Chapter 70

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"He is Martin Orion, my boyfriend".

The rest of dinner went in silence as they both concentrated on food. Aaron was busy asking himself why the hell is he feeling irritated all of a sudden. He explained himself that she is Ria's sister again and again.

Lucy was oblivious to everything as she is simply enjoying the food and humming to herself. After the dinner was over, they both walked outside the restaurant together. Aaron said, "Thanks for the day, Lucy. It was really great".

Lucy smiled at him and said, "It was my pleasure, hanging around with you". They both smiled and chatted while they walked towards the parking lot. Martin was already waiting near her bike. He saw their dress coordination from afar, the first thing that rose inside him is a fire.

He didn't like the way Aaron looked at her like she was so important to him.

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He walked to them and said, "Hey beautiful". Lucy noticed Martin only after hearing his voice, she smiled brightly as ever as she looked at him. Her lips moved in a low tone, "Tin..." Martin's mood calmed as he heard her voice.

He gave her a big tight hug but Lucy was not used to this kind of PDA as she frowned a little and pushed him away soon. Martin is used to this behavior of her so naturally he didn't mind. Aaron looked at the couple and didn't say anything.

Lucy introduced both of them to the other and bid farewell to Aaron. She walked to her bike with Martin while Aaron said, "One minute, Lucy". She turned back and looked at him with Martin behind her. Aaron slowly walked to them like he owned the place and said, "I made a mistake in the morning".

Lucy was completely clueless as to what he was saying, Aaron continued, "You are not like your sister, in any way. Your looks, your character, your charisma, everything has a YOU in it. Which can never be seen in others. I am glad that I met you".

Something shifted inside Lucy when he said these words. She didn't say anything just looked at him, Martin know very well how much the words he said now means to Lucy. She always felt she has been her sister's shadow everywhere. That, she have to put extra effort in everything to meet her sister's standards.

Lucy has many friends but only few know the real her and Martin is one of them. In an attempt to make a stand, he stood beside her and put his hands over her shoulder in a protective manner. Since Lucy didn't say anything, Aaron smiled at her and gave a simple nod to Martin then left.

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After seeing the retreating figure of Aaron, Lucy came to consciousness. She turned back and walked to the bike. None of them spoke a word about it. Martin started the bike and Lucy sat behind him. Then both disappeared in to street in a flash. Lucy's heart was beating fast the entire ride repeating Aaron's words again and again in her mind.


At the same time, inside a tall building Ria is standing near the ceiling to floor glass wall looking at the sparkling scenery in front of her in deep thought.

Her marshmallows are sound sleep since an hour ago. The dinner she had ordered has gone cold while Ren's number is not reachable. He has been avoiding her the whole day. When she went to look for him after lunch in his office, he was not there.

But her marshmallows said he left only few minutes ago before she came, like he avoided her willingly. When she contacted him, Josh was the one who picked it. Josh said, "President is inside the meeting hall with important business partners. The meeting will likely to go on for some hours, Madam.

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Would you like me to hand the phone over to him, now?" Of course, She immediately replied, "It's okay, nothing urgent. Just tell him that I called". Josh replied, "Okay, Madam". Then she hung up.

After that she spent the time on her projects and her marshmallows. Soon dinner time came, she the fed the little ones and dialed his number. It was picked this time immediately as his voice came over from the other end, "What have you guys done? The clause are not feasible and terms are bullshit. Redo everything and the email should be there exactly in half an hour".

Ria chuckled and said, "I doubt anyone will work for you when you are in this Demon King mode". Ren's mood took a 180 degree shift and he didn't say anything in return. Only their breaths were heard. Ria said after few minutes of silence, "At least you are working for real".

Ren's temper shot high as he asked back in an irritated tone, "What do you mean by that?" Ria understood what she said and immediately replied in an apologetic tone, "I didn't mean it like that. I thought you were avoiding me. Sorry, If I said anything wrong".

Ren let out a frustrated sigh as he said in a little bit gentle voice, "Don't apologize for everything. What are the kids doing?" Ria smiled and said, "They are running around the lounge and they had dinner. What about you? When are you coming?"

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Ren was silent for few minutes, Ria asked, "Ren? Are you there?" Ren replied in a distant voice, "Hmmmm... I don't know, it will be late. You eat and go to bed with little ones". Ria asked sheepishly, "I will wait for you, Tell me the time".

Ren said in a bit angry tone, "It will be around mid night Ria, don't wait for me". Ria replied in a half convinced tone, "Okay. See you later". Ren replied with a "Hmmm".

Ria replayed the conversation again and again in her mind while standing still near the windows. She looked at her mobile phone which was in her hand, it was around 12:30 am. She waited for another hour but Ren never came and his mobile number was out of service. She carried her two marshmallows and walked out.

To her surprise Peggy was waiting for her in her new office. She didn't ask anything, she is not in the mood to talk to anyone either. Her BP is raising thinking about Ren, she pursed her lips to a thin line. Peggy assisted her and then the four left the office.

Peggy dropped them in Kozhaksi Mansion and she left. Ria took a quick shower and changed into a long t shirt. Then she changed her the little marshmallows clothes and laid beside them. She couldn't sleep but she tried to sleep by closing her eyes.

Around 3 o clock in the morning, Ren came home. He took a shower and changed into shorts. He kissed the little ones forehead and reluctantly kissed Ria's forehead. As soon as Ria felt his weight sunk on other side, she opened her eye and stared at the dark room. To Ria's surprise she dozed off soon and so does Ren.

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