Chapter 65

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"Get in, why are you guys standing at the door?"

Both of them entered, Lucy was feeling guilty for making him worry and she was stunned for being hugged in front of the couple. Martin was in a relieved yet angry state. Ren and Ria were examining the young man without blinking. Ria guided them to the sofa in the living room.

They both sat on the three seater while Ren sat on the two seater. Ria brought four glasses and poured some wine in each. When she moved to sit on the single seater opposite to Ren, he pulled her gently and she landed beside him inbetween his arms.

Ria gave him a questioning look while raising her eyebrow but Ren shook his head lightly gesturing nothing. Then they both looked at the young people in the room. Martin sensed their gazes and coughed a little. Ria averted her gaze but Ren's gaze never left him. His expression was complicated like his daughter has brought her boyfriend home for the first time.

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Ria felt the atmosphere suffocating, she thought, 'This is so awkward!' Lucy didn't look like she will open her mouth soon. So Ria asked, "Young man, You are?..." Martin continued, "I'm Martin Orion, General Manager of Orion Enterprises". Ria nodded and said politely, "Nice to meet you, Mr.Orion. I'm Rianna Raj, Lucy's sister and..."

She looked at Ren who also met her eyes and continued with a lovely smile, "this gentleman here is my Fiance, Ren Kozhaksi". Martin stood up, shaked both of their hands and settled back into his seat. Lucy was simply looking at the three without saying anything. Ria looked at her and said, "So Lu? He is your patient or something?"

She looked at Ria and said with a forced smile, "Uh... Kind of". Martin didn't say anything and waited for Lucy to announce their relationship properly. Lucy looked at Martin's face for a minute then she let put a long sigh which she never knew she was holding in and said to Ria reluctantly, "He is my... Boyfriend". Ria gave off a bright smile and said, "That's really great, Lu!"

Lucy's expression kind of relaxed a little, then Ria looked at her watch and said, "You guys should leave early, it's already late. We will have a double date someday!" She winked at Lucy and looked at Ren, who was in a frozen state since they walked in. As expected he didn't react much. Martin was the one who stood up first, followed by Lucy and the couple.

Ria said before Lucy enter the elevator, "Text me after you reach home". Lucy nodded but Ria remembered something and pulled her aside from Martin. She asked her, "I need a favour, Lu!" Lucy didn't think much and said, "Sure, What do you need?" Ria said, "My friend from Milan is here. Can you take him for sightseeing tomorrow?"

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Lucy thought for minute to check her schedule and said, "Yeah, I can do that". Ria said ponting her chin towards Ren who standing next to their room door in the corridor and checking his phone, "Well it is a he! You know your brother-in-law, that is why I had to ask you". Lucy shook her head and said, "Did I ask for an Explanation, No problem Ria. Its been a while since I relaxed too".

Ria smiled and asked looking at Martin who was standing near the elevator and answering a phone call, "It's not a problem with him right?" Lucy looked at Martin and said immediately, "No! No! Tin understands me and trust me. He gets anxious sometimes but we will talk it through and I trust him equally too so I never mind these things when it comes to him either".

Ria squinted her eyes and asked, "You don't mind when he is with another woman?" Lucy shook her head and said confidently, "No! I said before right, I trust him!" Ria's lips smiled but her eyes didn't as she said, "Jealousy has nothing to do anything with trust, Lu. We are going to have a lengthy talk about this guy later, You get me?"

Lucy nodded her head, then they bid farewell and left. As soon as the Ria entered the room and closed the door, she massaged her cheeks. She said, "It hurts to keep smiling for a long time!" Ren said as he pulled her towards him, "Then don't!"

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Ria raised her eyebrows as she hooked her arms around his neck. She moved her lips, "Yeah, just like you". Ren didn't say anything as he lifted her and walked to the bed. "Call Darren and ask him to bring the kids, Chérie. I miss those chubby cheeks", Ria said when he placed her on the bed.

Ren didn't say anything again, as he switched off the lights in the room expect the bed side lamps.

"Why did you become quiet all of a sudden?", Ria asked as her eyes followed him. Ren climed on the bed and laid above her, "Because you are talking for me, too". Ria opened her mouth to argue. But he was a step faster as he catched her lips when they parted to spell words.

Ria's eyes widened in surprise that is when she realised the whole process from the door to bed. She relaxed into his arms and started reacting to his kiss then she slowly closed her eyes. Ren's kiss started to become passionate as she returned it, his body grew impatient.

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His left hand was holding her head while his right hand moved onto her body. He slowly caressed her leftside bosom which made her hands stand on their edge, Ria's hand were nervous as it played with Ren's hair. When he all of sudden pinched her nipple on her left side, she gasped and Ren slid his tongue in.

His tongue started to invade her mouth while his hand kneaded her bosom, leaving her mind to blow up. She let out soft moans which had a numerous impact on Ren's body. Ria kissed back and fought for dominance as she pushed her tongue into his mouth. Ren stilled for a second and then gave her full access. Their tongues were enjoying each other's company while they both tasted each other's mouth.

Suddenly Ren clenched her tongue with his teeth which made Ria open her eyes and wince in pain. Her eyes became moist as she punched Ren's shoulder and tried to wiggle out of his embrace. Ren slowly let go and smirked at her reaction. Ria brought both her hands to his neck like she wanted to choke him but Ren took her lips again.

He kissed her gently this time like he is eating an cotton candy. He nibbled, licked and played with her lips giving attention to both the lips. Her hands slowly went to his hair again as she closed her eyes instinctively. He slowly slipped his tongue in but Ria didn't allow him as she opened her eyes and gave him a questioning look.

He pleaded her with his eyes playing an pity look and hands slowly caressing her body. He eventually gave him an entry pass and Ren was gentle this time. They both closed their eyes and immensed themselves in the kiss. Their kiss became passionate by each second as they removed each other's clothes with eyes closed.

After an intense make out Ren let go of her mouth and their mouth was connected with a thin string of saliva. They both immersed themselves in each other's eyes.

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