Chapter 68

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When their eyes met, Lucy felt her heart shake a bit. She slightly widened her eyes while Aaron lips curled up which made her heart beat raise . She immediately took her coolers and wore it. When she was standing closer to him, Lucy raised her hand for a handshake and said, "Hello, Mr.Shen. I'm Lucianna..."

Before she could finish, he said, "Ria's Sister" and took her hand standing up. Lucy smiled a bit at his accent and nodded. He retrieved his hand then gestured her to have a seat and took his own seat. Lucy settled and gave a slight nod at Cassie. Then she asked politely, "Do you have any suggestions, Mr. Shen or shall we go with my plans?"

Aaron said curiously, "With your plans, Miss Lucianna". Lucy nodded again while taking out a notebook from her bag, then she said casually, "You both can address me as Lucy". Cassie replied with a smile while Aaron said, "Then you can address me as Aaron".

Lucy raised her head and smiled. Then she looked at her notebook and said, "First we will go to Mahabalipuram, the old Monuments there are centuries old and it contains lots of history of C city. Then we will go to the beach near the place. Then we will have lunch in a nearby restaurant which is famous for delicacies of I country.

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Then we will move to the Government Museum of C City. During the evening we will go to Marina Beach, the world's second largest beach. We will take a stroll there and have street foods nearby. Then we will go shopping in T Nagar and we will have our dinner in the Rain Forest restaurant. I have already booked a table for us".

Aaron was listening to her silently and when he was sure she had finished, he said, "You came well prepared, Lucy". She smiled a bit on hearing him. Then she asked as if she remembered something, "Are you picky about food? Because the restaurants I chose are not that much of High Class. But the food is healthy and tasty".

Her eyes was not visible but her expression showed that she is a foodie when she talked about food, Aaron smiled at her behaviour and said, "Of course not. I'm always in for good food". Cassie asked some questions about safety and other things. After coming to a conclusion the group stood up and left the lobby.

They went to the parking lot, while walking Aaron said with a gentle smile from his heart, "You look a lot like your sister, except her frame is bit petite". The moment Lucy saw his smile, she understood that he definitely has feelings for her sister. She has seen her brother-in-law smile like that, only at Ria.

She said to her heart, 'Look he has an unrequited love. Stop jumping for no reason and you have an owner already'.

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That's when she remembered Martin for the first time since she laid eyes on Aaron. When she realised it, she felt some uneasiness. She pushed the thought to the back of her mind immediately and said with a smile, "Yeah, We hear that a lot. When we wear same types of clothes they often mistake us for twins".

Aaron nodded understandingly while Cassie also smiled since she has seen Ria too. There was a big commotion in the parking lot as they entered. Cassie led them to where the car arranged by Ren was parked. As soon as Lucy saw the place where the commotion is, she knew it was because of her vehicle.

Lucy excused herself saying, "You guys wait for me at the entrance, I will meet you there". She walked towards her vehicle without waiting for their response. Aaron stopped in his way and looked towards her.

Lucy causally walked towards the crowd as she slipped into her jacket. She asked for the people to move as she entered the crowd. Aaron was wondering, what type of car is she using. It didn't take much time for him to know, an engine roared and the crowd squealed in surprise.

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Everyone made way for the vehicle, a girl in brown wearing a black helmet was riding a black BMW K 12000s. The eyes of the bodyguards who were standing beside Aaron almost came out of their socket. Even Cassie was surprised, she couldn't imagine that girl looking like a high schooler could ride a bike of this caliber.

Lucy saw them standing there so she stopped near them asked while flipping her helmet up with a tinge of proud smile, "What happened?" Aaron shook his head while laughing and walked to his car. He thought, 'These sisters never seize to amaze me'.

Lucy couldn't guess what Aaron meant by that laugh, she shrugged her shoulders and went to the entrance. The Bike was black in colour, it had a physique of a wild bull while there was blue led lights marking the partitions. The bodyguards eyes never left the bike until it disappeared and then they rushed to the car and started it.

Cassie did not joining them as she has work to do, she sent them off and went back to continue it. Both the security guards took the front while Aaron sat in the back. Aaron suddenly thought, 'Does Ria also have a bike?..... I don't think so'

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Thus they followed Lucy's bike and after an hour they reached their first destination. Lucy explained everything while they walked, the bodyguards followed at a safe distance. They both made many people turn their heads. They looked like a couple as they had an harmonious atmosphere around them and laughed all the way. They were wearing same colour clothes to top it off.

Lucy was wearing heeled boots so her head was upto his ears. Aaron is an easy going type while Lucy had no constraints to not be friendly. So they became friends soon as they talked about the monuments. Lucy took lots of photos of the monument and they both together. Aaron was good to hangout as he cracked lots of jokes and kept the conversation alive.

They even bought lots of things. When they reached the beach, they only took pictures and didn't get wet. It was so hot for Aaron as the temperature in I country was new to him. So they left the beach soon. On their way back on the road covered by tree shades, Aaron saw her bike creating another commotion.

He asked jovially, "So you like bike ah?" Lucy also noticed the commotion and replied, "Yep, a lot. I have a handful at home. If you want to, you can take mine during your stay". Aaron nodded and said, "Sure!" and then he continued, "What do you do? We only talked about me all this time".

She gave him a 'I see' smile and said, "I'm an intern at the military hospital now". Aaron's eyes widened as he asked, "You are a doctor?"

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