"

Ren leaned in and their foreheads touched, "You don't know?" She shook her head as innocently as she could. Ren looked straight into her eyes and said, "You never once said 'I love you' since you came back, Anna".

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